Katie struggled with sleep, despite being wrapped in Aiden's arms. She was concerned that his association with her would cause more problems than just CPS showing up to take Gage away. She was afraid that his job would fire him for his involvement with her. As a result, It was four o'clock before she finally drifted off to sleep. Only to be assaulted by memories of her last few weeks in solitary.


She stirred at the sounds of her morning guard banging on her cell door. She opened her eyes to see the burly, manly looking woman standing in the open door way with a smirk on her face. Her name was Ranger. She was about six feet tall, with broad shoulders, a large neck, a wide square jaw with deep set dark eyes, scruffy brows, and thick hands like a man. Katie sometimes wondered if she had been a body builder before she became a prison guard because she seemed to have the strength of a man too.

"Shower time." Ranger sang, as she leered at her.