Chapter 9: Remember Your Past, Forget Their Future Part 1

… …

… …

This… …

This can’t be happening.

… …

My mind was frozen in place, a lot like my body, as I stood above her… …

… … She wasn’t dead. There was no way.

The announcement hadn’t come on yet… … There was still hope that she was perfectly fine… …

“A-Aka?” The words choked out of my throat, as I took a single step closer to her, before I was interrupted by the unpleasant sound of the Loudspeakers.

… …

‘Please no.’

“Attention all contestants!” They rung out, with an extremely cheerful sound in their voice, “A body has been found!”

My heart stopped for a moment, and my breathing quickened.

‘Maybe someone else found another body, maybe-’

“Please meet quickly in the room previously owned by Ceáser Bálad so the investigation may begin!”

… …

My whole body started shaking.

My whole world was crumbling.

Aka Nishinzu… … She was dead.

And understanding that fact caused my brain to shut itself down as I collapsed onto the floor.