Chapter 9: Remember Your Past, Forget Their Future Part 2

Liam turned her head to the side to investigate the back of her head, as Urkstin and I waited patiently for his discoveries.

Do you see anythin’?” I asked, avoiding looking into her eyes.

“I do. It seems as though she was attacked from behind, and suffered a sizable injury to the back of her skull.” Liam explained to us, before putting her head back, “I do not believe it was enough to kill her though, though I could always be wrong.”

“Do you think it was enough to explain those drag marks?” Urkstin asked back, pointing down to a small trail of blood leading from just in front of the entrance to her body.

“There is potential for that to be the case, yes.” Liam replied, backing away from her bloodied skull, “They must have dragged her body over here in order to bind her to the shackle.”