Chapter 4

I woke up with a smile dancing on my lips. I have no Idea why but I was just happy.

Maybe its cuz Nick took you home two nights in a row..

Nah, that's not why.

Yes it is.

I hate my innerself so much. She's always in my head trying to contradict me. And mostly cause shes always right.

I dresed in one of my black shorts which by the way made me derriere look really big and paired it with a white shirt and a royal blue blazer. I twirled around in the mirror and admired myself. I looked so sexy.

Don't be cocky bitch. Again.

I hope Nick likes it. I mean I really pulled out the outfit well.

Tammy was still asleep so I made her breakfast and left her a note on the fridge as usual and left for work.

During the week I've worked with Nick, I've become quite close to Tasha and Susan. They usually help out when I'm assigned a task I have no idea about. When I got in, I shared my good mood with them and soon left them 'cause I didn't want to enter Nick's office late.

I approached his door and knocked and got in when he told me too.

"Good morning Mr.DeMorgane. How was your night?" I asked cheerfully hoping he would reply and surprisingly, he looked up from his laptop!

Finally! Did the world just stop or is he finally looking at me? And his eyes raked over my body and I couldn't help but blush.

He smirked and replied "Guess you had a good night?"

"Actually I did, so how was yours?" I said still smiling.

"Well,I slept pretty well." He said still smirking.

He looked especially handsome this morning. And I loved how he smirked at me. It's so sexy.

I was about speaking again when a blonde headed girl burst into the room. Rude much? Pretty girl with no manners at all. She looked at me up with a look of pure disgust. What the hell? I didn't take my gaze off her as I stared at her from head to toe aswell. I was about an inch taller than her even with her heels. She walked right over to Nick and kissed him.


And he kissed her back! Right in front of me. Helloo ? I'm still standing here!

Whoever she was, I already didn't like her. I hated her even more when she moaned and pulled his hair.

Oh my God. I can't even screen my anger. And jealousy.

This scene is so awkward and clearing my throat probably made it worse. Both heads turned to me and I could clearly see how irritated she was that I had interrupted them.

Well too bad bitch!

" Uh Alyssa, this is Ariane. She's my PA and Harry's cousin" Nick spoke up first. "Ariane, Alyssa." He continued after licking his lucious lips.

He licked his lips! Meaning he enjoyed the kiss! God dammit!

And she was looking at me up and down like I was the one who came in uninvited. I raised my perfectly carved eyebrows at her and my gaze was unflinching.

" I'd just be in my office Mr.DeMorgane." I said still looking at her before turning on my heel to leave.

Back at my office I kept pacing up and down. What the hell is wrong with Harry? How could he send me to a man that has a trail of women following him!? And that Alyssa, She's looking at me like I stole her man! Well not yet bitch, I'll do just that !

Ughhh , when did I get this hostile and envious?

Nick DeMorgane made me this way.

I sat down and tried to concentrate on my work. I was able to do that until 1:30 when I remembered we had a meeting at J.X Cooperation. I walked to his office and knocked and I didn't get an answer. I knocked again and decided to just get in.

The view before me was enough to strike off the deal I had with Harry and just rot in jail for days and days unending.

Alyssa was straddling Nick and her blouse was almost taken off from her body. Nick's hair looked like she'd been running her fingers through it. His suit jacket was off and his shirt was unbuttoned. I could see his muscles and he had lipstick stains all over his neck and chest.

The nerve of this girl! And they didn't even notice my presence.

I cleared my throat again and this time I met with Alyssa's furious look.

" What the fuck is wrong with you? Can't you see we're busy? Go get something else to do and leave us alone!" she yelled in that high pitched voice of hers. It was so annoying. She turned to look at Nick who also looked quite upset. He didn't even say anything!

" Seriously Nicholas? Who's this lady? Does she not know the rules around here? And she doesn't even fit into your working etiquette! Why are you still standing here? Shoo! Go away." she said still looking at me up and down.

" I'm sorry but that's not possible. This is a multi-million dollar company and we have real work to do like the meeting we have with J.X Cooperation in a few minutes. I had no idea reminding my boss about our work excludes me from his working etiquette. Anyways, I'd appreciate if our meeting isnt rescheduled." I said , my words laced with pure venom and disgust. I looked at Nick for comprehension and she looked utterly shocked that I could talk to her that way.

I almost laughed at her shocked face.

" Who the hell do you think you are talking to me like that? Nicholas, desyour PA have no respect? Whoever raised you sure forgot to teach you manners!" she yelled.

She did not just say that. My anger was at a maximum when she said that. Tammy did an amzing job raising me and I wont hesitate to pour scorching coffee all over this bitch if she says that again.

Control Ari!

I just rolled my eyes at her and turned to Nick .

" Mr DeMorgane, our meeting is in 10 minutes. I spent hours trying to fix it." I said hopefully.

" Cancel it." He said in a monotone and if I had water in my mouth, I'd choke on it right now and die.

Did he just say that? I don't think so. I'm being paranoid again. Right?

"Excuse me?" I said hoping he said that just in my head.

" Are you deaf or just plain stupid? He said cancel it and get your silly ass outta here!" Alyssa interrupted again. I swear I will rip those fake extensions off her head and make her chew it!

" Cancel it Ariane." He said more seriously.

I cant believe it! He's actually telling me to cancel it.

"But Mr-" I trailed off

"I don't give a flying fuck if you took a whole year to fix the appointment. Use another year to reschedule it then. I've told you to cancel it and I mean every damn word!" he said raising his voice and glaring at me in a sinister way.

My eyes flooded with anger but I cant let this blonde bitch see that. She smirked and I looked at Nick and he was looking elsewhere with his hands caressing Alyssa's back.

" Fine." I said and left the room. They could continue fucking if they wanted to!

I couldn't bear it. I finished doing all my work and left the company without letting him know.

My day was just ruined!

Nick's POV

Ariane is such a tease! This blue dress hides nothing and I can clearly see her black lace panties.

I want to rip it into pieces and have my way with her. Right on this desk.


I wanted to help her get the files when I noticed her struggling but my oh my. The sight I was seeing was amazing but my friend down there is getting really uncomfortable. I cursed silently.

I couldn't take my eyes off her. I felt my gaze stuck on her. Like I was in a trance.

Fuck! I'm getting really sappy now.

She looked so beautiful. Her hair was cascading down her back beautifully and her eyebrows were scrunched up when she couldn't get it.

She turned and saw me staring at her and I could see her cheeks turn beetroot red.

She looked adorable.

I did not say that. I definitely didn't say something that corny.

"...Shut up" she suddenly said. I hate it. I hate being told to shut up, makes me feel small and silly . Belittles me and absolutely detest it.

" Excuse me?" I asked her not hiding my annoyance before covering it up when I noticed she was talking to her self.

She blushed even more and I almost laughed at the way she struggled for an explanation to her weird behavior.

I stood still. Waiting for her to come back with the chair she said she'd get. I don't know what I'm still doing here.

Either fortunately or unfortunately she was able to get the files that were quite a lot. Her small hands couldn't carry all that .

Should I help her? Nah, I don't think so.

I said to myself but I was already walking ahead to help her anyway. She was clumsy enough to slip and most of the files fell on the floor. I think she hurt her ankle as well.

I instinctively put my arms around her slim waist and steadied her. I pulled her close to my chest and she dropped the rest of the files in her hand and held unto me.

She fit perfectly against My hardcore self. She's so soft I'm scared I might hurt her with my strong body.

I couldn't stop staring at her. She had gorgeous blue eyes. Or was it green?

I dunno I'm not good with colors.

Blue-green then. It's like looking into the ocean. Mesmerizing. Peaceful. Beautiful.

Her chest was pressed against mine. I could feel it. Her nipples hardened under my touch and she kept on blushing.

Her watermelon scent took over my nostrils and I watched as she unconsciously bit her pink seashell lips and I wondered if it'd taste the same when I bite it too.


I was tempted to remove my hands from her slim and slender waist and take it to her ass and grope it. Hard.

Why am I always thinking like a caveman around her? Jesus.

She pulled away blushing. She picked up all the files while I went to my seat to control myself.

What's happening to me? She's just there. In my head. In my office. Everywhere. Goddamn!

She stacked them neatly on my desk and said she was leaving. Couldn't she stay longer? Maybe she has a boyfriend to see. Or a lover maybe?

That thought is unsettling.

"...aren't you leaving too?...." she asked me .

It's still 6 and I don't usually leave till 7 pm.

Just this once.

She took her stuff and left and still. Still. Can't. Stop. Looking . At . Her. Ass.

I did a few last minute things and packed up. I sent Parker away earlier so I'll drive myself this night.

I got into my BMW in the parking lot and started the engine.

I wonder if she got home safe.

Stop. Stop Nick ! She's not your fucking wife!

I drove out of the parking lot and there she was standing in front of the building.

She was rubbing her arms cause of the cold

Drive away.

" Get in." I ordered. I don't usually ask people things. I just tell them straight up.

She tried to say no. That surely pissed me off. No isn't an answer for me.

I repeated myself and she reluctantly got in. Does she not want to sit in the same car as me?

We drove in silence and then I suddenly asked if she likes her office. I hope she did and she said thanks. Wow.

She said 'Thank you'. It's been a while since I heard that from a woman.

It really shocked me.

They just usually take and act like it's a normal thing. But she's different.

She didn't notice we had stopped at her house.

Is this where she lives? It's so...

" ... thanks for thé ride.."

You don't want to know what I'm thinking Ariane. You really don't.

I smirked anyway and told her goodnight and I drove off as soon as she left.

I got home in half an hour and took a shower.

I wanted to text her and tell her not to forget to put ice on her ankle but I realized I didn't have her number .

I'll just ask her for it tomorrow. I said to myself quietly.

I finished up some work in my office and made plans for the investor I'm meeting tomorrow.

I went to bed and woke up with a jolt.The brunette of my dreams, the usual dream. But This dream was different though.

I definitely saw a different brunette in this one...


Next day,DeeMorganes Restaurant.

The nerve of these men ogling Ariane!

This damn waiter is so lucky I didn't pluck off his damn eyes.

And there she was, oblivious to the attention she's getting. She was smiling at the waiter but she can't even give me a smile willingly.

Am I jealous of a waiter?

Get your shit together Nicholas. You just need a good lay. That's it.

She's so naïve, it's cute. She didn't notice it's my restaurant. I just smiled inwardly, she genuinely looked confused when I fired the waiter.

I looked up from my seat to see a blonde headed man openly staring at her.

Keep calm Nick, What's got your panties in a twist? She's not your girl.

Right. She's not yours so what does It matter? I don't care.

" that chick is so hot, I'd so do her." He said to his friend licking his lips.

Not my damn business. I could feel my anger rising by the second.

" she'd look gorgeous sprawled on my bed in all her naked glory after I have my way with her." He added and I snapped.

I'll fucking kill these assholes. Do they think she's a whore?

Fucking shit!

I didn't realize I was clenching my fists until she put her warm and soft hands on mine .

My knuckles were turning white and she turned and looked in his direction. He winked! He fucking winked!

He's virtually eye-raping her! I'll pluck his eyes and he'll have them for dinner.

".... do you know each other?" She asked trying to unclench my fists.

I couldn't answer 'cause the investor came. I wouldn't have anyway .

Why? Cause I have no idea what I'd say.

I'm not usually speechless so what the hell is happening to me?

The meeting started and she was as efficient as possible. Our food was brought and I watched as she ate with gusto.

Why didn't she say she was hungry?

I would have ordered earlier. She was so oblivious to her surroundings when she was eating and didn't even notice me looking at her.

" What do you think Mr.DeMorgane?" William said making my mind return to my focus.

Damn. She makes me lose my focus.

I bargained with him for a while and he ended up agreeing to my conditions. I have that effect on my business partners. We concluded and he left .

Just after putting away some files, she said she was leaving and I offered to take her home. As usual she tried to say no and argue with me.

I detest when someone defies me. I get really angry and Ariane is no exception. For some reason I don't want her to see me angry so I concealed it a little.

A little.

I'm taking her home and there's nothing she has nothing to say about that. She finally gave up and we got into the car.

I didn't let her say her address 'cause I beat her to it. I can't believe I even remember it..

We drove in enjoyable silence. With other women, it's always this designer or that jeweler and no thank you whatsoever.

But she's different.

Definitely different especially when she gave me a 50$ bill for the lunch.

I was utterly shocked.

I own the damn restaurant, can't she remember that?

"'re so stubborn.." She said and if I thought the 50$ bill in her hand shocked me this made me even more surprised.

Did she just call me stubborn? And I let her? I should really fire her.

But you won't cause you like her.

No. I don't.

Sure. Whatever you say Nicholas.

She opened my hands and put the money in it and left.



I glanced at my watch , Alyssa would be here in 25 minutes. She just wasn't going to back down with the fact that I didn't fly to Vegas with her . I knew she was furious.

Well I'm a CEO, I have to keep my damn company on top and not fly to Vegas to see some stupid show.

I wouldn't hear the end of it if I told her that.

I got a knock on my door and knew it was Ariane. She got in and I held my breath. Mentally eye-raping her, I noticed her boobs looked bigger than usual in that white shirt and those black shorts.

Yes, I admit. I look at her boobs all the time.

Sometimes I wonder if they're looking at me or I'm looking at them.

And her face. Goddammit,Ariane was angelic. Those beautiful eyes, her small but perfectly carved rosy lips and her pointed nose. Her features were really adorable and sexy. Not forgetting her long eyelashes. She'd look so gorgeous blinking them .

She's everything Alyssa wasn't .

She seemed in a good mood and it was quite contagious. I wonder what made her so happy. Maybe a night with her boyfriend?

Not my damn business.

I shared her good mood and we spoke about her night just before Alyssa barged in. She looked at Ariane and I just didn't want to imagine what was going through her blonde head.

Typical Alyssa.

Without expecting anything, Alyssa walked right to me and kissed me. I was so used to her kisses that I kissed back, Forgetting Ariane was still here. Then Ariane cleared her throat and I returned back to reality. Out of embarrassment, I did a formal introduction and when she Excused herself and left, I realized how stupid I am.

It was Alyssa's turn to clear her throat and I knew what was coming my way.

" Uh who's that?" She immediately fired.

" I just said she's my PA. Harry's cousin. What else do you want to hear?" I asked irritated and uncomfortable.

Alyssa usually taps her leg when she's mad and right now she's doing it on my lap. And well, I'm a man and my friend is getting excited.

"Is that how she's supposed to dress? And why can't she work with Harry? And how come I didn't know about this 'cousin' of his?"

Damn woman, so many questions In a millisecond and to think she's shaking even more right now.

" Alyssa, you don't expect me to question Harry on his family relations. You know we share the same opinion about family working together and can you just - just sit still" I said really uncomfortable.

" I don't like her." She said.

And I don't like thanksgiving but I guess we have to just deal with it.

Alyssa usually gets insecure when she sees another female in my life. I have no idea why.

" If it makes you feel any better, you're prettier than her.."

Yeah, and pigs fly.

Alyssa was pretty alright but Ariane's just... perfect?

Yeah adorably perfect. Those beautiful eyes and rosy lips that I'd love to...

"Nicholas I'm talking to you! What the hell?" she interrupted my perverse thoughts.

Dammit! I have a girlfriend but I can't stop thinking about another woman.

No more arguing, so I just kissed her hard and rough. And she kissed back with more fervor.

Hmm, she got feisty. I didn't notice when my jacket hit the floor or when my buttons flew open. I know I kept kissing her all over to get my mind off the brunette across my office. I ripped her blouse open and kept kissing her all everywhere and she kept shaking on my lap dammit! I can't , I just can't...

I heard someone clear her throat.

Ariane seemed really disgusted.

And Alyssa was livid and started throwing her bitch-fit.

Surprisingly, Ariane talked back in a calm and professional tone not hiding her annoyance.

Good girl.

"....J.X coopération..." Ariane mentioned and I just remembered i had an appointment in a few.

Dammit Alyssa! Wrong timing! And I can't let her down twice this week.

I won't hear the end of it so I'll be forced to reschedule.

" Cancel it Ariane." I told her grudgingly.

I bet she'd be so upset 'cause she spent hours fixing it. But I can't embarrass Alyssa like this in front of her. So I had to tell her straight up in a cold tone that I can't attend the meeting. To say the least, she was shocked.

" Fine." She said and left.

I couldn't even keep my ass off her ass.


But the hurtful look that flashed on her face was worse than a slap across my face. Why did she have that kind of effect on me?

She made me feel bad and I hate it.

However, I just had to satisfy Alyssa. Once I had my way with her, she hurried off for promising me another good time.

I just remembered I had to get some files for the financial economist so I called Ariane's office.

No response.

What the hell? I called again and still no response.

I glanced at the digital clock. 5:12 pm. Why didn't she inform me she was leaving ? I didn't like that she disobeyed one of my rules.

I guess I have to get it myself then. I sighed and walked into her office. Her feminine scent greeted me as soon as I got in and her office was neatly arranged. No stray file poking out.

I opened the drawers searching for the files and I didn't find it. I opened the top drawer on the left and I was shocked.

The drawer was overflowing with all sorts of candies. I let out a full blown chuckle. My anger at her leaving without letting me know dissipated easily.

She was so ... childish? Adorable?

Adorably childish. Cute too.

I took a sticky note on her desk and wrote a small note and put it on the 50$ bill she gave me and slipped it into her drawer. I closed it and found the files in the next drawer.

Shutting her door, I made my way back to my office with a smile on my lips .

Ariane oh Ariane.

Thank you Harry King.
