Chapter 5

Does he think that blonde bitch is better than me? Yeah right! Wait till he sees me with this sexy white dress. I kinda called Harry and told him that I needed a sexy white dress and he had the stylist pick out the most beautiful white dresses and send them to my house.

Thankfully Tammy did not see it or I would have a ton of questions to answer. She was healing and the pains werent as bad as they used to be.

I picked out a white straight skirt and a matching white crop top. The skirt was short but not too short for work and ended just below my knee. The crop top showed just a little of my flat toned stomach when matched with skirt.

I looked professional but still sexy.

I did slight makeup and left a few curls out of my hair and the rest in my normal pony tail.

I made breakfast for tammy and left a small note for her since she was still asleep. and quickly left for the office .

I was still mad from yesterday but I just concealed it infront of Tasha and Susan.

"How's your husband Susan? I hope he's feeling okay now." I asked her. Her husband had amoebic dysentry a few days ago.

" He's okay honey. He feels a lot better especially after the doct...." She trailed off and stopped talking. She was looking at something behind me and her eyes widened a little.


Not something, Someone!

Nick DeMorgane.

I shivered slightly. His name did bring shivers down my spine. It sounded so intimidating, powerful and sexy.

"My office. Now." He said in a cold pitch and enered his office.

Who's he talking to? Huh ! I turned to Susan and she nodded at me signaling that it was me he was talking to.

I saw the fury in his eyes when I looked up at him.

Is he mad? If he is then I'm royally pissed!

" Go on. You don't want to make him madder than he aready is. You don't want to get on his worse side." She said and I just nodded.

" I'll see you at lunch then" I said and she smiled at me as I turned on my heel and got into his office.

He was leaning on his desk with his hands folded and his legs crossed. His eyes boldly raked over me and I saw him lick his lips and I inwardly smiled 'cause my plan worked!

He looked so handsome in that pose. Almost like he was posing for Vogue. Damn!

"Firstly, you left without letting me know yesterday. What if I had another task fo you? Secondly, you're 47 minutes and 13 seconds late to work! That's almost and hour late! I told you hate lateness!"... he said as he looked at his Timex watch " And thirdly, instead of getting yor pretty curvy ass to work, you're chatting away during my working hours! This is a multimillion dollar company. I don't appreciate my workers slacking!" He snarled as he looked at me menacingly. During his rant, I hadnt noticed how he had walked closer to me.

I just ignored the heat that rushed up to my cheeks when he said my ass is pretty. And curvy too? And scowled at him. Is he really pulling the 'multimillion dollar' card? Like I was the one sucking face with my partner yesterday during work or threw away a multimillion dollar just 'cause I was screwing my partner!

" Well firstly sir, You obviously had your hands full yesterday and I definitely didn't want to interrupt both of you again. Secondly, you called off the appointment we had yesterday and left me doing nothing at work! And thirdly, I was just trying to be nice to the old lady across the room! Maybe you should try that sometimes!" I mummered the last part hoping he didn't hear and bit my lip at the sudden confidence.

He suddenly moved closer to me and I backed away

"Excuse me? Control that mouth of yours! I'm still your boss." he said as he kept coming closer until I hit the wall. I felt caged and his fresh minty masculine scent engulfed my nostrils.

I couldn't help but stare at his eyes. They're so beautiful. His hand came up and removed some hair that fell in my face. He kept on staring at me as if memorizing every detail. His eyes then shifted from mine to my lips which were still in between my teeth.

I instictively licked my lips and he copied the action as his eyes darkened. He used his index finger to remove my bottom lip from my teeth.

And then he backed away.

Disappointment surged through me.

What just happened?

His face returned to the cold one he had before and I could bet my whole face was red.

" It's your job and you have to deal with it" he said again.

What are we talking about again? I think his handsomeness made me forget...

The way his thumb touched my lip....

Right ! the meeting ...

" well I definitely dealt with the meeting you opted out of yesterday.." I said in a composed manner.

" How was it?" He said running his hands through his hair and looking apologetic.

Don't drool. Don't drool.

" Oh so now you're intrested? " I let out a meaning less chuckle. Funny how he couldn't spare me a glance yesterday but he's suddenly concerned about it today.

I noticed him flaring his nose and his knuckles whitening.

"Ariane, can you quit arguing already?" he said in a dangerously low voice." Were you able to reschedule?" he added when I just turned away and didn't answer.

Did he just freaking ask me that?

I think I voiced out that thought because of the way he sighed in exasperation.

"Ariane! Be serious goddamit! You keep turning around in circles here!"

" I got him to email the documents and details instead. I'll send them to you right now." I said turning on my heel and leaving suddenly tired of arguing with him. I knew he was staring but I didn't care.

Maybe just a little but still..

Once I got into my office, I slammed the door and sat in my seat. I opened my drawer and took out as many candies as possible and stuffed them in my mouth incessantly.

"Who does he think he is?" I asked out loud." He's so annoying."

That's because he's so handsome.

"What does that have to do with anything? And he's not - fine, he's handsome but does that give him the right to be a jerk?" I answered my mind. Ughhh!

That doesn't stop you from liking him does it?..

"I don't like him." I can't like someone like him. He's rude and authoritative and domineering and a man whore. Its just business anyway.

Yeah you do.

" I said I don't!" Am I really talking to myself? I'm getting mad and it's all because of that guy across me.

Whatever you say...

"Ughhhh!" I exclaimed and put more candies in my mouth. I oped my laptop and sent the mail to Nick immediately and checked my other mails.

At noon, I closed my laptop and was about to leave when y ffice phone rang.

"Hello?" I said to the person on the other line.

"Get me a melt sandwich from Ruby's across the street. Use the black card in your top drawer."

"But I was.." I trailed off knowing it was pointless arguing with him. I had to go for lunch with susan today.

" Yes sir." I said finally.

I opened the top drawer of my cupboard (where I kept my favorite candy) and I noticed the sleek black card in it.

Oh my God! Nick saw my candy collection!

When did I not see when he entered my office?

I also saw a a sticky note with a fifty dollar bill attached to it.

I always pay when we go out.


It read and I just looked at it longer admiring his penmanship. I smiled at it and remembered when I forced my 50$ bill in his hand 2 days ago.

I kept the money in my wallet and took the card and headed to Ruby's. As soon as I got in I saw susan already having her lunch and immediately got mad again. He made me miss my lunch with Suzie! Ugh

" I'm so sorry Suzie! I got ..."

" Ah that's okay Arianna. You worry too much. Relax okay? " she said smiling.

I guess she's right. I do worry a lot, from Tammy to Harry, to Nick.

I need a chill pill.

I smiled at her and went over to get his sandwich. But because of my clumsiness, I bumped into someone and spilled their milkshake all over.

" Oh my God, I'm so sorry!" I said apologetically.

" It's alright. It clearly wasn't intentional" he said as he looked up at me. He had dirty blonde hair and brown eyes like Nick but not as beautiful as his.

Why on earth am I comparing him to Nick ?

" I'm Cedric." He said flashing me a smile.

" I'm Arianna. And it really wasn't. I'm so sorry. I'm realy clumsy at times" I said smiling too and trying to wipe his shirt with tissue paper I had grabbed from a table.

" Don't fret pretty girl." He said grabbing the tissue from me." Are you new here? I haven't seen you around here before."

" Well, this is my first time here." I told him.

" No wonder, I would have noticed such a pretty face. Well, it was nice meeting you and I hope we can see each other again. I have to get back to work now." He said looking at his watch.

" Bye pretty girl." He added

" Bye Cedric." I said and watched him leave.

He seems like a nice guy, I said to myself as I ordered for his melt sandwich.

I paid and left the shop wit Suzie.

As I entered Nick's office, he immediately looked up from his work and stared at me

"What took you so long?" he fired immediately.

" The queue was long." I lied simply and he just looked at me blankly.

" Did you order for yourself ?"

"No I'm not hungry."I lied . What is it with all the questions? As soon as I said that my stomach made a sound.

Ugh! How embarrassing !

"Really?" he asked seemingly amused and I really don't see the joke.

"Yes. Can I leave now?"

"Your lying." He stated as he leaned back on his chair.

" I'm not lying!" I exclaimed suddenly getting angry. I don't even know why I'm mad when I am lying.

" I heard what's going on in your stomach..." he stated and my mouth opened and shut in embarassment.

" No snarky remark this time huh?" he asked amusingly. He stared at me waiting for a remark and I said nothing.

" Sit down Ariane." He said when he noticed I didn't talk.

" Sir, I have a lot of work to do and appointments to ..."

" Ariane just quit being so stubborn and sit down." He said calmly but I noticed he was getting impatient.

I just sat down to avoid arguing with him for the second time today.

"Here." He said giving me half of his sandwich on a napkin. " And before you argue, I'm not letting you work on an empty stomach. That'll make you start sleeping and you cant be sleeping at work can you?" he asked just cutting my response.

" Thank you" I said taking a bite of the sandwich. As soon as I tasted it, that's when I realised how hungry I was. It tasted so good! Oh my God, I think I'm somewhere close to heaven.

I savored the sandwich and when I opened my eyes, I saw Nick looking at me with a small smile on his face.

He had'nt even touched his sandwich. Was he watching e the whole time?

Um, Creepy!

"Um do you mind?" I asked blushing profusely.

"Please, don't stop eating on my account. Go on" he said still with that smile.

I blushed again but ate anyway. The food was so good.

We both ate in silence and when he was done, I cleared the table and trashed the paper napkins.

I went downstairs to print some documents and when I came back, Nick was gone.

Strange ! He's normally a workaholic, he never leaves before 6 and its still 4 pm. Maybe he was rushing to be with Alyssa again.

I don't care what he does with his time and with whom he spends it with.

I said to myself as I grabbed my things to leave.

Today has been one hell of a day!

As soon as I stepped out of the building, I got a call from the devil himself.

"M-Mr King ?" I asked as I picked up the phone.

There was shuffling at the other end of the line before he finally cleared his throat and spoke up.

" I need to discuss something with you. Come to my office now." He said flatly and hung up!

Ughhhhhh! Just more to add on my plate.

I quickly sent Tammy a text telling her I'd be home late and didn't wait for her reply. She clearly had her suspicions but I wasn't whoring around

I took a cab to Harry's office and got into the building not even bothering to talk to the same old rude receptionist. I went directly to his office and was about to knock when I saw a girl come out with her lipstick smudged and her blouse wrinkled.


If I thought Nick and Alyssa were disgusting, I was clearly wrong. I walked passed her and into his office and noticed him buttoning his shirt.

He turned around and looked at me and I saw his eyes widen.

"Holy.." he muttered under his breath as he raked his eyes over my body over and over again.

I actually felt really uncomfortable under his gaze unlike Nick's. I looked at my outfit and tried to cover up any revealing parts.

I cleared my throat and he looked away and walked to his desk.

While Nick had no shame when he was staring, Harry actually did because of the way he looked when I cleared my throat.

His office was big and cool, not as big as Nick's but still very spacious.

What the hell! Why do I keep comparing them? Stop Ari!

" What did you need the white dress for?" he asked still looking out of it.

" Um..I-I wanted to.." It felt awkward telling him I wanted to seduce his best friend 'cause he made me angry.

It is kinda your job to seduce him though.

Shutup inner self.

"Whatever, I called to tell you that you're really wasting my time. I don't like waiting if you haven't noticed. And so I'm giving some more time but make sure the job is done."

I suddenly got really angry. Like its so easy to make a guy way out of your league to fall inlove with you!

" It's not easy! I can't get him to fall inlove with me in days! Like I've said; love takes time. And didn't you think it was neccesary to tell me he had a girlfriend? And maybe a trail of girls behind him aswell? " I was fuming already.

" He's just fucking Alyssa. He doesn't like her but you, you have to make him like you then you do it. Break his heart." he said as he left his position and stood infront of me and looked into my eyes.

Harry was handsome alright. Tall, lean and rich but there was something missing when I looked into his eyes.

Maybe love? 'Cause all I could see was anger and hatred.

" Um, uh ..t-there's lipstick on your neck." I said awkwardly breaking the boring silence.

He didn't pull away but kept on staring at me as he handed me a hankie.

What for? I wondered and my eyebrows were probably creased.

Oh! He wants me to clean it!

You sure assimulate slowly..

I took it from him and reached up to clean it. I cleaned the whole thing off and gave it back to him with our hands slighty touching.

Nothing. No spark. No electricity like Nick.

Just cold hands now. Bleh .

I stepped away." I should leave now." I said already uncomfortable.

"Yeah.Yeah, you should." He said looking the same way he did when he first saw me.

I quickly rushed out of the building and went home.

Finally, I'll get to see my bed again!


To my dearest GHOST READERS, I am so sorry for not updating plus also wattpad messed up my account and i just got it back. Also, i've been busy and y'all are not encouraging me with your lack of comments and votes. Anyways. Hopefully I'll update later today again and maybe tommorow. No promises though

Is Harry not just ?

Oh my G God

I hope you like this..