Chapter 6

Nick's POV

"Jerk! Asshole!" I said to myself once Ariane left. I fucked up. Really bad.

What was I thinking letting Alyssa come to work and going all into her?

And to think Ariane was just a room away.

I picked up my phone and called Susan.

" Susan, book a flight for two to Italy ." I told her

"Are you sure about this?" She asked concerned.

Susan was like a mother figure in my life . She's been working here since my dad was CEO and I trust her completely.

I know I was making the right decision. I just do.

" Yes. Tell Taylor to get the jet ready by then"

"Okay sir." She said and I hung up before she convinces me to change my mind.

My mind drifted back to Ariane. Fuck! She looked sexy when she gets mad. I should probably infuriate her more.

And that sexy white outfit. For goodness sake! Her hips were portrayed clearly like a piece of art.

And she was so tempting biting her lip like that. It was like, like she was seducing me. And it's working , without her even trying.

When my finger touched her lip , I was so tempted to kiss the living daylights out of her. Why didn't I though? Maybe I'd be able to get her out of my goddamn mind.

Don't get me started on her ass. My friend was already exited enough.

Jesus! Control your thoughts Nicholas!

I just need a good lay. That's it.

I walked to 'our' washroom and tried to compose myself. For fuck's sake ! I don't know what prompted Vin Kroffman to make a joint washroom. I just had to deal with it until the major changes are made.

Her sweet watermelon smell invaded the whole place.


No no no!

I was about leaving the washroom when I was done with my business when I heard her talking to someone on the phone.

"... and fine-he's handsome but does that give him the right to be a jerk?..." she seemed mad.

What the fuck? Who's this guy and why is he making her mad.

" I don't like him" she said a little angrier and it seemed she was eating and talking at the same time 'cause of the way she said it.

Why the hell are you even thinking of the fucker? She shouldn't be thinking of guys during work.

Except her boss, of course.

I have no idea where the hell that came from. But I know that I made the right decision to bring her go Italy. I don't like that some guy made her mad.

She's not your girl..

My inner self rung in my head. I left the washroom to answer a call from Harry.

" 'Sup bro?" He said as soon as I picked up.

I relaxed a little. Harry was my best friend since we were in diapers. He knows me best and I trust him completely. It felt good talking to him.

" Nothing much man. How's work?"

" Good Good. Want to hang out? Drink some beer, smoke some weed and bang some pretty girls. You know? The usual at club 69."

I laughed and accepted but I wasn't interested in any girls tonight. And weed isn't my thing, usually only Harry does that.

" I'll see you tonight at Club 69 then." I said and hung up.

I got back to work and finished up a few deals. It was 12 noon and I was getting hungry. I called Ariane and told her to get me my usual order from the usual place across the street.

Of course , she wanted to argue but she finally gave up and left anyway.

I went back to my work. She should be here by now, it doesn't take 5 fucking minutes to get a damn sandwich.

"What's taking her so long?" I said out loud looking at my watch.

Maybe the queue is long..

10 fucking minutes..

This is sure as hell taking longer than it should be. I waited 5 more minutes and was about to send Parker to check on her when she walked through the door.

Sexy as ever, might I add.

Like I predicted, the queue was long but I sensed something about the way she said it.

"did you order for yourself ?" I asked her after.

" No. I'm not hungry."

Soon after I heard her stomach grumble.Ah ha! I just caught her, she's lying!

Well she seemed even madder when I told her she was lying.

It kinda amused me instead of infuriating me like it usually does.

I told her to sit down ( and she did after arguing with me) and shared my sandwich into two.

I don't want her working on an empty stomach . It's not healthy and plus she might end up sleeping at work.

Also, you care about her.

Shut the fuck up.

She finally agreed and took a bite out of the sandwich.

" Hmm..." She moaned and closed her eyes.

I could just imagine her making that sound when I ...

For fuck's sake! Does she now how hard I am just 'cause of that sound ?

She kept on eating heartily and she seemingly enjoyed the food.

I was suddenly hungry. Not exactly for food..

My stomach grumbled to prove me wrong.

Maybe just a little hungry for food..

I ate my sandwich and she disposed of the dishes.

When she bent over to take my napkin on which I ate on, my eyes grew out of their sockets.

Her boobs were definitely a site to see.

Makes me wonder how they'd look bare in my hands or in my mouth or....

No no no. I need to get out of here. I might just die of frustration if I keep on seeing her in that white outfit .

You have a girlfriend!

I left in a hurry and went home and took a cold shower.

This is the beginning of many many many cold showers..

Arianna's POV

I picked up my phone and called my long time childhood friend.

" Oh My God! Arianna Rodstein still exists!" Melanie chirped on the other line. " Finally!" She added

" I'm sorry Mel! I know I've been a bad friend ." I said sincerely. " And I've missed you so much."

" Of course you did bitch! Everyone does. How have you been?" She said and I sighed in relief . At least she wasn't that mad

" I've been good. How have you been ?" I fired back .

"I'd be better if we hung out tonight. How about club 69? And don't try saying no cuz you owe me for ditching me for a whole month ma'am!" She said just when I was about to say no.

I guess I can leave my comfort zone for a bit tonight..

" Sounds like a deal." I said enthusiastically. " See you there." I said and she squealed.

" Yess! Make sure you look sexy as hell ! It's always fun teasing guys with your fat ass." She laughed and we hung up.

I quickly got ready. I curled my hair to make it bouncy and shiny . I did mild makeup with a dark red shade of lipstick to make my full lips look more irresistible. I picked a short jumpsuit that was backless and paired it with strapped heels.

I looked pretty sexy.

I quickly told Tammy that I was leaving with Mel and left instantly knowing Mel doesn't like waiting.

As soon as I got to the club, I saw Mel outside in a skin tight extremely short gown that showed her not so visible hips.

"Ahhhh!!!" She screamed as soon as she saw me and threw herself on me.

" Ariiii!! Oh my God! I missed you so much" she said after screaming .

" Oh so now you admit it huh?" I said with a smug smile.

"Shut up! And you look fine as hell ! Oh my God, those guys will be all over you!!" She said excitedly.

I blushed a little " You too! You're so beautiful." I said truthfully.

Melanie was very beautiful. She was pretty tall with long and sexy legs. Every guys dream girl.

" Yay! We both look great! Now let's get in and have fuuun!" She giggled as she pulled me in.

The club was full and music was so loud. The song currently playing was 'Pills and Automobiles' by Chris Brown. Men groping half naked girls, some people making out, teenagers laughing at older guys who clearly wanted just one thing from them .

How did they even get in here?

Mel pulled me the bar and started flirting with the bartender . " I'm Kristy and this is my friend Candy." She said with a smile .

I almost laughed but I knew that would blow our cover so I smiled at the man sweetly.

"Candy huh? Sounds yummy. Must be yummy in bed too" the man said literally raping me with his eyes.


" Ohh she definitely is." Mel, I mean Kristy - whatever said and I looked at her wide eyed.

How could they be talking about my inexistent sex life right in front of me.

" My friend is a little tipsy and she blurts out anything that comes to her head in that state. Can you get us some vodka?" I asked the bartender cooly.

The guy just winked and turned to get the drinks. Mel leaned closer and whispered "he totally got the hots for me." We laughed and drank up.

We finished drinking and went to the dance floor and started dancing. Mel kept on flirting with every guy that came her way while I politely declined and kept on dancing.

" Oh My Fucking God! That is the most handsome specie I have ever seen! Look at them Ari!" She said and pointed at two guys. To my greatest surprise , it was Nick and Harry.

No way!

" God sûre took a long time making them! I'm definitely having one of them in me tonight ! Maybe both?" She said excitedly

" Uhh, Mel I think we should head home now.." I really didn't want to bump into either of them tonight. It'd be really weird and awkward.

" What? No! Why?" She asked surprised why I was suddenly eager to go home. " I just told you I want one of them in me and you want us to go..."

" That's my boss and his friend." I interrupted her stupid rant.

"What? You know Nick 'the hunk' DeMorgane and Harry King?" She asked with her eyes narrowing.

" Why the hell didn't you tell me? You're so introducing me to them ." She said as she pulled me towards them .

No no no! This isn't happening! Oh my God! I hate you Melanie!!

I just found myself looking like a lost cat in front of Nick and Harry.

" Fuck.." I heard Harry mutter as soon as his eyes landed on me and my body but quickly composed himself and acted like a caring cousin.

" What are you doing here?" He asked in a brotherly way.

Liar. Asshole. Jerk.

" Um, um - uh I -I just wanted to hang out with Melanie here. But we were just leaving..." I trailed off

" Uh no we're not , as a matter of fact we just started partying. Care to join?" She said after giving me a glare and looked at the guys charmingly.

I dared to look at Nick and he was already staring. I don't think he stopped looking at me since he saw me. I could always feel his eyes on my body and he always raked his eyes shamelessly. We stared at each other for maybe the longest time with his eyes going down to my chest once in a while.

" Okay Ari, enough with the eye-fuck already." Mel nudged and whispered (not really) and I finally tore my gaze away from him.

" Shut up." I said and blushed profusely.

Ugh Melanie!!!!

" I didn't think I'd bump into you tonight." He said calmly and then he smiled.

His smile is so lovely .

" I'll go get you girls some drinks." He said and left and Harry immediately signaled that I should follow him.

Hell no. I'm not throwing myself at him. No way .

" Mel , how about we go somewhere private?" Harry said and Mel didn't even hesitate and it didn't take a genius to know what he was doing.

Mel immediately gave me two thumbs up and left with Harry.

So now I'm stranded! Ughh!!

" Where's your friend?" Nick asked as he walked up to me with two bottles of beer. " I didn't know what to get you so I hope this is okay."

" Yeah , it's fine . Thank you. Mel left with Harry." I said taking the beer from him and taking a sip .

He seemed happy that Harry had left and signaled that we go up to the rooftop for more privacy as well.

The feel of his hands on my bare back! It was electrifying as always.

It was quite airy and I could see the rest of New York from there.

"I didn't peg you to be a party girl." He started. " But then again, I met you in Illusion , my favorite club."

" Well, it's just a once in a while thing. I just missed my friend a lot and wanted to hang out with her for a bit." I told him smiling.

This Nick is definitely better than the Nick at work.

" I must say, I'm quite surprised to see you here as well. You're such a workaholic. You're kinda obsessed with work ." I said and he laughed .

Oh my God, he laughed ! It was such a beautiful sound and he looked so handsome.


" My whole life isn't centered around work Ariane. I have a social life , that's exactly why I'm here." He said smiling charmingly at me.

Mel was right; God did take a long time making him. Geesh!

His eyes trailed over my body again and then he looked at my face.

" You look good tonight."He said losing the smile he had on and his eyes visibly darkened. " Really good." He added soon after.

I'm sure I'm as red as a tomato!

" T-Thank you." I said looking down and rubbing my arms. It was getting a little cold.

" You cold?" He asked as he watched the action.

" Not really." I said still shy from his compliment.

I suddenly felt him behind me placing his jacket on my shoulders and touching me slightly.

That feeling again!

His smell was so intoxicating. I don't think I'll ever get it out of my nostrils.

I turned and saw him already staring at me.

" Thank you. You didn't have to but thanks ." I said looking into his eyes and I watched as his eyes wandered from my eyes to nose and finally landed on my lips. He licked his lips and I instinctively licked mine.

Is he going to kiss me? I'd like him to.

What? It's my job to seduce him..

" Yeah, your welcome." He said as he looked back into my eyes. " We should go find Mel and Harry." He added and backed away.

Disappointed again..

"Uh, yeah we should. She's my ride home anyway and it's getting late." I told him.

" I could drive you home." He offered

" Thanks." I said immediately accepting the offer. I just wanted more time with him.

I'm happy that at least , I'm getting somewhere with him but Is my heart following too?

Don't betray me dear heart! I count on you!

I said inwardly as he held my hand and we walked through the crowd looking for Mel and Harry.
