Chapter 7

Last night was the worst night ever!

Oh my God.

Everything was going on so smoothly but guess what? That bitch had to show up!

Alyssa! Alyssa bitch! Bitch Alyssa! Alysbitch! Bitchlyss!


Just when we couldn't find Mel and Harry , Nick decided to drive me home since it was getting late. We had such a good time and he was really nice and spoke to me in a non-professional way. Like we had been friends forever.

We were just about stepping out of the club when Alyssa (the bitch) got in and kissed him right in front of me.


And guess what? The idiot kissed her back!


It was like a replay of everything that happened that day in his office but much worse.

It hurt. I didn't want to admit but I was seething with jealousy.

I cleared my throat and he looked at me apologetically.

"You." She said looking at me the same way she did the last time and of course, I did the same thing.

"Uh.." He trailed off and I understood completely that she was his priority and obviously not me.

" Goodnight Mr. DeMorgane." I said mockingly trying to hide my anger and hurt.

I walked out of the club with his jacket still on me and called an Uber.

"Ariane wait!" I heard him call from behind me but I was fast enough and got away from him.

I turned around and saw how Alyssa had a look of annoyance on her face. She pulled him and wrapped her arms around his neck and dragged him back into the club.

Ughh! I hate this!!!

My Uber came soon after and I quickly got in and took off .

And to think I have to face him this morning.

I did my usual routine and left food for Tammy and took off for work. Luckily I didn't have a hangover but I had a mild headache and I wasn't ready for anything today.

I was in a sour mood the whole morning and Tasha seemed to notice but tried not to question it.

It was like I was on my period.

I got into my office and sat down trying to sort out everything I had to do for today.

I started mailing and drafting documents till I heard my door open.

"Can't you knock?" I said still looking at my computer before lifting my head .

Great! The jerk of the year!

Did I also mention he looked strikingly handsome? My breath hitched a little.

I'm probably gonna hear the scolding of the year.. "I'm still your boss.." "watch your mouth.." "..don't defy me.." , "how dare you talk to me like that.." bla bla bla.

Well today, I don't care.

And apparently he didn't either. That actually shocked me. He just took a seat on one of the chairs and folded his arms.

My office looked too small for his tall and huge self. And his gaze was so intimidating unlike the one yesterday that was soft and charming . He looked very handsome in his expensive suit.

His eyes never left mine as he sat down.

I looked at him too and he didn't flinch or blink.

Is this a staring competition? How old is he? 8 years old?

" Actually I'm 28 but that's not why I'm here." He said giving me a small smile

Oops! I said that out loud. Stupid Ari!

" Aren't you going to say something? You always have a retort but you're unusually silent today."

Get the hint! I'm not in the mood so just leave !

Your amazing scent is filling my nostrils so just go!

" What do you need Mr. DeMorgane?" I asked after inhaling a long breath.

" Your still supposed to see me before you come to your office. Why didn't you?" He said losing the small smile that played on his lips.

"Can I help you sir?" I said ignoring his previous statement.

" We're leaving for Italy in two days." He deadpanned.

"What do you mean we are leaving for Italy in two days?" I almost yelled. Okay I yelled.

"Oh so now you're talking? And can you stop yelling? You're distracting my employees!" He countered back angrily.

" I can't." I told him more quietly.

"Why not?" He asked with his eyebrows scrunched up to form a frown on his pretty face .

Not now Ari.

"Because I just can't . You cannot just come in here and tell me we're going somewhere in two days without even asking if I had plans or not." I told him raising my eyebrow in annoyance.

The nerve of this guy!

Also, I can't leave Tammy. She needs my help. I won't ditch my sister for some stupid business trip.

" Well do you?" I could clearly see how angry and impatient he was getting with this conversation.

" Yes, I do." I said with a straight face.

Really? You do? Do they include sleeping all day and watching 2 broke girls?

Shut up.

" With?" He continued

"Um, with- with my boyfriend. We're celebrating our anniversary so I can't go." I said trying to look as honest as possible.

Why the hell did you say that? You're supposed to seduce him not send him away!

Omg I know that! It just came out!

" Cancel them." He said looking even angrier if that was possible.

" Excuse me? I won't do that! Go to Italy alone or take your girlfriend with you." I said standing up from my seat and looking at him.

He stood up too and towered over me and I moved back a little. His nose flared and he took my chin in his hands and looked me in the eyes .

" Listen to me Ariane. My patience is a very thin line right now and you won't like it if I lose it! I'm not asking you , I'm informing you so that you get your bags ready before then. You always seem to forget who's the boss here. I make the rules and you have to follow them." He said in a dangerously low voice that sent shivers down my spine. His minty breath was fanning my face as he kept on talking to me and wouldn't say I didn't like it.

I reluctantly pulled my face away and looked at him straight in the face. " Rules are meant to be broken Mr DeMorgane and this is one I'm not obeying." I said defiantly.

"This isn't up for debate Miss Rodstein. I'm your employer and you do as I say." He said sternly. Oh so now he's calling me 'miss Rodstein' . Jerk!

"And I'm your employee! But I'm not going to." Why am I being so stubborn?

Maybe cause he ditched me last night for Alyssa! Again!

"You're coming and it's final. Even if I have to carry you kicking and screaming . Your my PA and I need you there. End of story." He said and left my office before I could say anything.


I took out my candies and starting munching on them . I easily calmed down a little.

Just a little .

He's so annoying! And irritating and infuriating and controlling, demanding , confusing, handsome , sexy, attractive.


Then he called me.

" My stylist will send clothes to your apartment for the trip. Pick anything you want." He said and hung up before I could argue.

He's bluffing. He can't just send clothes to me like that.

Yeah. He's bluffing.


He wasn't bluffing! The jerk was serious. He did send me clothes. A lot of clothes. I got home to see Tammy tapping her feet impatiently in her wheelchair. I wondered what was wrong until she spoke and I realized what it was all about.

"How was your day?" I asked her and she didn't reply . She just gave me a murderous glare and kept on tapping her feet .

" I knew my suspicions were right. You are whoring yourself. Ari, I really expected more from you but you made me look like I wasted my time raising you ." She said soon after.

Okay that hurt. It really stung hearing those words come out of her mouth. She kept on saying the most horrible things and I was so shocked.

" What do you mean? I told you I'm not!" I fired back.

She let out a meaningless chuckle and looked at me " Oh so you expect me to believe that? Can you explain the expensive white dresses in your closet? With price tags still on them! They cost more than our appartement and you expect me to believe you? I'm not stupid."

"Uh...." I stuttered and couldn't speak and remained planted where I was standing.

" Oh,cat got your tongue bitch?" My mouth went wide open. Did she just call me what I think she did?

" And to top it all, you just had designers bring you a ton of clothes to change your wardrobe. Wow Ari, I didn't think it would come to this. Tell me where you are getting the money from? Tell me!" She screamed and I stomped over to my room to see what she was talking about.

I opened my room and saw about 3 racks of clothes everywhere. It couldn't even see my bed! So many shoe boxes everywhere that I couldn't even walk without kicking one on my way. The nerve of that jerk ! He really did this! I can't believe it. I'm going to kill him.

Tammy rolled her wheelchair to my room and continued talking " Why do you look so surprised? Pretend not to know where this is from. Now tell me Arianna, where is this attitude from? I thought you had a decent job that could pay our rents and our bills but this ? This is too much. No boss is that generous unless you're doing something more than just working. It doesn't work like that in this world . I know you're trying to meet ends but this isn't the way. I am so utterly disappointed in you!" She said looking teary-eyed.

" No no. That's my line; I'm disappointed in you. I just wanted one thing; that you believed in me but I guess your mind is already made up." I said as the tears kept on flowing down my cheeks.


"Leave." I told her quietly. " Leave me alone!" I yelled and she rolled out of my room and slammed the door loudly.

I fell on my bed and cried so hard. I opened my favorite candies and ate them trying to ease the pain.

I can't believe she doesn't believe me. I'm doing all this for her and no one else. I kept on crying and eating until a message beeped on my phone.

Did you get the clothes? ~N

How did he even get my number? I didn't reply him and I continued eating to ease my growing anger.

5 minutes later

Did you like them?

How dare he? I looked at the message and still didn't respond. I have to admit that the clothes looked beautiful but I'm not into fancy things.

Why aren't you replying ? I know your up.

How would he know? He isn't spying on me is he? Or are there cameras in here?

You're getting paranoid Arianna.

I still didn't reply. I took my phone and put it on silent and turned it over as I hugged the sheets tighter to me.

5 minutes..

I couldn't help but reach out for my phone to see if he messaged again.

4 new messages

Ariane! Answer me dammit!

Fine. Have it your way. Goodnight.

Don't come to work tomorrow. I won't be needing you.

I'll pick you up at 7am on Sunday for our flight.

I kept on reading his messages and I fell asleep soon after.

The next day, I didn't leave my room. It hurt so much looking at her face so I sulked in all day and cried some more. I hated fighting with Tammy . She was my best friend and my sister.

My mind soon drifted off too him again. Oh my God he's always there! I just can't seem to get him out. But I'm mad right now. Really mad at him 'cause of this stupid stunt he pulled just to prove a point. And because of that, i fell out with my sister .

I wonder how I'll cope with him on this trip . How long will we be anyway? I can't stay away from Tammy for more than a week. She will need my help . Even though she hurt me badly, I'd always care for her and in due time , I'll tell her the reason behind all this but for now, I'll just let it be.

I got up and went to my closet and started shoving things into my Samsonite suitcase. I'm not taking his stupid clothes. I went up to the racks and one particular dress caught my eye. It was beautiful.

Well, why not ?

I quickly added it to my jumbled suitcase and closed it.

This will be one hell of a trip.
