Chapter 8

Nicks's POV

I drove off to Ariane's house and sent her quick message

I'm outside.

She's not going to reply. Obviously. I read through our chat and saw our previous messages. Did I say our? I mean my because she didn't answer any of them. I was talking to myself the whole time. It made me insanely mad but I realized that I had no reason to be. She had the right to be pissed because of what happened 2 nights ago.

I feel stupid . I realized I always feel stupid when it comes to her. I really didn't mean to kiss Alyssa back in front of her. She just.. just knows my weak point and how to push my buttons and make me crawl at her feet.

Ariane looked hurt again and I didn't even get the chance to take her home or hold her hand again.

The night was going on perfectly well, she looked insanely sexy and I couldn't take my eyes off her. And when our skin came in contact, it was like a burn. No woman ever had that effect on me.

Of course except her. But it wasn't as intense as this. I didn't want to let go of her hand and I wasn't planning to. I was more than happy when we couldn't find Harry and her weird friend.

In fact, I wasn't even looking.

I would have taken her home if Alyssa didn't show up and it's still my fault 'cause I said yes when she wanted to tag along.


I had to send Parker to see if she arrived safely.

Thén to top it all, the impromptu trip to Italy spoiling her plans with her boyfriend.

So she has a boyfriend ! I'm glad he won't have her this week! He was probably the one making my Ariane mad.

My Ariane? Where is that from?

I was snapped out of my reverie when I saw her approaching the car with her suitcase. She was wearing black jeans and a black long stop. She was putting on a baseball jacket that looked quite big on her and a little too manly.

Maybe it's her stupid boyfriend's.

It made me mad as hell. Thinking about her with some guy.

Why? You have a girlfriend!

Thanks for the constant reminder.

She still looked hot anyway. I mean her hips were on display and her boobs were..

I won't finish that sentence.

But her face wasn't as bright as it used to be. She looked pretty sad and her eyes were puffy.

Maybe it's 'cause I ruined her stupid anniversary. Well I'm glad I did , I don't want some asshole ogling her like I'm doing now.

I definitely made the right decision. This trip will make up for this shitty week we've had. I'll make it up to her.

I took her luggage and placed it in the car and we got in.

I waited for her usual 'good morning Mr. DeMorgane' but she was silent. I actually liked the way she said my name. Makes it sound sweeter and sexy.

She was staring into space the whole time and didn't say anything. I got the hint . She wanted a quiet ride.

" Good morning." I said trying to break the tension. We were driving to the airport and the silence was getting irritating.

No response.

" Had a good weekend?" I asked again.

Still no response. What are you thinking asshole? You ruined her anniversary you idiot!

" The flight will be about 12 hours, 20 minutes approximately 13 hours. We can stop and have breakfast if you didn't have any."

She ignored me again.

I'm very pissed.

"Ariane talk to me dammit! I hate the silent treatment! Yell at me, Argue! Hell you can even punch me but please just fucking talk! You ignored my text messages and now you're ignoring me! I fucking hate it!" I fired as I abruptly pulled us over on the road.

She looked startled as she looked at me for a few seconds before turning her face back to the window.

God , I feel like punishing her right now! I want to kiss her till she begs for more. Spank her ass hard! Fuck!

" Fine!" I said as I started the engine again and drove as fast as possible. She didn't seem fazed by my speed and I increased it. I was so mad.

We got to the airport in less than 15 minutes and in a few minutes more we were boarding my private jet. Taylor and some Italian guy named Pietro greeted us and I made a formal intro making them know that Ariane is my friend and not my PA.

Why the hell did Taylor hire this Italian guy? To translate or what?

He knows I'm half Italian! And I know Italy like the back of my fucking palms.

Whatever ..

As we were about ascending the stairs, Ariane stiffened and she looked scared.

" Is something wrong?" I asked her worriedly.

She looked up at me with those mesmerizing eyes and just shook her head. She suddenly walked in confidently sashaying her hips.


I got in after her and she took her seat by the window while I was by her. She put on her seatbelt and closed her window.

« Welcome on board Mr and Mrs DeMorgane. Please fasten your seatbelts, we're about to take off. »

My co-pilot ,Roman said . I saw her visibly stiffen when he implied that we were married. I guess Taylor didn't tell him our relationship.

Relationship ? What's our relationship ?

Mr and Mrs DeMorgane. Ariane DeMorgane.

I like it.

Holy shit! Did I just think of marriage ? What's happening to me? I need a strong drink. I was so consumed in my thoughts about her that I didn't réalise we were taking off already.

I looked at Ariane and her eyes were shut tight and she as holding tightly onto the armrest. She looked really scared. I understand she was afraid of takeoffs.

" It's okay. You'll be alright, I'm here for you." I said taking her hand and she looked at me. Finally!

" When I was younger, I was scared too but my mom told me to man up or she'd tell everyone at my school that I peed my pants . I wanted to be cool y'know? That would definitely ruin my reputation." I told her an embarrassing story of me and she laughed . She has a really funny way of laughing . Almost like she was wheezing and sneezing at the same time.

But it was cute. I liked it. Wasn't fake like those other girl's.

" See, you did it. We're in the sky now" I told her and she opened her window a little and saw it. She faces me and she smiled.

" Thank you Mr. DeMorgane." She said smiling.

" How about Nick? Let's stick to Nick for now."

" Okay. Thanks Nick."

" Anytime Ariane. The flight is quite long and we'll stop in Barcelona for fuel. If you need anything just let me know okay?" I told her.

I just wanted to hold her hand forever. It was so warm and soft.

I think she noticed we were still holding hands and quickly removed them from mine. She blushed and I just smiled at her.

She's adorable. I'm already missing the warmth.

Stop it Nick!

I pulled out my laptop and started working while asking Ariane once in a while for her opinion. She was really smart and her ideas were genius. I should promote her.

" Ariane did you see the mail Graham sent?" I asked her.

No response.

Fuck no! I hope she's not about to start ignoring me again. Everything was goin on great.

You sound whiny and desperate Nicholas.

Shut the fuck up.

"Ariane?" I said again

Still no answer.

I looked up from my laptop and noticed her dozing off already.

She looked so cute. I quietly shut her laptop and took off her seatbelt when her phone started ringing. I picked up her bag and searched for her phone.

6 missed calls~ Tammy❤️

I turned off her phone so it doesn't wake her up. She looked so peaceful sleeping and I couldn't disturb her. I picked her up bridal style and carried her to the bedroom

She stirred and inched her self closer to my chest. I could feel her warm breath on my body and I loved it.

For a girl with a such big fat ass, I expected her to weigh a ton but she was light like a feather .

Maybe she doesn't eat much.

I'll make sure she eats a lot during this trip.

I carried her into the room and I couldn't help but think : She's perfect in my arms.

I placed her gently on the bed and she snuggled onto the sheets immediately.

I just couldn't stop looking at her. Fuck! She's beautiful. Her ridiculously long eyelashes and her perfectly shaped lips that were a little bit open. Even her nose was perfect. Is that a tiny nose ring? It's almost invisible if you're not staring at her like I am. I was so tempted to kiss her.


I removed the stray hair strand that was on her head and I just had to. I just had to kiss her forehead. My lips lingered for a few seconds before I pulled away. I noticed her chest move up and down as she breathed.

She'd freak out if she found herself in here alone. I should probably work in here. I went out to get my laptop when I saw that her bag had fallen down and some of the things were on the floor.

Girlish things ; lipgloss, lipstick,

What the fuck is the difference?

Makeup, nail polish, and ..

I'm not calling that thing. It's fucking disgusting.

And a diary.

Curiosity killed the cat.

Too bad I'm a goddamn lion.

I opened it and read the first page.

Hello! I don't know why you have my diary so keep it back! Anywaysss, My name is Arianna Rodstein. I'm twelve years old and my best friend is my sister Tamara! I live with her and I love her very much.

We always watch 2broke girls together and we don't keep secrets

I looooove singing and my favorite color is royal blue because Tammy said...

Royal blue huh?

12 year old Ariane is the sweetest thing ever and I found myself smiling at her childishness.

I took out my phone and called the Italian guy renovating my house.

"cambia il colore della stanza tra la mia e il blu reale" I told him in Italian and hung up immediately.

I picked up the rest of the things on the floor and placed the bag on the seat.

" Mr DeMorgane, we're about landing in Barcelona. Fasten your seatbelts." Taylor announced and I sat down waiting for us to land.

" We have landed in Barcelona, Spain Mr. DeMorgane." He said and I unfastened my seatbelt.

Ariane is still asleep so I'll just go get us some coffee .

My phone suddenly beeped indicating that I had a message.

1 new message

Nicky! Don't forget my souvenir from Barcelona this time or I'll never forgive you. I'm serious this time Love you!


I definitely spoilt my sister too much . She's so bratty and the 'rents keep blaming me. I entered the gift shop and got her a bracelet and a necklace. I know she'll like it. She's obsessed with jewelry and girls like this shit right ?

I left the gift shop with bags in my hands. My bodyguard took them form me while I got us coffee with our names on the cups.

Hers said Ariane with a heart and mine said Nick with a smiley face.

I got back into the plane and Ariane was still sleeping. I can't believe it. She was snoring!

Fuck it was cute. Like who thinks snoring is cute? But Ariane was so peaceful. I didn't réalise I had fallen asleep until Taylor's voice woke me up and she stirred.

Fuck I wish she was naked and wearing just my shirt. It would be fucking hot.

" You're up." I said " You been sleeping for a while now"

She yawned and stretched up before remembering I was here and blushed . " I'm sorry" She said still blushing . Her shirt rose up and I stared at her toned stomach.

I smiled at her after licking my lips " Its alright, no need to apologize. We're landing in 30 minutes . Get ready" I told her . Then she gave me look that made me know I had to leave .

I walked out and noticed the blue diary on the floor. Shit! How could I forget? I quickly put it in my suitcase knowing she would walk out any minute.

And she did.

That was close. I composed my self and we took our seats and buckled up.

She looked the same way she did when we were about to take off .

" And whenever we're about landing, I got scared again but my mom took my hands.." I said as I took her hands in mine " and she'd kiss my fingers.." I kissed her fingers and her breath hitched .. " just like this" I said as I realized we had landed safely. My lips lingered on her fingers a little longer before I pulled away.

" There there. You did again. I told you you could do it ." I said and she looked at me and smiled.

Beautiful. Beautiful smile.

" Thank you for everything Nick. Really." She said genuinely.

" Like I said : anytime." Anything for you Ariane.

I didn't just say that. I'm losing my fucking mind. Ain't no doubt about that.

" So are we in Barcelona yet?" She asked as we stepped out of the jet into the Airport Fiumicino Airport in Rome, Italy. She sounded excited.

" Uh, no.. we're already in Italy." I answered her and saw how her excited look died.

" Oh.. okay." She said quietly.

Dammit! Did she want to see Barcelona? She was sleeping so peacefully, I couldn't wake her. I'll take her there some other time.

Mental note to self: Take Ariane to Barcelona.

" You were still asleep when we got to Barcelona. I didn't want to wake you up. But I got you something.."

I said nervously remembering the gift I got for Ariane while at the gift shop.

I just had to get her something but I didn't know what. So I settled for a gold colored band that said 'Barcelona' and a watching cap that had a 'B' on it.

I got one for myself too. I took her hand and placed the band on it. I put the cap on her head and straightened her hair.

She looked gorgeous. Even in the simplest things..

" Oh my God Nick! I love it! Thank you so much!" She squealed and jumped on me hugging me. I wrapped my hands around her soft body and pulled her closer to me.

I sweet watermelon scent is so intoxicating, I just want to kiss her neck. I was tempted to let my hands wander to her ass but I restrained my perverse mind.

She pulled back and blushed profusely. " Uh, S-Sorry"

Fucking shit! I need her back in my arms!

" It's uh, it's fine ." I said trying to regain composure.

" The car is ready Mr DeMorgane." Pietro said in his prominent accent and I saw how Ariane looked away from me and faced him with a small smile on her face.

I didn't like it. Not all.

" Yes, take us to the car now." I said sternly .

" Oh but Nick, I didn't book a hotel." Ariane said apologetically.

" Don't worry, we won't be staying at a hotel. We'll be at a little bungalow I have here." I told her and she smiled and nodded and kept on.

I got a call from Graham and had to take it immediately.

" Pietro take her to the car, I'll be there in a minute."

I answered that call and quickly walked up to see Ariane and Pietro cozying up to each other . She had a bright smile on her face.

What was so funny ? She was smiling at him so freely when she had a hard time doing that with me?

Shit! I'm not jealous of my damn employee.

" I don't pay you to crack fucking jokes so better get to work if you still want this job." I said dangerously.

" Y-yes Sir." He said nervously and I smirked at the change in mood. Ariane looked confused but I didn't want to explain anything.

We got into the car and drove in silence . Not awkward silence like the last time. This time , it was quite comfortable.

This trip better be amazing..


So yeah , I updated again.

This chap is dedicated to the people that always comment and keep me going

Much much love for y'all .

Nick is just goals

I dunno when I'll update again. But make sure to share!


Oh and here's what Nick said in English "change the room across mine to royal blue"