Chapter 14

Nick's POV

Just one kiss. Just one kiss and I thought I'd be able to get her out of my head.

I clearly thought wrong.

Now the only thing I can think of is her in my bed, bathroom, kitchen, office, parking lot..Everywhere.

I was honestly shocked when she didn't let me take her upstairs to continue what we started.

Isn't that it with women ? A kiss and then sex. Well that's how it happens for me and my women.

But she's kinda different. I don't know why but she is.

I mistakenly let it slip that it wasn't a business trip. Fuck, she got mad and as stupid as I am I said really mean things to her. I didn't mean it. Any of them. It just got me riled up that she noticed I was jealous.

Fuck. I can't believe I even got jealous. We were supposed to make breakfast together this morning. But she skipped it to talk to her stupid boyfriend. Fucking piece of shit.

But the feel of her lips on mine, Goddamn I loved it. Soft seashell lips against my chapped ones. She didn't kiss back at first and I almost begged her to.

I would beg her to.

Her soft body pressed against my hard core sent my mind into a frenzy. When she finally kissed back, that was it. I devoured her. I like it rough and hard and that's exactly what I gave her. Fuck she tasted good. Like my favorite dessert. I could kiss her all day. It took everything in me not to let my hands wander especially to her amazing ass.

Just thinking about her right now is making me hard.

I've never felt like this about any girl. Not even her. And definitely not Alyssa.

Shit. Alyssa.

I forgot I had a girlfriend.

Yeah, she makes me forget I even have a girlfriend.

I'm a jerk, asshole, prick and everything else but not a cheat. How could I forget?

I should end things with Alyssa..

I picked up my phone but decided against it. I should do it in person. I'll talk to her when I get back. I must have found a concrete reason to end our relationship by then.

After we kissed, I got a conference call I couldn't ditch so I had to leave. I told her to go to the pool or to the spa or something and she declined and decided to bask in the sun instead while reading a book. Those little shorts she was wearing left little to my imagination.

4 hours later and the meeting was adjourned. I came out of my office and saw her sleeping on the couch in the living room with a book on her chest.

I wish I was that book.

I wouldn't be sleeping though. I'd be devouring,ravishing, eating, sucking..

Snap out of it Nicholas.

I gingerly took the book and placed it on the table by her and kissed her forehead. She's so gorgeous, it's almost surreal. I took out my phone and took a dozen pictures of her. I scrolled through and looked at the pictures of us when we went site seeing. She looked really happy and for the first time in a while , I did too.

I decided to go to the gym. I worked out and honestly I was thinking about her the whole time.

I was hard. Very.


By the time I lunch time swung around, I was done and heading down hoping to see her but she wasn't anywhere there.

" Where's Ariane ?" I asked Selina .

" Oh, she answered a phone call and went upstairs."

My nose flared . She's still talking to that prick? Even after our kiss? Does it not mean anything to her?

" Go tell her lunch is ready and she should be here now. " I gritted out angrily and Selina didn't flinch.

She's used to this side of me. She's lived with us for more than 30 years.

"She already had lunch and said she wants no disturbing"

She still doesn't know how to construct proper phrases in English. But an A for effort.

" Why did she have lunch without me? I told you we always eat together ." I snapped and she flinched. I immediately regretted it.

I sucked in a breath and looked at her.

" I'm -I'm sorry Selina. I know it's not your fault. I'm just in a sour mood." I said and she was shocked.

I almost laughed at her face. I'd be shocked too. I've never apologized to anyone and I already did it twice today. I don't know what's goin on with me.

"Ancora?"(Again?) She said asking me to repeat and I snorted.

"No no Selina. Mai più." I said smiling ( No no Selina. Never again.)

"Va bene per te. Guarda! stai sorridendo anche ora." ( She's good for you. Look! You're even smiling now.) she said and I lost the smile at once and she smiled.

" I'm going to eat now Selina." I told her and she nodded and I left.

I didn't want her giving me more reasons to want Ariane. I already wanted her badly. Selina's approval didn't really matter.


She's obviously avoiding me. I remember how distant she seemed whenever I wanted to touch her or talk to her. Her cheeks immediately became red and she avoided my eyes.

I found it fucking cute but I didn't know why she was avoiding me. Didn't she like the kiss? I don't care If she didn't but I will kiss her again.

I got a call from Harry and lifted it immediately.

" Bro."

" Bro. Wassup?" He said and I could hear some shuffling on the other line.

" Nothing much hm. You with some chick?" I asked him and he groaned.

" Fuck. I made a huge mistake 2 nights ago man, you don't want to make the same one."

" What happened?"

" I smashed a virgin. And now she can't let me be. I told her it was a 'one night thing' but she keeps running back and fuck does she have some great tits. Couldn't resist. But she's clingy as hell . I should write her a check or something.." he complained and I laughed so hard

" This isn't funny man. She's so gummy, I didn't even think it was possible."

" How come you didn't know she's a virgin?" I asked him. He always knew. I don't know how he did but he knew.

" She didn't look like one you know? She looked so slutty and she was really bold"

" Virgins have a look now?" I said laughing again.

" Yeah. Like when you first kiss them, they get really shy after and start blushing and all that shit. They try to avoid you and avoid looking at your eyes ..." he kept on saying and I stopped listening when he said that. That's exactly what happened with Ariane.

Could she be a virgin?

Nah, I don't think so. She has a boyfriend and she's beautiful as fuck.

But what if she is?

" You there?.."

" Yeah.. ya.yeah." I told him.

" Anyways, how's Arianna ? How is she doing? " he asked and my mind went back to her.

" She's great. Amazing actually. Very efficient and effective. Perfect."

" Hmm. Do you like her?" He asked and I almost choked.

" Uh, She's my PA?" I more of asked him. Harry gets really possessive over people he cares about . I didn't want that scene .

" Shut up. I mean do you like her? Like like -like her?" He said again and I thought for a second.

" I have a girlfriend Harry." I told him.

" You do? Oh, you mean that bimbo? Yeah you don't like her. End things with her already. Isn't she sleeping with your driver?" He said and my eyes widened .

"What?" I boomed

I didn't even get mad at that like I did when I saw Ariane talking with that prick.

" Anyways, I'm just warning you. Don't you dare hurt her or I'll cut off your goddamn balls ."

" You know you can't asshole." I teased him.

" Remember the time I cut all your hair in kindergarten ? Yeah keep thinking of that. I have more up my sleeve this time. " he said very seriously and I just laughed. He couldn't do that. And honestly, I'm way stronger than him but I wouldn't hear the end of it if I did.

" Go for her okay? But don't hurt her. I gotta go. Get this bitch outta my life for good." He said and hung up.

Harry wants me to date his cousin. When has that ever happened ? I just shrugged it off .

I remembered that I still had to give her diary. Fuck, what would she think ? I decided to read more.. I flipped over through the pages while reading what she had written.

Bla bla bla..

I like my teddy bear..I like my school.. I hate Ms Frank . I hate boys.

I wanna go for prom.. bla bla bla

I hate all these girls that keep making fun of me cuz I haven't had sex yet. I haven't seen anyone I want to lose it with ...

Woah. She is a virgin. That was the last time she ever wrote in this diary.. about 5 months ago.

Well, I'm going to stop using you dear diary. I'm kinda growing outta you. So bye bye. Love, your owner


That news shocked me. I hope she hasn't lost it yet. I wouldn't want her to lose it to her boyfriend. She should lose it to someone who cares for her..

And someone who would give her the time of her life.

Make it special. And no less mind blowing.

Like her handsome boss.

Cocky asshole.

Dinner came by quickly and I found her downstairs.

She was placing the plates on the table.

" Hey." I said and she looked up at me. Her cheeks immediately stained red. I guess have to get used to her blushing whenever she looks at me.

" Hey.."

" Dinner looks great." I told her getting the aroma of the food. Smells sooo good.

" Yeah. I hope you like it. I made it myself." She said and we sat down.

She served me and sat down by me waiting for me to eat. I took a bite out of the food and it was truly amazing.

"So? Is it good?" She asked expectantly.

" It's amazing. Where did you learn to cook like that?" I asked her licking my lips.

"My sister taught me how to ."

" Tell me about her. You seem to idolize her a lot ." I said and her smile immediately brightened. She started telling me all about her and I was barely listening. I was just watching her especially the movement of her mouth.

Just another kiss. One last time...

I thought but shook my head.

" Why are you staring at me like that?" She asked with a small smile.

" Nothing. You're just very beautiful. That's all." I told her honestly and she became beetroot red.

" By the way, there's an event tomorrow I'll be attending. Do you mind accompanying me?"

"Are-are you asking me to be..."

" Yes. I'm asking you to be my date." I confirmed her thoughts .

" Y-yes. Sure! I'd love to."

" Great. I'll call Dalynn to come do your makeup and all that girl shit. Wear something nice." I told her.

" Okay." She said nodding her head.

" Oh. And this fell out of your bag in the plane. I forgot to give it to you." I said handing her her diary.

She looked shocked and she started blushing. I chuckled. My blushing Ariane.


" Did you read it?" She asked looking at me.

I didn't think I should lie.

" Yup. You like raw tomatoes? Really?" I asked and she blushed even harder.

" I can't believe you read my diary! Don't you know it's private ?"she shrieked and I just chuckled again.

" Did you read everything?.. even - even the .."

" The last page? Yeah. I did." I completed for her.

" Oh my God! This is so embarrassing!" She said hiding her face with her hands. I got out of my seat and pulled her into my chest and removed her tiny hands from her beautiful face.

" Hey. There's nothing to be embarrassed about okay? Can I be honest? I'm really fucking happy your a virgin. But can I know how come though? You're so gorgeous" I told her sincerely.

" I-I Just n-never... ugh, can we not talk about it? Ever ? I just want to sleep right now. Good night. Thanks for the diary" she said rushing upstairs.


I did some more work and went up for bed. I just lay down for a while thinking of her. Her soft plump lips and her lovely eyes. Long brown hair that covers her face . Her amazing bod and her fat ass.

I'm already gettin hard just thinking of her now.

I tried sleeping but I couldn't. It was getting cold and I stood to close my windows that were apparently still open.

I realized it was about raining and there was a terrible storm.

I hope she's okay. I lay down on my bed and closed my eyes praying for some sleep.

She's kissing me. Damn I didn't think she could kiss like that. She's going down and I'm not going to stop her. She's kissing my..

Knock knock knock.


Stupid wet dream. I've never dreamt of anyone else except her but since Ariane came into my life, she's the only one I see in my dreams.

These days it's been getting hard. She's everywhere in my head. My thoughts keep bumping into her all the damn time.

I was interrupted from my thoughts when there was a knock on my door. So it wasn't a dream? Who the hell could be knocking at this time.

I opened the door to reveal Ariane clutching a pillow to her chest. She looked petrified.

Sexy as hell in her white nightie.

Holy Shit.

I raked my eyes over her body and finally looked into her eyes.

Her hips were on display and my eyes widened.

How is it even possible she looks this sexy? I mean she was half asleep!

" Are you okay? What's wrong?" I asked her

" Um, um can I sleep in here tonight? I-I'm scared of the l-lightening..and thunder .." She stuttered shaking.

Can I sleep in you tonight? I'm not scared , I just want you.

"Sure. Sure, come on in." I said opening the door wide open for her .

She walked in and lay on the bed and covered herself. I got in and kept a respectable distance between us.

Trust me, I didn't want to be anywhere away from her.

I decided to be a gentleman tonight.

" Thank you. I'm so sorry for disturbing you. Just it was really scary and I .."

" Shhh. Just sleep baby. We'll talk tomorrow. " I cooed

" Okay." She said and turned her back away from me.

Then another thunder stroke with lightning and she shrieked and turned to me in a split second. Her eyes were wide open and now we were only inches apart. We were breathing the same air now.

I could see her nipples.

Random observation. They looked great.

I just want to kiss her senseless.

" I'm I'm s-sorry" She started and I understood immediately.

" That's alright. Don't be scared okay? I'm right here.." I told her touching her soft hair.

I was about turning my back when she spoke.

" C-can you just hold me? Please?" She said and I almost leaped for joy .

" Anything for you Ariane." I said pulling her to my chest and she immediately wrapped her arms around me and I tangled our legs together. I kissed her head listened to her breathing. When another thunderstorm stroke and she didn't flinch, I knew she was asleep and I kissed her head again .

What are you doing to me Ariane?

That was my last thought before I went back into Ari-land.
