Chapter 15

* Mature content, read at your own risk*


Enjoy darlings❤️


Hmm he's kissing my cheek. Then his lips moved to my nose. Then to my neck.

Hmm. I love it. But why isn't he kissing me on my lips?

I want him to kiss me there!

Oh Nick !

I suddenly woke up. Oh my God, it was a dream ! I looked to my side and Nick was laying down by me twirling my hair in his hands.

How is someone this sexy in the morning ?

He looked into my eyes and smiled. God, I was lost in his eyes. He's so handsome. Even with his messy bed hair.

" Mornin' beautiful." He said huskily.

If I could swoon more.

His voice is downright sexy. Deeper than usual and the compliment made my cheeks redden.

I was about answering when I remembered I have morning breath. I quickly covered my mouth with my hand and said something along the lines of 'good morning' which was muffled because of my hand.

His forehead creased and he looked at me weirdly.