Chapter 20

***Important A/N at the bottom. Must read***

Nick's POV.

It's been 3 days since Ariane hasn't come to work.

I miss her. Terribly.

I can't even believe how much I miss her. Her smell lingers all over our washroom. And every time I get into her office, I can't help but look at how well everything is placed.

And her candy stash.

I chuckled. Isn't this creepy as fuck? Why am I smiling like a loon in her office?

I should call her. Find out about her and her sister. Maybe I should get them dinner? Surprise them with champagne and chocolate for Ariane?

Great idea.

Immediately the sound of my phone ring interrupted my reverie.

"Hello?" I answered before checking the caller.

"Thank God you answered! You've been ignoring me for 3 days!" Alyssa shrieked on the other line . I shouldn't have picked up. She's getting annoying by the second.

"Well I've been busy." I said nonchalantly.