Chapter 21

I woke up earlier than usual today. Although I didn't want to leave Tamara just yet , I couldn't lie that I was excited to go back to work. Especially after last night.

I really missed you.

Those words kept replaying in my mind since he said them .

I missed him too. So much.

I dressed in a black dress and paired it with black heels. I checked up on Tammy and gave her a kiss on her forehead with a note by her.

I grabbed my brown jacket and left for the office.

I got to the office and rushed to Suzie with my arms wide open. I had missed her as well in these 3 days. "How are you dear girl? How's your sister ? I hope you're both okay."

"We're good. Thanks Suzie. I've missed you so much! How was work without me? I bet you were bored out of this world! Right?" I said judging her a little and smiling cheekily.

She gave me a heartily laugh and it warmed my heart.. not the way Nick's did but it made me happy .