Chapter 30


The next day I woke up feeling a little better. I didn't have a pounding headache but my body still hurt a little. Nothing too serious. I remembered I hadn't called Mel or Tyler. And not even Tammy. I'll call them when Harry gets me a new phone.


I got up and brushed my teeth and took a quick shower. I picked out a cute blue skirt with a matching top and went downstairs. Hopefully I can grab breakfast before he wakes up.

On going down the stairs I heard someone curse and I could smell something burning. I walked closer to see Harry in just a white tank top and boxers.

I would swoon if it was Nick.. no doubt.

But still, that is one fine piece of ass which I'm sadly not interested in..

He was trying to turn off the fire on the cooker. He looked pissed and his ears were red.

As if sensing my presence, he turned and faced me with a blush on his cheeks. He looked at my attire and then looked away uncomfortably.