Chapter 31

After our barbecue- where I ate almost all the chicken , Harry went to Answer a phone call. When he was done and came back, he was holding a white box.

"Here, I got you a new phone. I got all the information from your old phone on it.." He said handing it over . I noticed it was the latest iPhone. I had never used a phone this expensive.

"Uhh, this is way too expensive. I can't accept it but thank you very much."

"That's what makes me so upset! You never fucking listen! It's just a gift because I broke your phone!" He yelled gritting his teeth.

" I-I— T-Thank you.." I told him with a soft voice. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Forgive me. You're the most stubborn woman I've met in all my life and trust me, I've met a fair share of stubborn women.." he said his hands raking through his hair. I just remained looking at him saying nothing. He looked away and gave me a tight smile.