
Coming home

When Izume got to the airport she was supposed to call her uncle but decided against it in order to get some fresh air. She looks around at the semi-empty airport, the only people there being her and an elderly couple. She fills her lungs with the new air and walks out of the airport to make her way to her uncle’s house.

-Izume’s perspective-

It's been so long but I still remember my way around. So many memories, the bakery I would go to when I ditched training ‘I would always get caught because I couldn’t resist their sweets’. The anime shop I've always wanted to spend my money in, but because Uncle Yagi made me buy my own clothes to teach me responsibility or something I couldn't. ‘The thrift store was my best friend, good times’, and the empty warehouse we trained in ‘it was always creepy early in the morning or late at night.’

After walking down memory lane for about twenty minutes I spot my uncle in his normal not powered up form with bags of groceries in his hands. I sneak up on him slightly laughing to myself thinking about his future reaction. I take one of the bags out of his hand, his first reaction being shock but quickly turning into delight.

I flash him a big smile. To be honest I missed him, it’s not like I dislike him only the fact that he’s a hero. “Hey uncle Yagi!” I say with an excited tone. He gives me a big hug and says “There's my favorite niece” while turning into his muscular hero form. I then hear a whole bunch of people start yelling, not even a few seconds later people start crowding around us. “OH MY GOD IT’S HEAVYWEIGHT!!” “CAN I HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPH!?” “KISS MY BABY!” because of the force of the crowd I got pushed away from uncle Yagi.

‘he’s going to be awhile’ I text him that I’ll see him at home as I walk away laughing to myself about the lady practically shoving her baby into uncle Yagi’s face.

When I'm a few blocks away from the crowd I start to hear whimpering. ‘That sounds like a dog crying.’

I look around to locate the dog in question and I see it in the opening to an alley, when I start cautiously walking towards it, it turns around and walks back through the thin concrete path. I follow the dog down the dark alley in hopes that maybe I can help it somehow.

As I walk towards the other end of the alley I hear someone screaming “DIE!!!!”, I peek around the corner not really wanting to get involved if it's a villain but still wanting to help the dog. To my surprise I find an angry looking ash blond yelling at a vending machine for getting not one but two of his drinks stuck against the glass and five little puppys on the ground cowering in fear in between the vending machine and the wall.

I start to feel anger bubble up in the pit of my stomach ‘how can you not notice adorable little puppys cowering in fear for their lives because their nap was interrupted by a frightening looking teen! Forget consequences, that's a future problem.’ “HEY DIPSHIT!!” The asshole himself turns around to look at me with fire in his eyes. “THE FUCK YOU CALL ME BITCH!” I feel my own anger rising to extreme levels when I see the puppies flinch, and to not scare them more I lower my voice. “Get away from the vending machine NOW.” His face scrunches up, probably trying to intimidate me. “DON’T TELL ME WHAT TO DO SHITTY EXTRA, I'M NOT LEAVING UNTIL I GET THE DRINKS I PAID FOR!!!”

At this point my anger is red lining and I'm a millimeter away from punching him. I take a deep breath and walk up to him, my eyes hopefully portraying just how much this guy is pissing me off. I reach him and push him out of the way, before he can react I kneel down where the puppies are. He is about to yell at me again but I interrupt him by putting my finger up. In a soft voice I say “it's ok, your safe now...that's it come on.” I watch as the puppies come closer to me, their adorable little black and brown bodies swaying as they walk.

A good thing about my power is dogs tend to trust me, although cats hate me with a burning passion. When all five puppies are in my arms I walk over to the dog that led me here, most likely their mother and place them in front of her. “Here you go.” I give the dog a closed eyed smile and feel her lick my cheek before leaving, I turn around and stalk back up to the vending machine bumping it with my elbow making the drinks fall.

“If your going to get so angry that your blind to the harm your causing than don't buy drinks from a vending machine that's famous for getting things stuck idiot!” I point to the sign on it that talks about how the glass is just slightly too close to the items inside.

I turn to face the now silent boy and he has a noticeable scowl on his face, after staring at me for a good few seconds, probably prossesing what just happened he gives me a “tch”. I don't stay longer, instead I go pick up my suitcase and the grossery bag I took from Uncle Yagi and continue my walk home.

The rest of the walk goes smoothly with no more interruptions. I walk about halfway up the driveway and take a good look at the familiar house. It's not a mansion by any means but it's still big, I simply push and walk through the solid wood door. ‘He forgot to lock the door again’ and head to the kitchen to put away the groceries I had in my hand.

Once everything is put away I go upstairs to my room. I take in all the nostalgia as I walk the same halls I did years ago to get to my room. I start to unpack my bag, opening my closet to see some of my old clothes including my old HEAVYWEIGHT onesie that uncle gave me for my fifth birthday. I laugh remembering that he said he wanted us to match.

I finish unpacking and look around, almost everything how I remember it. My queen sized bed in the far corner of the room under the window, the closet with the sliding mirror doors, the desk beside the door as soon as you walk in, the pink painted walls, and the only picture I was aloud to take out of my parents photo album on the night stand beside the bed.

The only thing different about my room was that now there’s a washroom attached to it, I don't remember that being there. I leave my room just in time to hear uncle Yagi yell “I’m home.” I run down the stairs to greet him and almost slip. “Welcome home” uncle Yagi smiles. “It’s been too long since you've welcomed me home, but don't run down stairs.” I chuckle a little bit at his concern, “oh, by the way did I always have a bathroom in my room?” He shakes his head “nope I had it installed about a month ago, I figured you would want your own bathroom, so you don't have to share with me.”

He starts walking me to the living room so we can get comfortable and talk about what happened when I went to Canada. “By the way Pup are you coming with me to monitor the entrance exams?” I flinch remembering why I came back to japan in the first place. “Yep, sounds great!” I try to sound enthusiastic but I think I let some sarcasm slip.