"You have been slain!" That's always what I hear when Rhys plays some 'whatever' games that, even though I'm wearing earphones I can still hear it.

"You coward! Turn down the volume of your cellphone. I'm reading here." i yelled to him and mess him up.

"Take off your hands, Mj!" he yelled me too while pinching my fingers.

"Stupid! You don't know how to play that game, you always die haha!" i stopped messing up him and I turned to my cellphone and looked for the messenger then called him.


"Fuck you Mj! You fool, you know im playing! Hayst." i laughed when i see his face. He looks like he will cry anytime or suffering in diarrhea.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA You always lose in that game so that's okay, Rhys. You will overcome your problem, just wait in the right time." i said while laughing.

"Cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me and your heart start to wonder~"

I stopped laughing when my cellphone rang, signaling someone calling me. When I saw who was calling I answered immediately.

"Miesha, why'd you call? Is there a problem?" i asked.

"I miss you! When are you coming home? Mom said she miss you also dad." i chuckled.

"I'll try next week if there's no patient. Say to dad and mom that i miss them too, ah."

"Okay dokie."

"Hmm, go to sleep." i end the call.

"Uwu so sweet brother." Rhys said with sweet in his tone. I want to vomit.

"Shut your mouth. I'm going to sleep."

"Tss, as if..." I did not hear what was he said because I was swallowed up by exhaustion due to fatigue.


I woke up when I felt a ray of sunshine hitting my face, I first rolled my eyes and sat on my bed to stare. I don't know why every time I wake up early I stare for a few minutes before getting up. Like, i am the only one like this? Crazy ass.

I just noticed that Rhys was not in his bed, he was already outside, i guess. I just shrugged and went to the bathroom to take a bath.

I went straight to the cafeteria to eat, when I was looking for a seat I saw Rhys eating in the corner smiling. I went to his table and put down my tray to eat there.

"Why are you smiling? You look like a idiot."

"Shut up! Im in my mood, The man involved in the car accident is just recently woke up." My eyes widened at what he said.


"It's okay haha it seems like nothing happened, he is resting in his room and I'm still observing his condition, maybe in a few weeks he can leave the hospital."

"Hmmm" i nodded and eat.

"And guess what?! He is also among the interns! "I was suddenly choked, and WHAT? he is also an intern? So he is with Tasia?

"Are you alright? You're going to die? MJ!?" he immedietly stood up and approached me.

"Fuck off. I just choked, I will not die stupid."

"Sorry, it's surprising b'coz you just heard the word 'intern' you choked that immediately." he's annoying me. Crazy.

"Stupid! I just swallowed the meat a lot, anyway what's his name?"

"Jaden Lucas Czmyth" What the hell? Lord, are you kidding me?

"The hell Mj? Second ago the pig, now the water, what happened to you?" He said while tapping my chest.

"Fuck off."

When I finished eating, I went to my office to arrange the papers of the new interns, after that, I went down looked at my patients.

When I was okay, I went to my office to arrange the papers of the new interns, after I went down I looked at my patients.

At eight o'clock, the interns arrived.

"Santos,Gonzales,Bautista,Ramos,at Castro." i said and point the big room. Inside were their lockers.

"Cruz, Dela Fuerte, Rivera, Avery dan Ford...." oh she have a brother. "...and Anatasia Ford. Inside those doors are your lockers and if you have a question don't be shy to ask the doctors.... And Dr. Ellen Marquez will guide you." i looked at Anatasia and she's talking to Avery.

When I was about to turn around to go to the elevator, someone suddenly spoke behind me.

"Have you eaten, doc Buenavista?"