"So, how many years have you been a doctor here?" while eating sandwich, we are now in the garden, it's afternoon so the sun is setting.

"3-4 years, i guess."

"Why'd you want to be a doctor?" i frowned at her question.

"What do you mean?"

"You know, doctor is hard. Always studying, lack of sleep and so on..."

"Because this what i want, this is what i love. You? Why do you want to be a doctor?"

"Same of your reason, because this is what i want and this is what i love." she smirked.

"Ow, and because i love organs haha!"


"Yes! I love organs, i love nerves, i love blood."

"You're so weird." i said.

"Cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me~"

"Cause if one day you wake up and find that you're missing me~"

I was shocked when my cell phone rang, and so did her! we have the same ringtone. We both answered the caller.

I stood up. "Rhys?"

"Mj, there's a patient coming."


"This is your first day, goodluck." i said anatasia.

"Yeah, you go first. I will call my older brother first." i nodded to her and ran inside of hospital.

"Eric Merce, 29. Severed four finger on his right hand. We already controlled the bleeding. "

"His vitals stable, gave him five morphine. Fingers?"

"Had trouble retrieving them, so we took off. Rig behind us found them. They're ice and ready."

"Ten minutes out." Anatasia said. I think she finished to his older brother.

"Continue with IV fluids and start a course of antibiotics.... Anatasia?"

"Yes doc?"

"Wait outside for the fingers." She nodded.

"Doc? Can you just please glue them on or something? Faster please."

"Your fingers are not a paper or something uh." I smirked.

"Uhh shit!"

"How did it happen?"

"Just cut by a knife while I'm cutting the carrots."

"Don't lie to me, I'm a doctor."

"The cut looks clean uh... Clean severed makes reattachment easier. If the surgery—"

"What? Surgery? That's just a finger!"

"Thats not JUST a fingers, that is your finger. Do you know how hard if you have a one finger in your right hand?"

"Uhh son of a—" he stopped what he was about to say when the door opened.

"Doc Buenavista? The fingers." Anatasia said. I nodded.

"Patient uhm..." She picked the chart. "... Eric Merce, Do you smoke?"

"What?! No!"

"Your nails are black and have a nicotine fingers. " She shrugged.

"Cigarettes constrict blood vessel. I've seen grafts fail over a few cigarettes." I said while cleaning his fingers.
