"You're going home, Rhys?" MJ asked.

"I don't know yet, if there's no patient then maybe."


"Speaking of," Rhys said and answered the phone call.


"Doc, there will be 4 trauma patients in 2 minutes." "Okay, we're going there." And then he hung up the phone call.

"Let's go Mj, I guess you're not going home." He said while wearing the white coat, Mj took his own and they left both at the same time.

"This way." Said Doc. Buenavista in paramedic.

"His blood pressure and pulse are stable. He suffered abrasions and is complaining of wrist pains. He says he can't feel his thumb."

An abrasion is a type of open wound that's caused by the skin rubbing against a rough surface. It may be called a scrape or a graze.

"Do you feel anything?" Doc Buenavista asked the patient while moving the finger's patient.

"No-nothing. W-why?"

"Intern!" A man approached doc Buenavista, but Tasia was not there? Where is she?


"The circulation is fine, but the median nerve got compressed, splint his arm up and get a wrist series of forearm anterior-posterior view lateral, Get reduction done as soon as possible." Doc Buenavista said.

Circulation is the movement of fluid through the body in a regular or circuitous course. The circulatory system, composed of the heart and blood vessels, functions to produce circulation. Heart failure is an example of a problem with circulation. Median nerve palsy is often caused by deep, penetrating injuries to the arm, forearm, or wrist. It may also occur from blunt force trauma or neuropathy. Median nerve palsy can be separated into 2 subsections—high and low median nerve palsy. High MNP involves lesions at the elbow and forearm areas.

"Yes, Doc."

"Doc. Buenavista come here!" Doc. Alcazar yelled.

"How much fluid did you inject Doc?" he asked as he examined the patient.

"2L. Emergency Surgery is being prepared."

Emergency Surgery can be defined as surgery that is required to deal with an acute threat to life, organ, limb, or tissue caused by external trauma, acute disease process, acute exacerbation of a chronic disease process, or complication of a surgical or other interventional procedure.

"The past?" "Negative, I see no sign of bleeding"

"How long has he been like that? "

"He was rescued after an hour, doc."

Doc Rhys Aldana went to the newly arrived wounded.

"Doc. Aldana!"

"I can hardly feel his pulse," he said as he listened to the patient's pulse using his stethoscope.

The stethoscope is an acoustic medical device for auscultation or listening to internal sounds of an animal or human body. It typically has a small disc-shaped resonator that is placed against the skin and one or two tubes connected to two earpieces.


"Yes, Doc."

"We need to look at the popliteal artery Dissection. Run him through low extremity angiography. Hurry up."

The angiographic appearance may vary from intimal dissection to complete occlusion of the artery (, Fig 10). Patients with severe trauma and obvious arterial injury at the clinical examination will usually proceed to surgery. Surgical treatment involves bypass grafting or patch angioplasty. Lower Extremity angiography is a test used to see the arteries in the feet, or legs. It is also called peripheral angiography. Angiography uses x-rays and a special dye to see inside the arteries. Arteries are blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart.

"Yes, Doc!"

*LOL this chapter is short, but i hope you like it XD!