As I examined the patient and another patient was coming.

"Excuse! Slow down!" Paramedic yelled.

"Doc. Buenavista!" The paramedic shouted so I went to where they were and when I saw the patient's condition, suddenly, my surroundings slowed down and I could almost hear the patient's weak cry. "so m-much p-pain. " "P-Painful."

A man with a big sharpened iron on his stomach. He is very pale and he seems to be out of breath at any time because of his condition.

"HOLY FUCKING FUCK." A whisper curse woke me up, I looked at who was cursing, Rhys.

I called Doc. Dam "Doc, we need you here, isn't your operation over yet?!"

"Not yet. What's the patient's condition?" He asked.

I took a deep breath first to calm myself down.

"The patient has a penetrating injury in his abdomen... He's a 48-year-old man, there was a pierced meter-long rebar in his abdomen and a block of concrete on one side of the rebar. "

"What part of the body the rebar pierced?"

"From the lower back to the upper stomach on the left."

"Vital signs?"

"His BP is normal, his pulse rate is 130. It didn't cause massive bleeding, though."

"Take focused abdominal sonography in trauma in case of hemoperitoneum. Keep his vital sign normal. I'll remove the rebar." He said and he hung up the call.

"Hold his leg down!" Doc Aldana said to the nurse and paramedic.

"Prepare 2L of saline and set up for the sonography." Said.....Doc. Ford? I looked behind me and she was the one who spoke.

"Yes, Doc."

Wait a minute. I need to take a deep breath. Doc Ford is next to me looking at the critical patient.

"Excuse!!" The nurse said while pulling the sonography.

he was walking backward towards the patient, he did not see the paramedic sitting next to the patient holding the block of concrete and he passed the paramedic so he was out of balance. The paramedic accidentally let go of the block of concrete so the rebar slipped from his body.


"WHAT THE—" Doc Rhys and I shouted at the same time and suddenly blood dripped from the hole of his body.

"Doc Marquez! Go and prepare irrigation!" Doc Rhys shouted and I saw Doc Ford motionless and shocked at what had happened.

"DOC FORD! TASIA!" I shouted at her,

"She slightly jumped in shock," she's like woke up from a dream.

She approaches the patient and she looks at him from head to foot.

"His blood pressure is decreasing rapidly!" the nurse said.

"Stop injecting and prepare for emergency blood transfusion," I said while covering the hole with gauze to keep the blood from spreading.

"Tell them to bring 20 more sets!" Doc Ford said.

"Yes, Doc."

"Set up the blood transfusion!" Said Doc. Rhys next to me, he helps me stop the blood from spreading.

"Gauze! I need more gauze!"

"Where's doc Dam?"

"He is now operating in E.R,"

"There is no time, I need to do it." She said in a low tone.


I saw her wearing surgical gowns and gloves. A nurse helped her.

"Bring me the drap and scalpel." She said in nurse. "Yes, Doc."

As she waited for the drap and scalpel she leaned over me, took the scissors, and cut the bandage! Everyone stopped what they were doing when they saw what Doc Ford doing.


She finished cutting first before she spoke to me. "We have no time! the patient may die if we still wait for doc and his aorta might be damage!"

"Will you do incision now? I'll do it." Doc Rhys questions her.

She took betadine and fitted part of the abdomen.

"No," I said.

"If we take more time, the blood might fill up in the abdomen, then it'll be too late," Anatasia said.


Anatasia looked at me and her eyes saying I would take care of her in the end.

"You can do this?" I said to her.

She smiles. "I'LL DO MY BEST." I nodded to her.

"Mj stop him! You will be scolded by chief If he finds out that your intern—"

"I don't care."

"What if she makes a mistake? What you gonna do?"

"That will never happen, I am her guide, 'ya know that," I smirk.

"Scalpel." The nurse handed it to her.

"I need more gauze!" Doc Rhys gave it to me, I stared at him and he is just like an angry squint.

Doc Ford sliced the part she had put betadine on.

"Gauze!" And she put it on the part she cut so the blood would not spread.

We all work together to get the gauze inside.

And we were shocked when Doc Ford inserted her right hand into the patient's cut part.

"DOC. FORD!" Doc Rhys shout.

"SHUT UP!" She shouted back.

She twisted her hand inside as if she was looking for something inside.


"Please shut your mouth for once!" She said, her eyes close.

"Is she looking for the artery?" I questioned myself.

"She suddenly look at me, and the bleeding, it stopped."

"I find it o my god!"


"Based on location, it's not the aorta... I think it's splenic artery!"

"The patient's pulse is becoming normal!" The nurse said.

"Doc Buenavista, Doc Dam is calling!"

I first looked at Doc Ford who was already looking at me before I picked up the cellphone.

"Doc Dam, his vital signs are getting back to normal."

"What?! What happens?! What did you do?"

"Doc Ford, an intern, she stopped the bleeding with his forefinger."

"WHAT?!?!! What an idiot!"

"Send him to the OR!" I ended up the call.

"You did best, good job." she smiles proudly at me.