I never regret even though you were formed that way, I'm so very blessed to have you son. I love you so much. I fall asleep again.

When I woke up in the morning, my mind was still full of that incident. I just gasped. It seems like only yesterday happened. And I thought again why I got into such a situation.

Six years ago ...

I hurried inside our house when I got home from work. Carrying a bucket of jollibee checkin joy. Today is my payday so I bought it.

I'm sure that girl will jump for joy again. I said to myself with a smile. Twice a month we can only eat like this. Just every during of my salary. And she always look forward to this. Every fifteenth day and at the end of the Month at night we just eat this, and she only cooked rice. Because she knew I was carrying a bucket of chicken joy. And she was restless waiting for me at the door of our house.

But she was not there now, hmm maybe just in the kitchen and cooking rice I just smiled. I really love my little sister. I still call her little sister even though she is eighteen years old already. And I'm twenty four years old. I am a clerk in a small company here with Ermita Manila. My salary is just right for my sister and me.

We are just the two of us together, we are orphaned by our parents. Mom and Dad died in the same accident. The bus they were riding in crashed because it lost its brakes. I was twenty years old then and Shaina was only fourteen. We have no known relatives because our parents are the same growned in an orphanage. And also they didn't know who their parents are. Even though it was difficult for both of us to survive but by the mercy of God we did.

"Shaina! I'm here. I brought chicken joy, did you cook?" I called her and I went straight to the kitchen. But she was not there, so I went to her room.

"Shaina, are you in your room?" I called to her again as I knocked on her door. But still no one answered. So I opened it, there was no sign of her inside.

"Ahh maybe she go to the store and buy softdrinks. That's right" I said.

So I went into my room first and changed my clothes. Time past there was still no Shaina to come. So I decided to call her over the phone. I was surprised when I heard the sound of her phone in the CR so I turned around there.

The ring didn't stop, I was suddenly attacked by nervousness. "Shaina? Shaina? Are you there inside?" I immediately rushed to the CR door and opened it without hearing an answer from her.

It was as if the sky covered me when I saw her lying on the floor. "OH MY GOD! Shaina! What happened? Shaina! Shaina awake!" My tears are already dripping. No matter what I pat and shake on her cheek and shoulder she still does not move.

But she's still weakedly breathing.

"Shaina please wake up, stand there. Don't make fun of me sister like that please. Get up!" I feel like my heart is pounding, as if my heart is going to break into pieces and explode.

Her lips were already pale and she was catching her breath."God Please No. No." I immediately picked her up and called my neighbors."HELP! PLEASE HELP!" I shout for help while my tears were still falling.

"Oh my God! Shakeera what happened to Shaina?" A male neighbor asked me and my sister immediately took from me. Some also call a taxi.

We immediately boarded and delivered to the nearest hospital. My sister was immediately put on the stretcher when we got out of the taxi. Fortunately, my neighbor accompanied me to the hospital who picked up my sister. She even paid for the taxi because I did not bring my wallet I totally forgot it.

"I'm really sorry, I'll just pay you the amount when I get home. Thank you very much for helping." My eyes are still full of tears. He just nodded at what I said.

My sister was also taken care of immediately. She woke up a few hours later. And moved to a ward.

"How's your feeling now? Are you in pain? Are you hurt?What happened, why did you lose consciousness? I was worried about you too much." My voice was still full of remembrance.

"Ate sorry, I don't want to you worry about me. I'm sorry. Ate, it suddenly hurt and tightened. I had trouble in breathing before." She told me pointing to her chest. Tears flowed down her eyes.

"Shhh don't cry anymore ok, Ate is here already." As I wiped her cheeks and kiss her and I also hug her tight. I was about to speak when the door suddenly opened and a Dr. of my sister come.

"Miss Alcantara can I talk to you please?" He told me.

"All right doc, I'll just talk to your Dr. ok? I'll be right back." I replied to Dr. And I turned to my sister. I kissed her on the cheek before I went out to talk to her doctor. I was suddenly felt nervous, my hands were sweating.

"Doc, how is my sister? Is there a problem?" I immediately asked him. "Miss Alcantara, I will well you directly Your sister needs to be operated on as soon as possible. She has a swollen vein in her heart. She needs to be treated early while it is still early. So you have to prepare a large amount for the operation. Because If we do not do the operation, sad to say, Sooner or later, it will get worse. And be complecated, you know what will happen to your sister just in case. Think about it Miss Alcantara." He said.

And He told me more until he turned around but I did not understand anything. Suddenly my knees softened, I lost strength. I did not realize I had fallen on the floor.

I cried and cried, It was as if something was crushing my heart. It looks like a lot of pins inside my heart. And seems to be squeezed too much. And its like stabbed with a sharp knife. I burst into tears. In the pain and pity I feel for my sister. It hurts a lot. Really hurts.

She was too young to experience such pain. "My God, why my sister in there? she is too young to have that kind of pain." I said as I wept bitterly.

"Where can I get such a large amount?" This is another problem of mine. "Whatever I am willing to do, no matter what I do. You will only operated my sister. I will do everything as long as I can. Just to save you. I can't afford to see you suffering from pain. I promise you, Shaina . I will save you! " I wiped my tears and stood up.

I don't want my sister to see me in this. She will only get worried and hard for her. Before I could turn around a gay man approached me. He was still smiling.

"Hi, just in case you need, you can contant me here." He said to me as he handed me a small card. Curious but I accepted it and looked at it, a calling card.

I pocketed it as I returned to my sister. I found her still awake.

"Ate how are you what Dr. said to you What is my illness?" She immediately asked when I entered.

It was as if my heart was broken again when I saw her. But I manage to smile even when it forced.

"Ahhmm the doctor said you are just tired of stress, and you just need to rest. And you need to stay here first so you can rest well. And If you experiience that again you will be looked at immediately. You are not in sick okay? I Let you rest first, I'll just go home for a while to get your things, then I'l bring the bucketof checkin I bought. For us to eat. I'll be right back soon." She just nodded and I kissed her on the forehead first.

As I hold back my tears again. But it immediately started dripping when I just turned my back. My eyesight is dimming with tears. I cried again when I left the room.

The pain, the pain I felt pain to see my sister like that. I do not want to lie to her but I need to, it is necessary to. I need, I need to be strong in front of her. In her eyes. She was a smart kid. I knew she didn't believe what I said, but she had to believe it.