Shakeera's POV

The pain, the pain I felt pain to see my sister like that. I do not want to lie to her but it is necessary. I need to, I need to be strong in front of her. In her eyes. She was a smart kid. I knew hse didn't believe what I said, but she had to believe it.

I went home first to get her things. And my things to use too. Still, my tears flowed while I was inside the taxi. I really can’t stop them from falling. The driver also glanced at me. Because of my sobbing accent.

My chest really hurts. Too much heavy, hard to breath, It was about to explode.

"Shakeera how is Shaina? Why are you crying hija? Did something happen to her?" Our neighbor greeted me. When I got off from the taxi. I sobbed even more at her question, so she hugged me and caress my back.