Chapter 10 -: Mystery unravelled?

Dick was in his vehicle, he was driving recklessly, Lefinna sat at the front seat close to him, Dick's face appeared troubled.

"I can't believe you forgot the transportation device at home" Lefinna breaks the silence with a scowl in her voice.

"You are welcome for me saving your life" Dick says coldly.

"We know who the medium is, isn't that such a good thing, you can loosen up, no need to be so tense" Lefinna says in a lighter tone.

"I don't know the medium, I just know someone who does" Dick says harshly as he takes a sharp turn.

"There are too many unknowns, this isn't the first dimension Azexela invades and why are we the only ones who know whatever the fuck those things are" Dick continues.

"We will find out, any more news from our blue guy."

"No but I got something about him, I think I know why he gave me this weapon" Dick says aloud as he tugs his weapon.

"Good so what is the plan" Lefinna asks.

"I plan to stop Azexela for good, add it to my list of accomplishments" Dick grins. Lefinna gives a light smile, she was clearly amused by what he said.

"We are finally here" Dick says as he puts the car to a stop, he was right in front of the building of his residence, an old lady with her poodle was coming out of the place. She sees Dick and waves a hand, Dick waves back to her impatiently.

"Let's go" Dick says as he walks briskly to the building, he takes the stairs, Lefinna follows more silently, soon he arrives in his apartment, he had forgotten to lock the door while he was in a hurry earlier on so the room was wide open, Dick enters, then Lefinna, Dick looks around for the device when he came upon an area and caught something, the rug which he was, some of the fabric of the area was more pressed down than others, the areas which was most pressed down appeared to be in the shape of someone's feet, it was spread across the rug.

"Is this my footsteps, no my feet is 0.32 inches bigger than this" close to it was the table which he had found the golden D earlier on. Dick continues his search and finally finds the device.

"Leffy, you might wanna come close, we visiting our favorite dwarf" Dick grins as he begins to tap some buttons on the device, Lefinna joins him soon, Dick taps a button, a white light encircles both of them and they both soon vanish from the spot. They arrive soon at the fortress basement, but Redoulp wasn't the only one present, Redoulp was hovering the air, shutting his eyes and crossing his legs. Sarah was there too, she was tending to Shylock the vampire elite that Dick had faced earlier on, Alucard and Katharina were also present, their faces were even more worried than before, the two top elites of the lycanpride were also present, Ron and Reg, they had blank expressions on their faces.

"I see the whole gang is here, are we gonna party soon, I call dips on the blood drinks" Dick grins aloud, it caused everyone to look in his direction, though their expressions didn't change except from Reg who gives a light chuckle.

"Why must you pick a fight with my top elite" Alucard snarls at him, his facial expression was now angry, he looked like he could murder at the moment.

"Relax, micro-dick, the kid started the fight with me, I just played along" Dick smiles heartily, he points towards Shylock's body

"So what's wrong with him, is he gonna need a self reflection checkup."

Reggie chuckles heartily again, Alucard face manifests into a scowl, he wanted to beat Dick up so bad.

"It is not that bad, love, he should recover soon" Sarah says looking at Dick, she was bending down and placing her hands over Shylock's head who was resting on a small bed, Sarah's palm had transparent runes which had strange inscriptions on it and were green in colour.

"So what is that, you healing him or something" Dick grins stepping closer.

"No, that won't be necessary, he is a vampire, he heals pretty quickly, he was charmed" Sarah says with a light expression.

"Charmed?, what do you mean, is it like the stuff vampires do when they look into their victim eyes and command them to do their bidding" Dick grins as he gets to Sarah's position. Sarah gives a light smile.

"Similar but the source of this is different, it was a spell to cause him to do the spellcasters' bending" Sarah explains.

"So what I am doing now is try to locate the soulic essence of the spell so I can track down the person who did it" Sarah explains as she retracts her arms to her sides.

"It is some sort of guy dressed as a pope, ain't it" Dick smiles as he crouches down to his knees staring at her.

"Actually he wasn't when he casted the spell, he was in pajamas" Sarah winks at him, Dick smiles, he couldn't help but see an angel anytime he looked at her, the duo stare at each other for a short while.

"I am not gonna let anyone harm you."

"If you two are done staring at each other, can we know the identity of the spellcaster" Alucard asks breaking the silence.

Sarah stops staring at Dick, she stands to her feet.

"The spell was casted in Dragonic tongues" looking towards Dick

"That is in the language of the dragons, spells can be casted in various tongues but the most potent so far is that of the dragons as they are versed in the act of magecraft more than any being" she returns her attention towards Alucard

"The spirit energy behind the spell is immense and it was cloaked by an overwhelming mass of black energy showing that this is a divine being we are dealing with here, the owner of the spirit energy being used to cast the spell is an individual known as Daniel Rollover" as she said that, an hologram of Daniel appeared, he had small mushes of hair on his scalp, about five feet nine inches tall.

"Rollover, what sort of surname is that, was his Dad some sort of breed of dog and the dude is balding, must have inherited the wrong dog's genes" Dick smirks as he gets to his feet, this time, Ron and Reg both chuckle, they were clearly enjoying his sarcasms.

Katharina shoots them both a scowl and they resumed their blank expressions immediately.

"May I continue" Sarah asks glaring at Dick.

"Yes you can, love" Dick grins.

"During the time he was casting the spell which was around 8pm on Tuesday, I sensed three other spirit energies at his side, they are Theodore Wynn, Michael Will and Mark Ferrell" As she spoke, holograms of the three individuals she mentioned appeared, they were all Caucasians with dark brown eyes, pointing to Mark Ferrell's hologram. "I tracked to track down the energies of this three other individuals but it appears that Mark's one has vanished, either he is masking it or he is dead, the remaining three including the spellcasters' present location is in the local museum about ten miles from here."

"Good, so we know where the medium is, we can kill him and stop Azexela from invading the our world" Alucard says aloud, the rest seemed to be in total agreement with what he said.

"That's a good idea, small-dick but certainly not the best" Dick says facing him, this caused everyone except Lefinna to have surprised looks on their faces, they each turn towards Dick's direction, the four feet dwarf Redoulp who had been silent the whole time and hovering a few feet above the ground spoke

"What do you mean, son of the Dick"

"I know killing the medium seems like the easiest most convenient thing to do but we can't deny the fact that other universes are in danger, even if we stop her now from invading our world, does not mean in a thousand years, she won't gain access back here" Dick says with a serious expression and tone.

"Mortal, what are you suggesting" Alucard asks with an annoyed expression.

Dick gives a light smile at him, facing everyone else.

"I am suggesting we take the fight to the mistress herself, I am not gonna let my generation suffer in the hands of someone I could have stopped, there are other people in other universes, they have dreams, people they love, Azexely is heartless, her killing spree ends in this universe, it is high time someone or some people stopped her and frankly, I don't see a better team than us" Dick grins looking at everyone. Everyone was listening raptly.

"I mean we stopped Shelly small dick even though that was mostly me the rest of y'all, I told you to stop his little minions and they still got away and we had to track them for the last four months before we were finally able to annihilate them but this isn't time to brag on who is the best even though it is obviously me" Dick continues smirking, his last sentence puts a frown on everyone's face, he had killed the vibe.

"Are you done displaying haughtiness, mortal" Alucard says with an angry tone.

"I wasn't being haughty, just saying the truth, anyways, I need to know where Azexely is in order for us and by us I mean me to beat her, Redoulp, any ideas" Dick says turning his attention towards the floating midget.

Redoulp maintains a blank expression for a while, he then spoke

"I don't know her whereabouts but there is another guardian I know off whose reality is being invaded by Azexely, he should be able to help us out."

"Wow, and you knew his universe was in trouble and you didn't think for once of helping him, and they call me a dick" Dick mutters in contempt.

"It is the name you were given when you were born, you can't blame people for calling you that" Alucard smirks.

"Dude, was that a wisecrack?" Dick asks with mocking tone

"You suck, don't try that again."

"To face Azexela is madness, she has wiped out the strongest of us with a snap of her fingers literally, we are like bugs waiting to be squashed by her, the only thing we can do is not incur her presence" Redoulp says aloud.

"Well, you simply had to do something and you made a decision, it is my turn to make one now" Dick begins as he turns towards the audience.

"Now who is with me." Everyone was silent, they all just stared at him indifferently.

"This definitely played out different in my head" Dick mutters in a hushed tone.

"Listen Mortal, we can't concern our affairs with other universes, this is our own and as a resident of this universe, it is your duty to save it" Alucard says harshly.

"Well small-dick, I am also a citizen of the multiverse and I am not gonna let some crazy lady run free and ruin parts of it that I have never explored" Dick says aloud, there was anger in his eyes.

"And if y'all don't go with me, I guess I will just have to face her alone" Dick ends.

"Ooh please, you are gonna need my help, you reckless goof" Lefinna says stepping forward, she had a light smile on her face. Ron and Reg too stepped forward but a scowl from Katharina was all these two needed to know that they weren't joining Dick.

"Mortal, you can go off and face the mistress as you please, my forces shall kill this Daniel Rollover and save my universe" Alucard says turning away, Shylock was sitting up on the bed, he had apparently recovered.

"I agree with Alucard" Katarina says.

Sarah walks towards Dick, she plants a light kiss on his lips.

"Be careful, dear and we might do our honeymoon in another universe" she ends smiling.

"You ain't coming?" Dick asks.

"Our wedding is in a few days, since you are off to save the multiverse, I will be taking care of the wedding" she smiles lightly.

"Speaking about the wedding, I spoke to the estate agent a few days ago, he has found a house which would be perfect for the kids, it has about five bedrooms" Dick grins staring Sarah in her eyes.

"That is perfect love" Sarah says as she plants another kiss on Dick's lips.

"How about you, shortie" Dick says turning his direction towards Redoulp.

"The best I can do for you is conjure a portal to the reality being invaded by Azexela and inform the guardian who resides there of your arrival, you two can discuss about finding Azexela, I have to stay and guard my universe."

"Okay then, sure, conjure it up" Dick smiles at him.

"Eyrien Sheokei Ikeuek Rveheu Iehehe" Redoulp chants, after a while, a space rips out close to Redoulp, it was emitting waves which manifested in a purple colour.

"Leffy, are you ready" Dick grins at her.

"You bet I am" Lefinna smiles to Dick,

"Be careful, love, we have a wedding in two days" Sarah grins as she waves at him.

"I will, dear" Dick says to her, Dick and Lefinna jump into the opened up portal, soon the portal disappears.