Theo was admiring an artifact, it was a small silver ring, it had a strange inscriptions etched at the outside of the ring. He was dressed in a white T-shirt and blue jeans. He was accompanied by three men, two of them were dressed in suits and they took poses as if they were bouncers, the third man there was dressed in a typical pope's wear but he wore a necklace with a snake coiled around a scorpion emblem on it, he had small mushes of hair on his scalp and wore a small turban.
"My gramps told me about this ring, said it was amongst one of the many things goblins crafted till man wiped their whole lot out in ancient times" Theo says crouching and stretching his right arm as if to touch the artifact.
"I am sorry sir, the displays here are meant for only sightseeing not touching" comes a masculine voice behind him, the four men turn to look at the direction the voice was coming from, it was a fat white man who was about five feet ten inch tall, he was dressed in a security uniform, he looked serious.
"Yo, pardon me for that, just reminded me of my gramps, I felt I had to touch it" Theo smiles as he get up to his feet. He looked at the security guard expecting a reply, after a short while when he didn't get one. He moved towards the guard.
"Yo, you mind telling me about this ring, I mean where did it originate from, you know that kind of stuff, right?" Theo ends in a groovy tone, the guard takes a short sigh, moving closer to the place where the ring was put for display, he looks at the side where there was writing upon.
"This was discovered in..." Theo knees him in between his legs as he begins.
"No one tells me what to do" Theo says, his smiling face was now replaced with an angry one. The guard staggers back, Theo dashes towards him punching him repeatedly on his body.
"Wonder why they employed you, you look like a Santa claus without a christmas costume and a fucking beard" Theo ends as he headbutts him sending him to the ground.
"Was that really necessary" The man who was dressed as a pope asks.
"Not really, I just wanted to blow off some steam, why do you ask" The grins as he breathes faster than before.
"Cause we have company" He replies. More guards had assembled around them, they brought out weapons from their waists, some of the weapons were tasers, some custom pistols and a few had batons on them, people had gathered behind the men holding the weapons, they were paying attention to them as if they were viewing some show.
"STOP RESISTING, PUT YOUR HANDS BEHIND YOUR HEAD AND GET ON YOUR KNEES" comes a voice obviously projected into a microphone, it reverberated across the room.
"You said earlier on your goddess needs sustenance for her little kids, right?" Theo says with a light expression.
"Yes, of what relevance is that right now" the man dressed as a pope asks.
"We might need a little help to get out of this"
"IF YOU DON'T COMPLY, WE WILL OPEN FIRE" comes the voice again.
"Thought you didn't do well with blood" the man dressed as a pope says.
"I will manage, wouldn't wanna go to jail in this piece of shit city" Theo answers the smile fading from his face.
"Okay then" the man dressed as a pope says, he closes his eyes and raises his necklace above his head
"Igran baimot lakoaun sakuirem Azexela."
The men who were holding weapons when they noticed he was saying some strange words began to fire at them but their bullets dropped to the ground a few inches to their position, it was as if there was a barrier preventing the bullets from passing through.
The ground beneath the guards open up, the guards jump out of harm's way but the space opened in the ground wasn't much, it caused everyone to stagger back but they still looked, they were curious to know what happens next, out of it comes forth many small creatures about the size of a rat, they had tentacles sprouting from the two sides of their cheeks, they had small dark spiky bodies and sharp horrific fangs for teeth, as soon as the creatures had came out of the hole in the ground, the hole clamped shut as if it was never there.
"I think it is kind of cute" a girl says, she was tugging the hand of an older woman who was beside her. One of the small creatures makes a dash for one of the guards, it pommels him to the ground, it rips his skin continually with it's sharp claws, the man wails in agony. Everyone just kept silent even the other creatures which had sprang up from underground. The creature opens his mouth wide, white smoke comes from the guard's face which the creature absorbs, soon the man's body turns pale white, his hair had faded to dust and his eyes were yellow and swollen. The creature grows in size to about six feet, it makes a huge growl which snaps everyone out of their trance and causes them to run and panic about.
Everyone was running, they had fear written all over their faces, they were each scared for their lives. The creatures jump at every human they could find, they did it with such glee, soon many humans had slumped on the ground, their bodies pale white and their eyes yellow and swollen, they were now replaced with big creatures which no longer had tentacles sprouting from their faces but two large snakes and they had scorpion tails, these ones didn't seem to want to absorb from people like when they were smaller, they now started devouring people whole. One of the big creatures dashed at a small girl, the girl screams in fear but that didn't dissuade the monster as he lifts the girl off the ground and bits her head off.
"Damn, Danny, what the fuck are these things" Theo asks, he had a fearful look on his face, seeing the horror unfold before him was a terrifying experienced to say the least.
"They are spawns of the mighty Azexela, the malevolent mistress of reality, in order to reach their true form, they need to consume five human souls at least, the white smoke you see that leaves their body is actually their soul, it is what the spawns absorb which is given to Azexela. When one of the spawns have absorbed up to five souls, Azexela is pleased and he is given the ultimate form, they no longer need to feed on souls, they posses snakes instead of tentacles sprouting from their cheeks and a scorpion tail which can kill anyone from a single sting." The man dressed as a pope explains, he was Danny by name.
"So are we invisible to them" one of the other two men asks, he had fear written all over his face too.
"Not necessarily, but the necklace I am wearing shows Azexelan symbol, so long it is on me, this creatures won't attack us" Danny further explains with a blank face.
As if on cue, one of Azexela's spawns jumps at the four men, it gets knocked to the ground as if hit by a barrier, it wanted to punch the invisible barrier but then he notices the necklace around Danny's neck, it makes a loud snarl and scamper away.
"Just like I said" Danny says still maintaining his calm expression. Most of Azexela's spawns had attained the final form, having snakes coming out from their cheeks and a scorpion tail, the rest had not but they were each six feet too, there was blood splattered all over the walls, the floor and the roof, all the humans there were dead. The creatures obviously had a grand time and they obviously wanted more as they crash their horrifying bodies against the walls of the building and they continue their show on the streets. Bloodcurdling screams even worse than the people in the museum was heard on the streets as the creatures continued their rampage.
When the four men noticed that all the creatures were gone, Danny mutters some words and he steps out, he had dropped his invisible barrier.
A figure in blue appeared before them, it was the same person that Dick had been encountering in the past, it was impossible to tell his facial expression as he had a mask on.
"What part of this is discreet" a voice comes, it was like an echo, it was obviously coming from the man in blue.
"My liege, but the creatures have attained final form none of which we had been able to accomplish in the the last two places we visited" Danny starts with a low bow.
"Yeah, we got them uglies in their best state, you should be commending us" Theo smirks.
"Azexela must be a nightmare to be able to sprout such hideous creatures" one of the men in suit mutters, as soon as he was done with his words, his body falls to the ground, what was strange was that the head on his body was gone and blood flowed freely from the neck in his body.
The blue blur had his head in his right hand, he was spinning it with a finger.
"Azexela shall tolerate no disobedience or failures, she wants to end all her threats before she invades this realm, has long as Redoulp is alive, the spawns can't be unleashed" The blue blur speaks again, it didn't come out as words, it was telepathic and the tone was masculine.
"I thought you required excalibur, you told us to specifically get it from Dick for you'' Danny's voice comes again, he had a humble look and his body took a humble pose, Theo was speechless, he just kept staring at the body on the floor.
"What happened, he was just right there and like that, his head is gone and now he is dead."
The blue blur walks around a bit, he kept spinning the head.
"Excalibur was last spotted in the hands of a woman known as Lefinna, there is absolutely no record of her existing until a year ago in this realm, there is much too uncertainty about her and she must be approached with caution."
Danny gives a low bow, he kept a blank face, he didn't appear fazed even by the sudden death of his colleague, Theo on the other hand had mixed expressions on his face, he was both scared and amazed at the same time, the third man who was with the just had fear on his face, he didn't open his mouth as to say any word, he just remained fixed in his position.
"I shall take care of Redoulp myself, can I trust you to finish the detective and his young female assistant" The blue blur says turning his attention towards the three men with the fallen dead body at their side.
"We are sure he is taken care of, we sent the vampire elite after him and the vampire elite is a true force to reckon with, he would surely have defeated Dick" Danny says still maintaining his bow.
"I watched the fight, he was defeated by the detective, if you wanna stand a chance against the detective or the female creature, you would need to hit them with something more formidable" the blue blur came again, there was a smirk in his voice.
"But how can that be done, my liege" Danny asks.
The blue blur walks towards him, Danny got on his knees with his head face down.
"You are the priest of the mistress of reality in this realm, she is the mightiest and most terrifying amongst the three, you are more than capable to take on a mere detective" the voice came again in Danny's head, only difference was that the rest did not hear it as they had amazed looks on their faces.
"To the both of you, don't hold the mistress' priest down or you shall receive a far worse fate than your friend" the voice goes in Theo and the other head as the blue blur disappears.
"I should have just stayed in college" Theo mutters sadly.