Bodies laid on the strange ground, the area was located in the abyss, a threshold of demons which was vast and infinite in space and size.
Leo, Marei and Shekindra bodies were unconscious on the ground, they didn't look like they would be waking up any time soon. Not too far from Shekindra's body stood a headless body, his head was a few feet away from the body, there was a pool of blood under the body, not too far from the body was a strange chest, it had a weird insignia on it, it was golden brown in colour.
"So where do you stay" Dick smiles at her.
"Uhmm, Mich-igan" Tina says shakily.
"Dollface, no need to be scared, gonna escort you home, I am a private eye, this is what I do" Dick smiles sweetly.
"RRRRR RRRRR RRRR" came a sound, it seemed to cause the entire area to vibrate.
"What's that?" Tina asks.
"I don't know" Dick answers.
The chest flew open, a glowing blue shard flew out of it towards Tina. As fast as he could, Dick reaches to stop the shard but it phased through his body, it landed at Tina's chest, the shard disappears from view immediately.
"What just happened? Am I gonna die?" Tina says a fearful looking coming on her face.
"No, that was perfectly nothing, I am sure it won't affect you at all" Dick fakes a grin.
As if on cue, Tina's body begins to glowing blue.
"Am I gonna turn into a freak, what's wrong with me?"
"Think of it as a makeover, you are shining, you should be happy" Dick smiles at her.
Tina turns and gives Dick an annoyed look.
"Okay, my bad, guess I ain't cheering as well as I used to" Dick scratches his head.
"You fool, did you think you could stop Ryubin Krystalis, it will phase through anything unclean or impure" Shekindra says getting up from his feet.
"That's one way to put non-virgins, so you are a virgin, is that why Larry chose you" Dick smiles.
"It's Lord Larias, you impudent mortal."
"Would love to stay and chat but I got to pick my daughter up from school" Dick says aloud.
"The Krystalis found it's mark, soon Lord Larias shall resurrect with the purity embedded in her body, though her soul will be destroyed" Shekindra smiles cruelly.
"We will see about that, small dick" Dick shouts aloud, soon, Tina and he disappear from the room.
They appear inside a office, only one person was sitting inside, she was Lefinna, she appeared to be playing a game on the computer. There was a other set of table and three chairs. One located at the right while the other two were located at the opposite side, there were books neatly stacked on the table, and there was an address label which read 'Dickson Reyes' .
"Yoo, Leffy, has any client come today" Dick say moving towards his table.
"Learn to arrange your desk, ain't you supposed to go pick Emily, Sarah is gonna be pissed" Lefinna says looking away from the computer, she spots the blue glowing female.
"Who's this?"
"I don't know yet, I met her in the abyss, apparently, Shelly small-dick is still alive" Dick winks as he settles down on his chair.
"He wants to resurrect Larry, he really believes he can increase the size of his dick."
"I don't know who you guys are" Tina began, looking over at Dick
"Thanks for saving me but I wanna stop glowing, I just wanna go home and have my normal life back."
"Don't worry, kiddo, it's what we do, we will get you back home soon" Lefinna says smiling heartily at her her, turning towards Dick.
"Go pick up Emily from school, Amanda says they are supposed to have a princess party today, Tom did last week, now, it's your turn."
Dick grudgingly gets up from his chair.
"Why did we have to both give birth to girls, why couldn't one be a boy" pulling out a small device from him, Dick presses it for a while and disappears from the area. Lefinna was a cyborg, she wasn't completely human but she had all human parts, what made her unique was that she also has nanites inputed into her body, she was a victim in a war that had happened in Iraq. Her helper, Griff found her as a small girl on the bring of death, he had saved her, and done some crazy experiments on her, she had aged several decades in one day thanks to Griff's experiments but she had gained mental abilities in return. She was presently married to Tom and they had a daughter ' Amanda.'. It was the year 2004, Dick and Sarah had also been married since 1995, they had a eight year old daughter, Amanda was seven years old and since both parents were so close, the two girls had become best friends.
Dick appears in front of her school, many kids each being escorted by their parents.
"Daddddddy!!!" comes a sweet babyish feminine voice.
Dick turns towards the direction of the voice, it was his daughter, light-skinned, really cute and so young. She ran towards him, Dick crouches down, he catches her and stands up.
She was backing her school bag.
"How was school today" Dick asks smiling.
"It Was fun, dad, are we gonna teleport home today or can I get a piggy ride" Emily asks excitedly.
"What does my princess want" Dick asks smiling.
"I want a pigggggy riiiide" Emily shouts excitedly.
"Well then, if that's what you want, then that's what you will get, buckle up, princess, about to be a bumpy ride" Dick smiles sweetly as he places her on his shoulders, crouching down, he takes off.
"WHEEEEEEEEEE" Emily shouts as Dick runs at an amazing speed, he constantly avoids speeding cars, he even went to buildings and run on the walls, Emily kept shouting and laughing throughout the entire ride. Soon they arrive at Tom's house.
Dick set his daughter down.
"Yo Tommy, open up, I am around."
"Coming" came a deep masculine voice, in a few seconds, the door is open, Tommy is seen behind it, he had glitter all over his face and a crown on his head.
"Finally, you will take over" Tommy smiles at Dick.
"Yes Daddy, we are gonna make you dress like Princess Rapunzel" Emily says jumping excitedly.
"Is that Emmmmillllly" came another sweet cute feminine voice from inside the house, soon another girl appears at the door.
"Amanda, let's do princess Rapunzel on Daddy today" Emily smiles sweetly.
"Exactly what I had in mind" Amanda says excitedly.
"Okay, I will join you two beautiful princesses in the room soon, I wanna discuss something with princess Cinderella here" Dick smiles at them. The two girls yelp in excitement as they run into the house.
"Bruv, something is up, I can't explain, Lefinna is probably at the nightwalker's fortress by now, it's Rank B, I need you to check it out" Dick says with a more serious tone.
"Sure thing, man. Just never be late for princess shows, it ain't easy" Tommy chuckles lightly.
"RAPUUUNZEL, COME TO THE TOWWWWWWERRRRR" came Amanda's cheerful voice.
"That's my cue, I gotta go, bruv" Dick smiles as he enters the house.
"Rapunzel is arriving for the princess party."
Tommy smiles lightly, using his supernatural speed, Tommy dashes to the bathroom, he takes a shower and soon all the glitter is gone from his face, as fast as he could, he gets dressed in a casual T-shirt and jeans.
"All done" Tommy smiles.
He gets out of the house after locking the door, he runs across the city. Everything appeared that have stopped, he was so fast he could see the particles in the air moving very slowly.
Soon he arrives at the entrance of a castle.
He was at the gate when it was suddenly opened.
"Was wondering when you were gonna arrive" Ron says as he opens the gate. Ron is an elite lycanthrope of the lycanpride clan, he is extremely strong and witty.
"So is this really a Rank B?" Tommy asks.
"Far worse, it's a Rank A, let's get in, Redoulp would explain everything we need to know" Ron says as he shuts the door after Tommy had entered.
The room was very big, with a blue luminous ball about forty feet high in the air almost at the roof. Redoulp was hovering and maintaining a yoga pose. Katarina was present in the room with a few other lycanthropes in human form and Lefinna, the vampires were now living in the intra-dimension that was created with the Molkion cube.
"This is simply extra-ordinary" Mari says beaming lightly. On a small bed where she sat lay was Tina sleeping peacefully her body still glowing.
"Her soul capacity keeps getting larger as if to make way for something greater" Mari stops admiring her, turns towards Tommy.
"Did Dick give you any important detail."
"No, he didn't" Tommy replied.
"Typical, wonder why I even ask" Mari mutters loudly as she continued to admire the body.
"Hey, babe, how was work" Tommy smiles walking towards Lefinna. Everyone appeared to be standing on their feet which was normal whenever they had a meeting with Redoulp.
"I kept thinking about you" Lefinna says as she planted a kiss on Tommy's cheeks.
"Silence" Redoulp spoke aloud.
"The Rybuin Krystalis was used it's an ancient artifact used to harness the soulforce of the celestials. It can only be activated in the body of a pure woman."
"So what's gonna happen to her" Tommy asks.
"Her body shall continually to grow weak while her soul stronger till it can accommodate the power that's about to flow inside her, if that happens, the celestial soulforce harnessed in her body will resurrect. So far the only celestial who's known to use this is Larias, and if he comes back to reality, all hell shall let loose" Redoulp says worry entering into his voice.
"Is there any way it can be stopped?" Katarina asked.
"This is the first time it has happened, a logical option would be to kill the mortal."
"We can't do that, she has family and friends, there has to be another away" Tommy says flaring his voice.
"I am sorry, Dracula's heir but the risk is far too much. Should Larias ressurect, no one is safe not even the other God's" Redoulp says as he stretches his hand. Tina's body ascends over the bed, a spear coated in lightening appear at Redoulp's side.
"I am sorry but for the sake of countless lives, you can't be allowed to live."
The spear launches straight at the body. As the spear was about to hit the body, it was stopped, Tommy had the weapon in his hand.
"I know you believe this is right but that doesn't mean it's the best, how long do we have till Larias' soulforce engulfs her?"
"Forty-eight hours, why did you ask?" Redoulp says.
"More than enough, change of plans, we are gonna be visiting the abyss."