Chapter 1 -: Ryubin Krystalis

The sun was setting, it was a pleasant sight to watch as it was accompanied with the blue sky and white clouds. By the river side, there were two teenagers of opposite genders leaning on a vehicle(it was a Silver Chevrolet model). The male was a black chump who looked at least seventeen, he was one hundred and seventy two centimetres in height while the female was a light skinned beauty who was a little below one hundred and sixty centimetres.

"Leo, have you ever seen any thing so beautiful?" The female says smiling as she kept gazing at the setting sun.

"Yes, I have seen" Leo says taking his eyes from the sun and staring into her eyes.

The female turns towards his direction, red coming on her cheeks.

"Really, what?" she asks.

"I have seen you, gorgeous. Beauty can never evolve pass you" Leo ends with a charming smile.

The female blushes mildly, she closes her eyes and reaches in towards Leo as if to kiss him on the lips, she feels a finger on her lips.

She opened her eyes and sees Leo, he now had a serious expression on her face.

"Tina, are you sure you are a virgin" Leo asks, concern written all over his face.

An uneasy look comes on Tina's face, she steps backwards.

"Yes, I guess I am. Why are you asking me that?" Tina says bewildered.

Leo walks towards her.

"Look, doll, you gotta be serious with me, you sure you have never had a taste of dick, it's highly important."

"This is getting weird" Tina says her facial expression changing, she was moving backwards.

"I really hope you are a virgin, tired of seducing girls every fucking day" Leo finishes, a devilish grin coming on his face.

Tina was an attractive girl, she had a younger sister, both of them were only looked after by her mom, her father had died a few years ago, he worked for a meat processing company but he had a terrible habit of masturbating frequently at awkward places. Once, when he was at his place of work, the person in charge of the mincing division had called him, he was fired because so many times, he had emitted semen all over the toilet and even the equipments being used. He had gotten out of the office in an outrage, he started insulting the place, calling it a shit hole. Sticking his manhood out, he walked towards a meat mincer and started urinating over it still abusing his boss.

The other co-workers just watched him, unfortunately for him, the mincer was still on and he found out the hard way, he stuck his dick in the blade section, it has ripped the flesh to shreds and sent blood sprawling all over the room, he screamed in agony as his entire body was slowly and painfully dragged into the machine and he came out the other side as grinded meat.

Ever since then, his wife has to cater for his two kids, Tina and Mabel. Thanks to her Dad's death, Tina learnt a great lesson about masturbation and males, she despised men cause she thought they were like her father, stupid, he had never had time for her or her sister while he was alive. Leo was a new kid who had moved into her school, he was considered by almost all the girls in her school to be very handsome, he had a big amount of beards for his age and curly hair.

Most of the girls seen talking with him usually disappeared a few days later, no one of course knew why, he had walked up to her one day, normally she would refuse him but he was unnaturally charming, he had a unique way with words which made her fall for him, soon, they had begun dating.

Tina looked at Leo, there was an insignia on his forehead coated in red which wasn't there before.

"What have I gotten myself into, all men are scum, if they ain't wankers, they are always crazy" Tina thought to herself as she tried to run until she felt a weight coming down on her forehead, she fell backwards but was caught by Leo.

"You are a nice girl, T, but a man's gotta do what he has to do" Leo whispers to her. Her eyes shut tight as she fell unconscious.

Tina finds herself waking up on a chair, her body was wrapped around with a strange dark reddish rope, she tried to struggle against it but she feels a sharp burning sensation flooding her body, she winces in pain.

"That's legiclian substance, darl, it's useless to struggle against it, your body keeps burning and it's hold gets stronger, quite useful to interrogate lads here in the abyss" came a man, he was really tall Caucasian, had jet black hair and blue eyes, his face was breathtaking to say the least. He had a British accent.

Tina looked at her surroundings, it was bizarre, the ground was black in color and it looked like it was constantly moving. The roof was about thirty foot high, there were no doors as far as she could, see, the walls looked exactly the same as the floor. Only the stranger and Leo were currently present in the room.

"Leo, what the fuck, where am I?" Tina voices out angrily, Leo ignored her, his face seemed to be tense, the insignia was still on his forehead. On of the side of the walls stood a poster, in the poster was a light skinned man with bushy hair, he looked so young, probably in his early twenties, he was good looking too.

On it was also written 'most wanted', Tina couldn't fathom the other information displayed on the poster.

"Is this why you were asking me if I was a virgin, you some sort of ritualist?" Tina says in a calm voice and disgusting look.

"Did you really ask her if she was a virgin?" The man with the British accent asks.

"I had to, it's frustrating, I bring girls here almost every damn week, they all get turned away, you think this shit is easy for me" Leo says raising his voice.

"You wanker, you really suck at this, you should never ask if a lady's a virgin, it's rude even by demon's ethics" the man came again with his British accent.

"We got ethics?" Leo asks with a look of surprise.

"The fuck, yeah we do, you wanker, why do you think you still have your balls on you after being countless times, incompetent and irrelevant."

"Ouch" Tina smiles smugly. Leo turned towards her, he had a murder expression on his face

"Listen here, bitch, you better be a virgin..." The stranger gives him a loud resounding slap on the right side of his face.

"Slag, what did I just say about this" The stranger says.

"Wait, are you also a cultist?" Tina asks the stranger.

"Actually, I am a demon, I love this form so I choose it" The stranger smiles sweetly.

"Forgive my young barmy gormless lad here, he does not know how to treat a lady."

"This is shocking, I mean, I thought demons are more of monsters, didn't expect a stud as one" Tina chuckles lightly.

As the demon was about to speak, a portal ripped open in the room, out came two men, one of them was bald and carried a chest which was locked. The other was a Zixchlindr(a formidable race of demons, he was Shekindra, soon the two men step out of the portal, the portal vanished from the air.

"Did the mortal bring another tainted?" Shekindra says aloud his voice booming.

"I sniffed her quite well, she appears to be pure" the stranger replies.

"Good, Lord Larias must be resurrected so that we his chosen might feast on all existence" Shekindra continues, Shekindra mutters a few words, an altar appeared in front of him, the altar was about six feet long and three feet wide.

"She's not your ex" The priest whispers to Shekindra.

"What do you mean?"Shekindra asks with an annoyed tone.

"The altar you summoned is for fat people, the one we have is of an athletic build, not everyone's like your ex, you know" the priest continues.

"You annoying piece of shit" Shekindra says as he rips the head off the man's body, the chest drops to the ground then the body fall backwards, blood oozing out of his neck.

"You can go tell my EX to loosen some weight" Shekindra snarls angrily as he drops the head to the ground.

Leo was scared, he had seen many people killed before but none was this sudden, he didn't wanna get on the bad side of this guy.

Tina just sat in her chair, she was worried shitless, she was definitely gonna die and no one was gonna come to save her.

"Men will always be scum, they are the main cause of every terrible event" Tina weeps bitterly internally.

"Marei, the idiotic priest is dead, open the chest, it contains the Ryubin Krystalis, our last hope in resurrecting our lord" Shekindra says aloud.

The stranger with the British accent smiles as he goes to retrieve the chest from the ground.

"And you, lapa lapa, untie the pure vessel and set her on the altar" Shekindra voices out, fierceness etched in his voice.

"It's Leo" Leo mutters as he walks towards Tina.

"Wassup, how y'all doing" comes a loud voice from behind them, everyone turns to look at the owner of the voice. It was unmistakable, the person was six feet, had black hair, he was light-skinned and was really handsome. It was Dickson Reyes.

He held a poster in his hands, he stood close to where the poster on the wall was.

"Do you guys notice anything" Dick asks smiling casually.

He was continuously being stared at dumbfounded.

"Come on, I had a haircut, see, my sides are slow, it's called a high fade" Dick smiles.

"It looks good on you, bro" Leo finally voices out.

Marei gives Leo a disgusted look.

"Come on, it's true, let's be honest" Leo smiles

"Thanks nigga, the poster y'all put on the wall of me is getting old and outdated so I decided to save you the stress by dropping by and giving you an updated one, you demons are awfully weak though, I smoked the hundred outside without feeling it, don't you guys do yoga? If you ever interested, feel free to hit me up, I will be of service" Dick smiles as he tears the poster from the wall, he sets his poster on the wall carefully and expertly.

"Perfect" Dick smiles lightly, he turns towards Shekindra, his mouth opens into a wide surprise.

"Yoooo, you still alive, that's an amazing surprise, guess my dad was right, micro-dicks never quit"Dick smiles.

"Stop calling me that" Shekindra says as he disappears from his position, he reappears immediately behind Dick, as he was about to land a hit, Dick disappears, soon, the demon's body was hurled across the air.

"I can teleport too, fam" Dick smiles, his attention turns towards the bound girl.

"The fuck, I am supposed to pick Emily from school in two minutes, being a Dad is harder than it looks" Dick smiles.

"Did he just say Dad, he doesn't even look as old as Leo" Tina thought.

Dick reappears directly before her. Leo and Marei were unconscious on the ground.

"They were awfully slow, just knocked them out while approaching you" Dick smiles at her, he takes a look at what was binding the lady.

"Damn, I hate these things" turning his head towards Shekindra.

"Yo Shelly small-dick, can I get something to cut this with, I think the lady would like to be free" Dick smiles. Shekindra growls loudly as he dashes at Dick, Dick stops him in midair.

"How is that even possible, I didn't see him move, who's this person" Tina thought, she had a mixture of fear and excitement, she couldn't deny it, after this person had showed up, he had lightened up her mood both with his jokes and insane strength.

"Yo micro dick, you gotta understand, your manhood ain't gonna grow bigger, it's nothing to feel good about,I mean who ever heard of a demon with a small dick" Dick smiles lightly.

"You are still far too haughty, your negligence was the reason I escaped the first time, you were easily distracted by a mere illusion and I am gonna make you pay this time" Shekindra growls aloud as he throws a punch, Dick dodges it, lifting his arm, he raises him in the air and slams him down on the ground.

"You remind me of your dick. Weak and inefficient" Dick smiles as he picks a small dagger from the floor, he walks towards Tina, he cuts the ropes binding her.

"Sorry about the intrusion, madam, the name is Dick, I shall return you wherever you belong" Dick smiles at her.

"As in Dick, your parents called you that when you were born?" Tina asks getting up from the chair.

"I know it's weird but it's what I've got" Dick smiles lightly.

"I won't let you insult me again" Shekindra says getting up from the ground. Dick disappears from her side, Shekindra and Dick reappear combating in the mid air.

"How did he leave here so fast" Tina thought.

"Look nigga, I feel bad for you, I really do but your efforts are pathetic, your dick ain't gonna grow" Dick smiles sweetly.

"Larias shall return and you will be the first he will haunt down" Shekindra snarls angrily.

Shekindra tries to land a punch,Dick catches his arm in the midair, lifting him up from the ground, he swings him in the air, he raises him and hits him on the ground.

Shekindra collapses to the floor.

Dick crouches down as he fumbles through Shekindra's clothing, Shekindra was in black leather.

"You know, you and your manhood are very similar, you are both pathetic and disappointing" Dick smiles as he gets to his feet, turning, he sees Tina walking towards him.