Chapter 4 -: Escape from Jail II

The inmates facing Marcel had their faces lit up, they were finally going to escape jail. They were already chattering excitedly except for one though, he looked to be very perceptive in nature.

"There are guards everywhere, just because we have the keys doesn't generally guarantee our escape." The indifferent inmate said, Marcel raised his mouth as if to speak back.

"Also, don't think I don't know the locks are constantly changed every week, I have also seen you picking keys from the fine grounds since I got in here, if this is your idea of a prank, it will cost you dearly" he spoke aloud, this caused the other inmates to lose their joyful expressions, right now, they had sad and confused faces on.

Marcel let out a smile, before, he came to jail, he had encounters with tough men who had always found ways to bring down the price for the commodity he was to give them. These inmates were no different, if anything, they were far inferior.

"You see, I have been planning this for a while now, I took and kept those rusted keys for a reason, I was secretly making my own bunch" As Marcel said this, he brushed his hair with his right hand.

"So an opportunity presented itself today and I switched the bunch, I don't have any reason to want to lie to you" Marcel smiles lightly. The perceptive one took the bunch of keys, he appeared to be inspecting them.

"There's so many, how do I know which opens which door" He asks.

"I have been here for nine years, though the locks are constantly changed, two things never are, the brand and the key hole, those remain perfectly constant" Marcel ends with a light smile.

The other inmates had their eyes on Marcel, they were quite intrigued by his information.

"This is going even better than I expected."

Marcel continues

"The ones with the smaller keys open the prison doors while the two larger keys are the openers for the two main entrance."

"Pretty clever but I still don't trust you" the perceptive one says with a look of suspicion.

"Well, you don't believe me, today is what, Tuesday, we have till Friday before the locks are changed, why don't you use that time to test the goodies in your hand, if it's good, you know where to find me" Marcel smiles lightly as he crosses his arms.

"Well then, I shall take this" The perceptive one says, he pockets the keys and leaves, causing the other inmates to follow him.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, that's our means of escape" Todd says in an exasperated tone.

"No, he thinks that's our only means, I play chess, you know, one thing about the opponent is no matter how good they are, they always feel they are at a advantage if they capture the queen piece of their contender in the beginning. For individuals like me, I simply let them have it, what they don't know is, there is truly no advantage in a chess game, checkmating the king is only what matters, even if other pieces are captured and the king isn't. It's still not a win" Marcel smiles lightly.

The bell rung, it was time for dinner to end, the wardens hastily ordered the prisoners back to their cells. Marcel had a smile on, Todd and he were escorted back to their cells, while they were moving, Marcel slips backwards and crashes into the guard, the guard flustered at this connects a fist to Marcel's tummy.

Marcel winces in pain, he smiles as he quickly brushes the sensation away, soon they were in their cell, the Warden locks the door as he quickly leaves.

Marcel smiles as he brings out a bunch of keys from his pants, while he stumbled into the guard, he had exchanged a bunch of keys with him.

"Todd, pack your things, we are leaving this greybar hotel tonight."

Meanwhile, the inmate who had gotten the bunch of keys from Marcel was smiling.

"That fool, I totally deceived him, it's obvious these are the real deal, now to get this dumb warden's attention"

Motioning over to his roommate, He makes a sound as if in pain, the roommate understanding the signal walks over to the prison door, he hides beside the cell door, the perceptive inmate keeps shouting in pain, this causes a Warden to come over, while the warden came over.

"What's wrong, why are you squealing like a bitch?" The warden asks with a snicker, as he came close to the gate, the inmate who was hiding rushes towards him, bringing him closer, he hits him forcefully on the door. He collapses to the ground.

"Nice, now to get the fuck out of here" He says as he removes the bunch of keys from his pockets, he opens the door. His roommate and he dash out, the roommate wanted to stop to take the key from the fallen warden but there were other wardens holding their batons running in his direction.

"No time, we have got to get out of here" the perceptive one says as he took off in the opposite direction, the other one follows running briskly.

Marcel was sitting on his bed, looking at the gate, soon he spots some wardens running past.

"Good, this is the opening we need."

The perceptive one and his roommate keep running, soon they came to the entrance of the building, as fast as he could, he pushes the keys into it, he turns to unlock the door, it kept refusing to open until finally, it gave way and he was outside, he kept running, there were constant shouts of stop. He had been in jail for four years, he was given twenty one year imprisonment and he couldn't stand another day in jail, he was close to his escape and he wasn't going to let anything stop him.

"POOOW!!!" He hears a gunshot, he stops in his tracks and looks back, his roommate was on the ground in a pool of blood, the other wardens were now shooting.

"Help me" he mutters painfully.

"We had a good run, but I am leaving this shit hole no matter what" he mutters to his partner as he kept sprinting. There were a lot of wardens behind him but he hoped in himself he would outrun them all, he got to the main gate, sticking the key inside the hole, he tries to turn it but it wouldn't budge.

"What the fuck is happening" He mutters out. KRRRE, KREEEAK!! He hears the cracking sound, slowly he brought the key away from the door, even though it was very dark, he notices the rust all over the key. Looking carefully, there were others two, the rust wasn't very obvious like someone deliberately gave it a rough polish and shine.

"Fuck you, Marcel" he mutters to himself, the wardens had caught up to him, he was in a whole lot of trouble.

Marcel and Todd were out of the prison area, they were walking calmly.

"Todd, stopped here, we are to rendezvous with our partner soon, he made all this possible" Marcel voices aloud.

Soon, Bob came along, he was still dressed in his jail clothes.

"Now I see why my brother worked for you, you really are a smart ass, ain't ya?"

Todd was dumbfounded, he didn't understand what was the relationship between the two of them

"I don't understand, thought you both hated each other."

"No, we didn't, this is Antonio's brother, he came in here last week with one sole purpose, break me out, well, also to have fun with the other guys in jail" Marcel smiles mildly.

"Then why were you so concerned about him" Todd says still in disbelief.

"It's called acting, I needed you to be fully on on this before I began, once I noticed you wanted to escape jail as desperate as I wanted, I sent the signal to Bob yesterday, we came up with that open confrontation. While the guards were holding Bob back, he took a bunch of keys from one of them and hid it in his pants, he did it so expertly no one noticed, even I didn't, until he came to our cell ranting, then I knew the plan was a success. So then, it was my turn, he threatening me caused those guards to come, using that opportunity, I took a set of keys" Marcel smiles lightly.

"If you had that figured out, why did you still inform the other inmates" Todd asks.

"We needed a Trojan horse, someone to keep the wardens attention while we were leaving, I could see the selfishness in his eyes so I gave him the bait and he performed according to expectations" Marcel smiles as he brushes his hair.

"And this right here was the signal to Bob that the bait was taken."

"That still does not explain how you knew about the other exit" Todd says.

"Well about the other exit, I have caught a couple of wardens, before dinner, I never seen them pass my cell door yet when they pass, I see some goodies from KFC with a few wardens, so there was an entrance behind which those losers were using to leave prison and get food, so one day, instead of me having lunch, I had Bob distract the guards by raping one of the other inmates in public, while this was done, I sneaked out, carefully I looked everywhere trying to find this other entrance but I couldn't, then it hit me, some guards had a yellow key in their bunch while others did not, meaning this wasn't something legalized, so it was a hidden door, looking at the walls, I noticed a poster in the centre of a wall, carefully, I removed the poster and saw the keyhole, there was no handle, it was one of the doors which was craftily made, requiring only the key to open and the hinges were so close together no one would notice it was hidden unless one stared hard at it. That was the break, once I noticed that, I informed Bob, we started this plan together."

Todd stared at Marcel in disbelief, he was impressed and surprised.

"Come on, I was the biggest human trafficker in the continent, those things require planning, you know" Marcel smiles lightly.

"If you are impressed now, you will be bewildered once you see me really act."

"Now, that we have that out of the way, can we track down the detective who murdered my brother" Bob asks, his face flaring up.

"Sure, we can. My sis was handling my business in Paris for the last few years, she came back last week and dropped by to visit on Sunday, she should be coming to pick us up soon"

"Antonio told me she died, something about a blood transfusion" Bob blurts out.

"She never was, the detective who was after me was really good, I knew that with the way he was going, he was gonna capture me soon, I needed a way to make him feel guilty, I staged it all up and the trick worked perfectly, he stopped chasing me for a while" Marcel smiles lightly.

"You are sure one crazy fox, I would like to suck your dick" Bob says licking his lips.

Marcel turns towards him with a scared look

"You know we were just kidding about that, I am as straight as a ruler."

"Rulers bend, don't they."

"Not if you are a ruler made of diamonds."

"Don't diamonds melt."

"Okay, just stop, you totally creeping out." Marcel says his face being overwhelmed with fear and worry.

Bob licks his lips as he bends his head backward as if to stare at Marcel's ass.

"Please, Mary, be here soon" Marcel prays silently in his mind.

As if on cue, a Limousine came around and parked in front of them, the chauffeur opens the door at the driver section, he walks towards the side facing them and opens the door of the vehicle, sitting inside was a tall beautiful redhaired woman, she had full red lips, brown eyes and was holding a glass of champagne.

"Hello, brother" she says with a sly smile.

"Hey sis, how was Paris" Marcel says as he enters the vehicle, Todd and Bob get inside not long after.

"It was the usual, romantic and lovely" Mary says sweetly.

"How many guys did you swindle their assets this time?" Marcel asks chuckling.

"Not much, just a total of twenty neglecting the royals of London who came and the prime minister from Korea"Mary says with a sweet smile.

"You like my new hairdo, I dyed it red, wanted to look more French."

"Looks good on you sis, you remind me of myself before Dick" Marcel says with a twinge of bitterness.

"I take it that's our next target."

"Precisely, Sis, precisely" Marcel says as a smile curves on his lips.

"I will finally have my revenge."