Chapter 5 -: They Abyss

In a dark long spacious room whose only source of light was a blue luminous ball hanging about forty feet in the air and a young girl known as Tina who was ascending over six feet high in the air, she laid horizontally and she appeared to be resting peacefully, there were two beds lying at the far end corner of the room, there were about eighteen other people standing in the room, the smallest of them was hovering about a few feet above the ground, he was dressed in an oversized black cloak, they were blue transparent runes on his palms, he was chanting in an abyssal language.

Tom, Lefinna, Ron, Reg and Katarina just stood by, they each had alarmed looks on their faces.

Katarina spoke first

"Mari, we shall be venturing into the abyss to find a way to stop this soul possession, you and Kari are now in charge."

Kari lets out a sly smile as her eyes peered over to Redoulp's books which were scattered in a pile at one edge of the room.

"This is gonna be good."

"Touch my books and they will be the last things your hands will ever feel."

Mari was alarmed, she turned to look at Redoulp but he paid no attention to her.

"So where exactly in the abyss are we going to" Katherina asks now facing Tommy's direction, Katerina's hair as always was straight and it was long as it extended past her shoulders, she wore a black gown with a unique design.

"Dick has a friend in the abyss, says she's the demon lord of a district, he never told me when he met her but I am sure she can help" Tommy answers back almost immediately.

He was oddly dressed for the occasion, wearing a white T-shirt that read 'Hi, I am Princess Cinderella' decorated with a lot of cute pink kittens at the sides and a pair of blue jeans.

Lefinna as always wore a black latex clothing which appeared really tight on her body but she didn't seem to mind, she had packed her blonde hair in a ponytail.

Ron and Reg were dressed almost identically dressed wearing both brown leather, the only difference between their clothing was while Ron's outfit was completely brown, Reg wore a black pant underneath.

"Ishei restuni RESIOO" Redoulp chants the last word loudly, as soon as he was done, the whole place suddenly became windy, books and other scattered items on the ground kept moving and thrashing about in the room, then a rip opened in space, it gradually enlarged till a black coloured portal was formed and was now visible for all eyes to see.

"Tommy, I don't mean to offend you but why are you wearing that shirt, ain't you supposed to be a grown man?" Ron asks, a puzzled look appearing on his face. Tommy looked down on his shirt, it was then that he realized what he was wearing

"Ooh shit, he said aloud"

He had always stacked the clothes he was going to wear on a particular hanger starting from the last night, his daughter Amanda had complained that he never wore his princess clothes outside.

He had simply told her that cause it wasn't in the space that determined his cloth the next day, Amanda like her mother had the gift of reading people's minds, accessing their memories and controlling them to do her bidding without even their slightest knowledge.

Amanda could use her ability on a mass level, she once manipulated all the teachers' minds to join her in her roleplay in a Princess Snow White tea party.

It was so hilarious that day seeing a group of fully grown adults wearing pink gowns and strange-looking attire serving Amanda and her friends for the purpose of roleplay, when Tommy had caught wind of this, he told Amanda to stop, she didn't of course, she just started operating in ways that no one was gonna be able to find out.

A few other lycanthropes were laughing mildly at the initials of the shirt Tommy was wearing.

"Being a Dad is hard" Tommy mutters sadly as he jumps into the portal, the others had already gone in before him.

They appeared in a desert looking area, the area was scorching hot to say the least and the sky was crimson red in colour being complimented by a few dark clouds.

"This looks like an ideal place for a princess picnic" Ron jeered, Reg chuckled a bit but Katharina turned towards them shooting a disgusted look which caused the both of them to shut up.

Tommy ignored the comment, he was a vampire and to be more precise, Dracula's heir meaning he could use all of Dracula's abilities and one of those abilities involved him being able to hear things as low as 0.00000001 decibell of sound or a frequency of sound as low as 0.000002 hertz. His hearing sense was even sharper than any lycanthrope.

Tommy could hear pandemonium, he could hear slaughtering sounds and agonizing screams, there was a war going on not too far away.

"We have to get going" Tommy voices aloud.

"What do you mean" Katharina asks with a puzzled look.

"No time to explain. Darlin', connect my hearing abilities to the others" Tommy voices aloud as the glint in his eyes turn red showing he was about to get serious.

Lefinna let out a mild smile, she loved it when Tommy got like this, it always turned her on, a few schematics appeared before her, it was impossible for others to see as their brains didn't run on the same neural wavelength as hers.

She moved a few things and soon, everyone could hear what Tommy could.

"What do you suppose is causing the sound" Redoulp asks.

"I don't know but whatever it is, this can't be good, we have to do something about this" Reg voices aloud.

"What about Tina, we can't leave her here or bring her into battle" Tommy says in Reg's direction.

"There's nothing too difficult about that, my two elites will stand back and defend the young mortal" Katharina says with a commanding tone as she morphs into a six feet tall golden-furred werewolf.

Tommy wasn't cool with the idea of leaving the young girl with these two men but something was wrong and these two men had proven to be quite capable in the past and there was the factor that Redoulp wanted her dead as her existence could cause about the birth of a vicious God. He feels a hand on his shoulder, one of Dracula's abilities that he had inherited was to sense intent and lies.

The hand on his shoulder had a reassuring intent.

"Don't worry, Tommy, you do what we do best, we promise to protect her" Reg says aloud with a neutral smile.

Tommy looked at him, he couldn't sense any lies, looking over to Lefinna, she nodded her head dramatically.

It was a signal the couple used, it meant the truth was being spoken, if it was a lie, Lefinna would simply roll her eyes.

"One can never be too careful" Tommy always said that.

"So these chaps are really telling the truth."

"I trust you to protect her, I know you won't let me down" Tommy says with a reassuring smile.

"Good, princess, you have finally delayed us long enough, can we go now before you forget your glass shoe" Redoulp cracked, this causes a laugh from everyone even Tom himself.

"Sure, let's do this" Tommy says as he sped away, the others followed not being too far from each other with Tommy of course at the front line. Katharina was on all fours leaping as high and fast as she could, Redoulp was flying at an incredible speed, he was behind Tommy and Katharina, wanting to jeer at the person he thought he was ahead of.

"I thought cyborgs were supposed to be faster"Redoulp says twisting his head to look behind him but lo and behold, no one was behind him.

Lefinna had not bothered to run with them, when she saw them taking off, she simply removed the teleportation device from her outfit and clicked a few buttons.

Soon Tommy arrived at the scene of the pandemonium, Katharina and Redoulp arrived shortly after.

"You guys should really learn to keep up, I have been sitting here for at least one million and twenty-seven nanoseconds" Lefinna smiles at them, she was sitting down and making a fire.

Tommy let's out a mild smile.

"So love, what's the situation."

Lefinna gets up on her feet, she appeared to survey the area.

"It appears we are in the district of the abyss which is headed by the demon lord popularly called Irinova, as you know, her minions mostly consist of Aracoi demons usually at the lowest rank, Incubus and Succubus usually at the higher ranks, the ones with the brown insignia are under her authority while the ones with the red insignia are of the opposing contender, whoever they are, there are mostly Incubus in their ranks and a few Succubus who are long range spellcasters."

"Nice analysis, darling" Tommy smiles at Lefinna, hardening his expression, he faces the battle.

"Now, how about we get ourselves a favour with the demon lord here."

Katharina and Redoulp shoot a wink in his direction, the four dash into the battle speed.

Tommy runs in, he sees a couple of incubus, they look exactly like humans except they were really good looking and possessed incredible strength, all the demons and succubus on the battle field were naked, the succubus had bat-like wings with small horns protruding out of their fore-head.

Looking at the red insignia, Tommy dashes in, he blitzes through about seven hundred incubus. As soon as he had gotten behind them, their head falls of their body causing their bodies to fall on the ground with a huge slam.

"Score, 703" he smiles to himself.

Katharina slashes through slicing through the ranks of her prey faster than they could even notice she was there, some of the demons were able to use magical abilities such as fireballs but she evades them with ease due to her superior speed and agility as she slits the throats of the demons close to her.

"Try and beat that" She smiles facing Redoulp.

Redoulp shoots her a wink as he flies over to where the battle was the hottest, crouching down, he began to chant spells, big green portals open at his side and Giants of about 40 metres tall came out carrying clubs and wearing animal skin(probably dinosaurs) around their body for clothing, they turned the battle in their tide as the Giants smashed through the ranks with the red insignia with ease splattering everywhere with bone and blood.

Redoulp who was watching his summoned giants thrash the opponents easily let out a mild smile behind his oversized cloak.

Lefinna watched everyone, though they were eliminating the ranks of the enemy easily, the ranks of Irinova were still dying like rats due to the force of the long range shooters.

"Guess, I am gonna have to take care of that" Lefinna thinks to herself, extending her right hand.

"Irinsio" She shouts aloud as Excalibur materialises into her hand, in two seconds, she had covered a distance of five hundred and sixty metres, she was behind the long range attackers which all comprised of succubi, the main force was the incubus who had gone into the main fights.

One of the succubi turned her back, she then sees Lefinna behind her.

"How did she..." Her head got lopped off, Lefinna had slit it in one clean open strike.

The remaining succubi turned her attention on her but Leffy was damn too fast, she took them all by surprise as she slits their necks quickly in seconds. There was a total of four hundred and eighty six succubi, Lefinna ended then in ten seconds.

"That's how a cyborg works, fast and efficient, she smiles to herself" Lefinna stared far, she saw her comrades battling, they were leading as she had expected them to be doing.

She bends her head at the last moment, a red energy beam shoots past the area her head was once before, she hadn't noticed but her reflexes had taken control at the last second.

Lefinna had seen that spell before, it was a single strike which traveled at the speed of light.

Lefinna put her head back in position, she sees three succubus, they were about sixteen metres away and were about fifteen feet high in the air, they appeared worn out but they were still firing various spells at her.

"It's almost like you guys are begging to be killed" Lefinna says aloud as she leaps off the ground, two of the succubus leave their position as they fly straight at her.

The third succubi stayed where she was, there was a red orb in her hand, she was chanting some words that even Lefinna hadn't heard before.

"That can't be good" Lefinna mutters to herself. Lefinna tries to slash at a succubi but instead she turns into a rock which drops to the ground.

"An illusion" she realized but too late, the other succubi shoots another red beam at her, Lefinna ducks too but it touches her right shoulder slitting the entire arm and forcing it to fall off.

The succubi was overjoyed as she saw her target hit, she then feels a blade grasping her neck.

Lefinna was behind her, she was holding the Excalibur to her neck, the succubi was amazed, she looks at what she thought was Lefinna but the image vanished immediately.

"I played tricks with your head, it's ironic, ain't it, you should never underestimate your opponent" Lefinna says as she slits the neck off, the succubi's head falls off, her body and Lefinna body lands on the ground with a thud.

Lefinna turns her attention at the succubi chanting.

"Ooh no." She says aloud.

The Giants were entering into the portals back, they had fufilled their reason for being summoned. Redoulp, Katharina and Tommy were gathered together and chattering excitedly, the succubus and incubus with the brown insignia were cheering loudly.

Tommy hears a mild sound, turning his eyes to the direction of the sound, every joyful look on his face had vanished.

"Ooh crap."