Chapter 9 -: Unexpected news

There was furniture scattered all over, with glitters and stickers on the walls and floor, Dick was lying down on the floor, he appeared to be in a deep sleep, he was dressed in a pink bunny costume. On the bed beside him laid two girls, Amanda and Emily, they were dressed as princesses and slept like angels.

"BRRRRR BRRRRRRR BRRRRRRR!!!!" rang the alarm clock, Dick woke up with a start, he put his hand on his head to recall the events of the last day.

The girls were putting make up on him with the intention of making him look like Princess Rapunzel, his daughter Emily had so many strange abilities, one of them involved opening portals to any time or any place, she had opened a portal the previous day, a couple of talking balloons and mushrooms with eyes and mouth coupled with a group of smiling monkeys had walked out, they were really friendly as they all kept shouting was 'LET'S PLAY'. Dick not liking this told Emily it was a no no, Amanda had smiled at him and that was the moment he blacked out.

"Tommy owes me big time for this" Dick mutters as he gets to his feet, he looked at the time, it was already 7:32.

"Crap" Dick thinks, it was then that he noticed how he was dressed.

"Really, the things I do as a father" Dick mumbles as he taps Emily.

Emily wakes up with a yawn.

"Gooood mooorrning, Easter bunny" Emila grins showing a set of teeth, one of the canines was absent.

"What happened to your tooth, Jasmine" Dick asks with a concerned look as he sits lightly on the bed. Emily was dressed as Jasmine while Amanda was dressed as Snow White.

"I broke it when you took us to the volcanic ferris ride and it was the least fun" Emily says sulkily.

Dick had heard about the volcanic ride while he was travelling different dimensions to find out which place was perfect for his honeymooning with his beautiful young wife, Sarah. The volcanic ferris ride was in an alternate dimension, the dimension was full of ogres and orcs, it was considered one of the most dangerous rides in the multiverse, it was like any average wheel ride except the vehicle starts at three hundred and fifty times the speed of sound, creatures got on the ride, loosing their teeth, skulls and bones, when the ride got midway, the speed gradually increases till it gets to about eighty percent the speed of light, by then, most of the riders were usually dead, it had a death rate of a thousand people per minute. Dick had an uneasy look on his face, he didn't want to imagine what other activities they had embarked on.

Dick gulped hard, he had a look of terror on his face.

"Don't worry about my teeth, Easter bunny, I simply gave it to the tooth fairy" Emily smiled, she then puts her hand on the place where the tooth was missing, instantly, it grew back. One of Emily's other abilities was time reversal, what made the ability so incredible was that she could limit it to a particular person, place or even an organ. She had simply reversed her mouth back to a time she had a complete set of teeth without affecting the other parts of her body.

"Wake up Amanda, I am gonna have to teleport both of y'all to school else we run late, I have to get breakfast ready" Dick says getting to his feet.

"Dad, the tooth fairy gave me her number, she said she wants you to call her" Emily says smiling at her dad.

Dick has an uneasy look on his face, he really hoped nothing went down, he wanted to he faithful to his dear wife.

"Also, Dad my tigers are in the front yard."

"Just wake up Amanda, have your baths and dress up soon, and don't try and reverse time, remember what happened last time" Dick say as he makes a dash to the kitchen.

"Tigers!! why did my daughter have to be this strong and have a fellow strong friend."

Dick gets to the kitchen, he opened the cupboards, it was empty.

"Goddamn it, where is Leffy and Tommy, is saving a teenager so difficult."

"Sounds like I have got no choice" Dick says as he smiles to the clock in the kitchen which was about to move to 7:40. Dick dashed out, everyone in the street appeared to be frozen in time, Dick hadn't stopped time, he simply upgraded his body and eyes to adapt to an heightened form so he could achieve a much slower perception of time. He could see the light rays coming from the sky, they were the only things which didn't appear stagnant, they were still moving slower though, they were constantly landing on physical objects such as clothing, walls, street lamps even human skin.

"Guess physics was right about those light rays though" Dick smiles to himself as he dashes to the super mall, he picks up a jar of milk and a packet of Cheerios.

"I hope the girls will love this" Dick smiles as he dashes over to the counter, he hurriedly drops some dollar bills.

He exits the restaurant as he dashes back to his abode. He got there, the clock was still reading 7:40.

Dick had implanted a timer on his wrist watch, what made it so spectacular is that it started counting right from femtoseconds(one quadrillionth of a second). Whenever he upgraded his body to percieve his surroundings at abnormal speeds, the timer immediately starts, the problem with Dick doing that is once his body was in that state, he caused rifts in the time-space continuum causing people around him to instantly vaporise, people would be scattered at various time-lines and merge with his, it also disturbs the dimensional barrier stability between universes.

So far Dick could only stay in that mode for at most ten femtoseconds without it causing irreversible damage to the time space continuum, Dick had learnt his lesson the hard way in the past.

Dick put his body back in the normal stage.

"PHINNN PHINNNN PHINNN" rang a sound which appeared to come from his hand, Dick looked at his appearance, it was then he noticed he was still in the Easter Bunny costume, Dick pulls up the sleeve on his right arm, the timer read:

00:00:03; the first set of zeroes denoted nanoseconds, the second set was picoseconds and the last was femtosecond.

"Eight miles in three femtoseconds, New record" Dick smiles in excitement as he jumps up. He dashes to his room, changes his clothes, he was now dressed in his typical wear, a pair of pants, shirt and a big jacket which reached all the way to his knees. He admired his face in the mirror as he combed his hair to its highest point.

"Damn, I am handsome" he says looking into the mirror, it was then that his nose catches something, there was an unknown smell in the room, it smelt like vanilla. In the corner of the mirror, Dick notices a small strange material, Dick smiles as he quickly dashes to the far end corner of the room, he picks up the unknown substance from the ground, it was not any bigger than a small stone but it was nothing like a rock he had ever seen before. The substance was dark-red in colour.

It's structure was strange, it was hard showing it was a rock but it was squishy also when squeezed.

"What the heck is this?" Dick thinks as he picks up the stone.

"Daddddy, we are ready, can we go to school now" came a voice from the kitchen, it sounded awfully like Amanda.

"Be with you in a second" Dick calls out

"Daddy is coming."

With that, Dick dashes to the living room, sure enough, the two girls were already done with their meals, they were dressed casually and had their backpacks on, Emily had a picture of Jasmine on her backpack while Amanda had a picture of Snow White on the back of hers. On seeing Amanda, Dick quickly puts on sunshades.

One of the abilities that Dick had gotten being an Alpha-human and suffering at the hands of Lefinna's telepathic control was Telepathic Immunity. The only problem is Amanda's ability was on another scale as it seemed to reconstruct the body's physiology thereby making his immunity useless.

"Daddy, why you putting on sunshades, it's not so dark" Emily giggled.

"Prevention is better than cure" Dick says shakily at Amanda's direction, Amanda and Emily giggled simultaneously. Emily on the other hand was completely immune to Amanda's telepathic control. Dick was regarded as a lower class Alpha-human seeing that before he could adapt to a particular circumstance or attack, he had to experience it, if the body deemed it perilous, then he either became immune or he gained an ability to counter that. Emily was a higher class Alpha-human, her body had an heightened perception of time and danger, her body could predict the dangers of the future giving her abilities and immunity before anything dangerous even occurs. Sometimes, she even got bonus abilities such as Time reversal and portal summoning. Therefore making her completely immune to Amanda's body physiology manipulation. Dick feared both of them inwardly but he still loved them, it's his daughter and his two best friends' daughter.

"Okay we are gonna go to school, by the way, this tooth fairy, Did She and I do any smooochy smoooochy" Dick asks uneasily.

"Yessss, you both started making out in the devil's pint first, EEEEEWWWW!!" Emily blurted out first.

The devil's pint was a planet where the worst and most vicious inter-dimensional mercenaries and savages gathered to have drinks and have fun, as you might have gathered, there are usually lots of brawls and fights which destroyed cities even nations occasionally(no lady had ever survived in there until yesterday, when Emily and Amanda beat the crap out of scores of them).

"Devil's pint, we made out" Dick says his face becoming a painting of nightmares.

"Yessss then you two got into a room, she was screaming that you should take it easy on her. Uncle D, why were you torturing her?" Amanda asks with a pitiful expression.

Dick was horribly terrified, he didn't know which was more scary.

The fact that his two girls were in the most dangerous places in the multiverse or he had totally cheated on his wife unconsciously.

"We made out, she screamed...what else" Dick says vibrating in fear.

"Yeah, Dad, she kept shouting ooh take it easy but you kept it up, you kept punishing her" Emily says her expression now turning sober.

"Yeah, you even caused the whole planet to vibrate" Amanda says.

"You must have tortured her bad."

"Oooh no" Dick mutters.

"Yeah, Dad, why will you torture Mom, don't you love her?" Emily asks.

"Wait, Mom, she was the tooth fairy?" Dick asks.

"Yeah, who else, we wanted to make it fun like a fairytale, Dad and Mom like Easter bunny and Tooth fairy on a date also accompanying the young princesses" Emily smiles sweetly.

"You said something about her asking for my number" Dick says regaining his composure.

"Ooh that, Emily was kidding" Amanda smiles.

Dick heaved a sigh of relief, he thought he had cheated on his wife, based on the places they went, he was sure his wife would never allow them meaning she was also being controlled by Amanda.

"PHINNN PHINNNN PHINNN" the alarm clock rang, it was now 7:59.

"We got to get school ASAP, hope you girls have eaten?" Dick smiles at them.

"Yes daddy, we have" Emily smiles.

"Good" Dick says as the three of them instantly vanish from the area. They immediately appear at an elementary school, there were many parents walking their children into the school, at first while Dick was teleporting to school, he had caused scenes but he had saved the city from lots of demonic attacks, a lot of demons were in allegiance with Lord Larias, they had constantly raided the city in hopes of getting back at Dick but they all failed miserably as Dick and his team always kicked their asses back to the abyss like they were nothing. So being praised as the local hero with a teenager's looks(his face looked younger than eighteen) with eternal youth, everyone grew to adore him. There were shouts of woooow around him as Dick appears, a lady even fainted.

"Remember to have fun today" Dick smiles at them.

"Yes we will" The two girls said in unison as they waved at him, Dick smiles back as he instantly vanishes from the spot. He reappears back in his office with hopes of trying to find out what this material is, he also hoped Lefinna would be back by now.

"What the hell is taking those people so damn long" Dick thinks as he appears into his office.

At that moment, he hears a roaring sound.

"What's that" Dick thinks as he teleports outside, right before him were two lions almost as tall as him, they were Nemean Lions, they were both maneless and had golden skins.

"ROAAAARR!!!" the smaller of the lion opens his mouth deep in his direction.

Dick then remembers Emily's words. I put the two tigers in the backyard, so it was his backyard and these were tigers, they were lions, they hadn't noticed that cause they was maneless.

To an ordinary man, the Lion would sound like a roar but Dick possessed the ability of being able to understand any language even animals.

"Fresh meat" The smaller lion roars loudly to the bigger one.

"Honestly, he won't have the princesses to protect him this time, he's the bunny from earlier" the bigger lion growled back.

"You two are in for a big surprise" Dick smiles, just then his cell phone rings, Dick puts his hand in his right pocket and picks the call.

"Wassup, who needs saving this time" Dick smiles as he puts the phone to his ears.

"There's a problem, Marcel has escaped and Rudy, he's dead" the voice at the other end spoke.

"Wait, what" Dick asks but too late, one of the lions had charged at him crushing him to the ground, sending his phone flying in the air.