Chapter 10 -: A New threat

Dick was propelled forward by the force of the collision from the lion. He had heard tales about how tough these creatures were, certainly it was no mere joke, this things were crazy strong to say the least.

"Now that's just rude" Dick frowns as he gets to his feet. The other lion charges at Dick but Dick disappears from the area, instantly reappearing at his back.

"Come on, is that the best you got, I thought you was supposed to be the toughest of them lions" Dick smiles as he removes his weapon from his jacket, pointing it to the lion, he fires but no there was no effect on the lion as another hits him from behind, Dick crashes to the ground.

"Guess the rumors about these lions were true, they sure have impenetrable skin but why charge like bulls" Dick thinks as he gets to his feet. The two lions who were in his field of vision vanish.

"Fuck, I forgot, another rumor indicated they could imitate abilities so long they have made contact with their prey and were in a certain distance" Dick frowns, He feels a set of teeth grappling his hand.

"Hey, watch it" Dick says trying to free himself from the Lion's grasp. The other one dives into his lower belly, tearing his body apart like a predator does to his prey.

"AHHHRGGGGGH!!!!, NOT THOSE AREAS, THOSE ARE REAL SENSITIVE!!!!" Dick cries as the two lions lip out his limps apart.

The lions noticed something as they tore open Dick's body, he kept regenerating even faster than they were devouring him.

"He keeps healing" One of the lion growls in low toned to the other.

"We have hit jackpot, infinite bunny meat" the other lion growls louder licking his lips.

Dick teleported away but the two lions disappear too with him pinning him down and toying with him as if he was their prey.

"Bunny meat, you ain't escaping today" one of the Nemean Lions growls licking his lips.

Dick's face wore a visible expression of horror, these creatures weren't fucking around.

He smiles lightly to himself, he had entered Femto-mode(it's the name he calls the time he upgrades his body to perceive time at one quadrillionth per second). Dick smiles as he looks around, he could see the visible light rays scattered and moving slowly everywhere. The two lions appeared to be frozen in there positions. Dick smiles as he leisurely strolls towards them, he holds two of them and teleports.

They reappear in a reality full of dragons, the place was known as Dragon's keep, it was an entire planet with sulphur filling the air as it's natural atmosphere. The area was a waste land, full of dead weak dragons and Dragons always contending with one another. Various dragons stayed there, black dragons, red dragons, gold dragons, blue dragons, of various colours, shapes and sizes. All of them could emit fire neglecting the brown dragons which could manipulate the earth, the blue, water and the green, plants and poison.

Dick smiles as he arrives, he see two dragons frozen in the air, from their facial expressions, he could tell they were in an insane fight, he happily teleports the two lions there. he instantly teleports back home as he enters normal mode.

"Where's the bunny meat" one of the Nemean Lions growls about.

"Ooh no" the other Nemean lion growls at him, it was facing a different direction and his growl was more of a whimper.

"What's the problem" the other Nemean lion growls as he turns it's back. Standing before them were fifty foot dragons, one of them was a red dragon, the other, black. The two dragons were smacking their lips hungrily.

Dick smiles to himself as he arrives back in his dimension, he could only imagine the horrors the two lions were facing, he walks to the ground and picks up the phone as he puts it to his ear, the caller was still active.

"Aye that's good."

"Sorry for the intrusion, had a little pet problem, what do you mean Rudy is dead, he is top tier" Dick says aloud.

"We are amazed too, the agency had never experienced any foe that could take on our main tank Ruby, you might wanna check it out" the voice at the other end said.

"I will be right over, you mentioned something about Marcel, why?" Dick asks.

"We know you put Marcel in jail, thought you would be more interested in him, the location is still the same as last time in case you wanna teleport here" the voice at the other end said.

Dick smiles as he vanishes, he reappears in a government top hidden facility, there was a room full of people sitting on desks and working on their systems. There were training room for martial arts training and also other rooms for various purposes.

Dick spots Eddie as he walks towards him, Eddie was once worked with the local police force in Oakland until the supernatural started breaking forth in the city, the nation's government had sent officials to check it out cause they had been experiencing similar paranormal cases in other parts of the country, they were able to recruit Eddie and Rudy that day. Rudy was Sarah's immediate older brother, Sarah was Dick's wife.

"How is Rudy dead, he beat my ass once" Dick smiles at Eddie.

"I see you are still rocking that nerdish look, thought being a spy makes people look cool, guess reverse is your case."

Eddie grits his teeth, he hated Dick for that his bashful personality, he shifted his annoyance away.

"We don't know what happened, our motion sensors detected nothing moving and a few seconds later, we had the strongest agent dead."

Dick smiled lightly.

"Tommy's still the captain of the local police force, didn't you think you should contact him."

"We tried but we can't get in touch with him, we lost contact with him at precisely 2:34 pm yesterday, we venture he's in another dimension" Eddie says as he and Dick walks forward side by side.

"Lost touch? Are you guys spying on us?" Dick asks with a troubled look.

"The government can't let the supposed last werewolf clan, the last vampire and Hobbit go loose, we have to keep tabs on you" Eddie says as he focuses his gaze on Dick.

"But some tend to make it impossible."

Dick smiles, he knew he was the one being referred to, his location wasn't easily known even by those close to him.

"Not my fault you guys suck" Dick smiles smugly.

"Has it been checked out by the ballistics" Dick asks as they now enter a room, the room was a mess, there were burnt furniture scattered everywhere, Rudy dead body laid on the ground, a whole in his chest, the area surrounding the hole showed it was a burn, there were vases broken everywhere causing the ground to be soiled with dirt and small stones.

"Yeah, the only thing we noticed that was out of the blue are the burn marks everywhere, we suspect it had to do with a fire creature, for it to defeat Rudy, we rate it city threat level at least." Eddie says as Dick begins to pace around the room as if checking for clues.

The government had been facing some paranormal cases even before Dick was born. Obviously, they tried desperately to keep it from the public as they tried to contain it everyday. They lacked the weapons or manpower to do that as they constantly lost most of their best agents until their source in Oakland told them of some lycanthropes, vampires and mages. They had gone immediately to investigate. About the vampires, since they now lived in the intra-dimension activated by the Molkion Cube. Dick had lied that they were killed in the alien war(Azexela's war). The government obviously bought it but they insisted on putting tabs on them and recruiting some of their elites which included Rudy. Eddie being tired of constantly bullied back at the force lied that he knew alot about this creatures and he would be of invaluable help.

The government had a way of scaling threats, first was ground level, meaning the threat was only capable of wiping a single house or a flat, this level of threat was ignored in most cases, the next was block level, this threat was capable of wiping out a fair amount of land, the government tends to get serious at this threat level.

Then the next threat level was colossal level, which suggests the threat was capable of causing damage that could destroy an entire village. The next was city level showing destruction on a city level scale, then country level, destruction on a country level scale, Planet level, destruction on a planet level scale, there were two other levels of destruction but it would probably never be experienced. Universal level(destruction on a universe scale) and Oblivion (destruction on all forms of life everywhere).

"So the only thing you guys could gather with this advanced technology were this obvious few burns" Dick says with a disappointed look after staring at the room for a few seconds.

"Yes, any thing we missed" Eddie asks shakily.

"You missed an awful lot" Dick says as he moves to the furniture.

"Look at how the furniture is arranged, it was obvious a fight ensured here, yet see how this pile of furniture are closely stacked to each other, whosoever the attacker was,he tried to leave a message, this is Japanese, simple translation is 'I am coming for her next', the real question is..."

"Who is she?"Eddie interrupts.

"Finally, you are using your brain, you deserve a medal" Dick says, he then takes a long hard sniff, he had smelt something like this before, it was in his house, looking over around the room, he spots a small stone lying close to Rudy's body, he hurriedly dashes to the area and picks it up.

It was the exact same stone he found in his apartment.

"This is getting interesting" Dick thinks as he lifts the stone.

"Y'all wanna tell me you didn't notice this."

Eddie shrugs

"It's just dirt, in case you haven't noticed, there's dirt all over the ground."

"Is the government this stupid or it's just you" Dick smiles as he walks closer to him.

"Feel it."

Eddie reluctantly feels the small piece of rock.

"It feels hard yet squishy."

"Exactly" Dick says.

"It posses all properties of a rock but two added bonuses, it smells like vanilla and it's squishy, shows that whatsoever attacks us is clearly extra terrestrial, what it is, I definitely don't know."

"The was what went down here, an individual came here, I trust you must have checked your footage for what happened, I mean you can't be that stupid not to have done that, he came in through the front door not through the walls" Dick says as he points to the entrance door, they were fading muddy tracks there.

"This one was even recently in the forest."

It was then that Eddie noticed the muddy tracks, he was amazed about how he didn't see that earlier.

"Also, that red stone whatever it was, it was summoned here, for them to be able to battle without the footage recording anything, I say they were at least Mach 2."

"Wow, how do you know the red thing was summoned here" Eddie said, he was clearly surprised.

"It's easy, it never left his spot, there are muddy tracks everywhere, the duo must have exchanged blows with each other, Rudy killed the red creature in the same spot it was summoned, by advanced smell, I can see the vanilla smell is limited to this position" Dick says pointing beside Rudy's dead body

"But something doesn't add up, the attacker hesitated in this location for a while, I assume Rudy must have used his lightspeed perception, either the attacker has some insane strange ability or he simply adjusted to his speed, if he did, he must have caused the hole in Rudy's chest."

"Why didn't Rudy just kill him when he was in lightspeed perception" Eddie asks.

"My guess is that he did or at least, he thought he did but I know Rudy, he would have taken secondary precautions" Dick replies bending down staring in space.

"What are you looking for?" Eddie asks.

"More clues."

Dick paces around the room, Rudy and he never interacted much but that didn't stop him from seeing how smart Rudy was, he would have definitely left some valid clue. The Dick notices Rudy's dead body, his right arm was missing his pinky finger, the dislocated finger was a few metres away from the body, it was pointing under a desk.

"Hmm, he broke a finger, couldn't be the attacker, it looks so intentional, jackpot" Dick smiles as he dashes to the direction the index finger was pointing to, using his ultra-scan vision, Dick looks into the desk, there were two pictures there, one of Marcel and Sarah but that wasn't the only shocking detail, there were some words on the Marcel picture.

'He's back and wants revenge'

Dick moved back, he instantly connected all that was happening, Marcel had found a way to get powers, he had attacked the two girls last night, based on the way they were so nonchalant about it, it was a surprisingly easy fight for them, Rudy could enter light speed perception of time meaning Marcel could now do that too and his next target was his darling wife, he must have put that note, she was Sarah.

"It's Marcel, he found a way to get powers and he's out for blood, my wife is the she, she's his next target" Dick says now looking towards Eddie.

"This is bad" Eddie says with a crestfallen expression.

"No, your forensic guys are bad, this is catastrophic, I need to find Marcel now" Dick says with an alarmed look.

"We should be able to track down Marcel" Eddie cuts in.

Dick lets out a mild laughter.

"Really cause you guys couldn't even keep tabs on people who let you do on them talk less of a criminal mastermind with country threat level powers."

Eddie's face wore disappointment as he looks down

"Isn't that the look on your face when you take a peek at your genitals" Dick smiles in his direction.

Eddie's face turns flustered as he turns to look at Dick but the room was empty.

Dick had vanished!