The Confrontation

Sarah was lying on her bed, her eyes were wide open, she felt extremely weak and tired, it had all started the previous day around 5pm, her husband and her daughter with her best friend Amanda had come through a portal, she could tell her husband was being mind controlled, she had tried to stop him but too late, she had blacked out when Amanda had smiled at her. She could recall the events of the previous day vaguely, she and her husband had a grand time, it had been a while since Dick satisfied her like that. She smiled to herself as she sat up on her bed, she saw she was still in a tooth fairy costume.

She got up from her bed and walked to the bathroom, she wanted to brush her teeth, she also needed to go to work. Her parents were very rich before her Dad passed away five years ago, he had left her a fortune which she now used to open and run her hairdressing saloon, she needed to go there and check how things were running, she soon got to the bathroom, she looked at herself in the mirror and smiled, she takes her tooth brush.

"BAMMMMM!! BAMMMMM!!!"the walls exploded, the force of the explosion propelled Sarah to move forward and hit the walls.

"Ooh, what is this" Sarah said as he got to her feet, she hated being in the center of the battlefield, she was mostly the support always helping from the side lines.

She heard footsteps as she turns backwards as that was the direction of the sound of the footsteps.

Right before her was Marcel, accompanying him by his left was a creature who was completely cloaked in fire, the other one by his right was made out of a red glowing substance and smelled like vanilla. There was something different about Marcel, the scar on his face was gone and his eyes emitted a yellow light, he was definitely on another level.

"I thought you had life imprisonment" Sarah says as she got up, her heart skipped a beat as she saw Marcel, even without powers he was very scary as he once commanded hordes of vampires and werewolves even garygoles.

"I am going to end you quickly" Marcel says with a cold stare at her.

Looking at the red glowing creature by his right who was about five feet tall, the fire cloaked creature was also about five feet tall, there was no real skin underneath, he just surged with fire like the human torch in Marvel comics.

"Red, get her" Marcel says fiercely. The red creature grins as he leaps towards Sarah.

White transparent runes appear on Sarah's palm.

"Ishelioso" She chanted as the creature got repelled backward by an invisible barrier.

"I am not the same woman you knew before" Sarah smiles as she gets to her feet.

Marcel gives a mild grin, he raises his right arm up, a green ball materialises on his palm. He launches it towards Sarah shattering the shield like it was nothing. Sarah was driven back due to the broken magical shield, before she had time to react, Marcel was right in her front, a few inches from her face.

"I still haven't forgotten what you did to me, I remember your brother screaming while I ripped his heart out, I will do the same to you" Marcel grins cruelly as a green light envelopes his right arm.

Sarah was in shock, she saw the green arm coming to her chest but there was nothing she could do about it, over the years, she had many near death experiences, that was why she hated to be on the frontlines, she thought about her husband, her daughter, her mother, her dead brother, Tommy, Redoulp, Katharina and everyone else. She still had so much to tell them, so much to do, no, she didn't want to die now, not when she had a reason to keep on living.

"DICKSON!!!" she cried internally as she closes her eyes, in that split second, she feels a warmth which wasn't present in the room before, she opens her eyes to get to know the cause of the warmth and right before her was her husband Dickson, with his right arm, he was holding Marcel's arm at Bay.

"Hey babe, remember last night, how did I do?" Dick smiles in her direction. She smiled back, she was overjoyed, he was her prince charming.

Turning his attention towards Marcel.

"Dickhead, what brings you here, thought you would be getting your asshole widened back in jail, I heard big dicks are of abundance in jail."

Marcel's face shoots off annoyed glance as he breathes in, he breathes out sending a volley of fireballs in Dick's direction. Dick smiles as he enters Femto-mode, every thing now appeared paused in time apart from the visible light rays he could see which moved even slower than snails, he lets go of Marcel as he dashes to Sarah, he carries her lightly the way he did on her wedding day, he instantly disappears, he reappears in the intra-dimension created by the Molkion Cube. He sees Daniel Rollover, an old colleague of his, he was signing autographs for some Minotaur kids, he dropped Sarah beside her, he knew Daniel would take care of her.

Dick instantly reappears back to Marcel's location as he revert back to normal mode, the entire house got destroyed by the volley of fireballs.

"There are two things morally wrong with what you just did, first you came over to my wife's bedroom, nigga that's just freaky, we ain't both sharing her, you know" Dick smiles at Marcel but Marcel was in no mood for jokes, he dashes towards Dick, Red at his right side.

Dick smiles as he makes contact with Marcel, he parries his barrage of attacks but couldn't keep up as Red hit him while he tried to block Marcel's attacks, Dick fell back but the fire cloaked creature instantly reappears behind him, it raises it's temperature to about 700 degree celsius, the entire area got instantly vaporised to ashes as it hit Dickson violently. Dick dashes backward as he coughs out blood, it wasn't the fire itself that caused him to be damaged but the force behind the hit. When he was in the abyss, a time had come when he had to fight in a layer of the abyss where the temperature was over sixty million degrees farenheit. While he was in that layer, his body was constantly being reduced to nothingness but yet his body kept finding a way to take a physical form since his soul itself was not destroyed, this had only caused Dick to wonder how any alpha-human could die, it was impossible for any physical means to end them.

Dick hit the ground as he coughed out blood, his clothes were completely burned off but his skin remained unscatched. Marcel noticing that Dick was immune to fire snaps his fingers, instantly, the fire creature becomes an ice-elf.

Ice elves were creatures who were about five feet, they possessed a sword for short range combat, a quill of arrows and a bow for combat, they also had white pale skin and pointed ears. All their attacks did ice effect, if they are successfully able to hit a target, the targets movement slows down as the ice effect damages the muscles causing it work and move less efficiently.

Dick had also encountered ice elves in some frosty layers of the abyss, The abilities Marcel had gotten were on another scale.

"You know you didn't lemme finish the two things you doing right now that are morally wrong, apart from entering into my abode uninvited, you also burned down my house, now, I got to go to the insurance company, not cool man" Dick smiles as he gets to his feet, his gun was on the ground, when his cloth got burned off, his weapon must have fallen to the ground, Dick picks it up.

"Let's get this show started."

"Put on some clothes will ya, can't stand looking at your dangling dick and balls while I kill you" Marcel finally said with a look of disgust as if trying to avoid eye contact with Dick, it was then that Dick looks at his body, he was totally naked, as fast as he could, Dick covers his genitals.

"Hope I didn't turn you on, I hear jail turns people gay, you know I am straight right."

Marcel gives an exasperated look, he really hated contending with Dick, he could be so frustrating at times.

"I am not gay, though prison nearly made me so but I refused and yeah, the rumors are true, everyone gets the D in jail, it's horrifying, brother, the things I have seen and heard, I will need to be in therapy for months." Marcel face now wore a look of fear.

"You really sure about that, I thought you loved being a top" Dick smiles at Marcel.

Marcel puts up his middle finger of his right arm.

"Get some clothes, I need to kill you on time so I can get to therapy, need to find a way to wash off what I have seen and heard back in jail."

"Well, I could but you burnt my house" Dick says with a nonchalant smile.

"Ooh yeah, my bad, I am still gonna kill you, can't let something so stupid stand in my way" Marcel shouts aloud as he dashes towards Dick. The ice elf readied his bow, it was aiming at Dick, Dick saw Red, he was coming towards him from the opposite direction. Dick thought about this attack, it was a smart setup but he was naked and needed clothes to wear. He instantly disappeared from the area.

Marcel stops dead in his track, his face foaming with anger. Dick reappears back shortly, he was dressed in a T-shirt and shorts.

"Quickly just bought this from the store, by the way, how was last night?" Dick smiles cruelly at him.

Marcel frowned as memories of the previous night came to him, he wanted to kill all of Dick's family and friends before killing him himself, he had gotten to Tommy's house yesterday but instead, he saw the two girls and Dick dressed as a bunny, it was about 2 am.

He smiled thinking this was a lovely opportunity to end three birds with one stone, he had first sent his red minion to attack Emily but his minion was instantly vaporised to ashes. Emily possessed another ability, Atomic disintegration, anyone within a radius of five metres of her with a murder intent instantly gets reduced to mere atoms. He had then dash towards Amanda, Amanda had grown bigger in size, he immediately lost hold on his abilities temporarily as Amanda had smashed him to the ground. When he was trying to recover, two Nemean Lions dashed at him tearing him limb to limb, he quickly teleported out. Those two girls were on a different tier, they were as terrifying as they were cute.

"It's so disappointing, I mean the greatest human trafficker being bullied by two girls, you know they didn't even tell me about your fight like you were too damn easy, shows how pathetic you really were" Dick says with a sly smile.

Marcel frowns his face as he motions towards Dick.

"Attack" he screams, the red minion dashes towards Dick with an arrow launched by the ice elf. Dick dodges the arrow barely, he crouches down, vibrating his right arm as fast as he could, he launches a hit on the lower belly of the red creature instantly disintegrating him, volleys of ice arrows fly at Dick's direction but Dick dodges it with ease. The ice elf kept firing at Dick until it realised Dick had disappeared.

"For an elf, you sure are pathetic" came a voice behind him, the elf turned to look but his neck was instantly snapped by Dick. Dick smiles lightly, he was just getting started, he was joking before wanting to test the strength of Marcel's minions but it turns out they were miserably pathetic.

"Your minions were an eyesore, similar to how two girls less than ten years old sent your pussy ass back home. Now, how about I smoke your ass like my girls did yesterday" Dick smiles menacingly.

Marcel frowned his face, he saw the way Dick had handled his minions, he was definitely not yet a match for Dick even with the ability he had gotten from the mistress. He needed to find a way to get stronger, then he will come back for Dick and have his revenge.

"I sacrificed so much for this, I escaped jail for this, I promise you, you son of a dick, I will have my vengeance." Marcel snarls.

"You know, you shouldn't have left jail, I saw your pic, you have never looked better in any dressing than orange" Dick smiles smugly back at him.

Marcel shows him his middle finger as he instantly vanishes from the area.