Marcel reappears back in his mansion, the government had confiscated his properties and frozen his bank accounts, well the ones they could, he had a few other properties that were off the books, no one knew about it but him, his dear sister and Antonio his best friend. The parlour of the mansion where he was had a few furnitures, a big TV and a VAR player with a bar section not too far behind. Marcel collapses into a chair, he was still far too weak to take on Dick, for Dick to have gotten that strong, he means he had gotten through hell, more hell than he could even imagine. Marcel got up in anger, he smashed the glass table in the room to shards.
"Why did he have to get so strong, why the fuck can't I kill him" Marcel shouts angrily tears dropping from his eyes. Marcel storms off to the bar section, he puts his hand over his eye, he remembered dropping Mary on that Altar, was it now worth it, he was still no match.
"He was using the power of a mistress as she called herself but for him to pass through when he first arrived, it was because he promised destruction, what was the main cause of destruction, anger" Marcel thinks as he paces in the room.
He recalls his fight with Rudy.
Once he was done crying about his sister's death back in the forest, he had manned up and decided to take vengeance, he wanted to first test his powers, he destroyed a large amount of the forest due to the fact that he could emit green fire from his hands, also he was able to summon a small red glowing creature, he called it Red, he also realised he could teleport. his first target being Rudy since he was the brother of Dick's wife. He had heard from his Bob about Rudy working for a secret government agency, he was puzzled about how Bob got hold of that information but Bob simply told him he had his ways, he even gave him the location of the place. Marcel had gone in to search and finally arrived at the agency, one of Marcel's ability was absolute stealth, it was an ability that made him completely soundproof and invisible to the human eye and cameras. He passed through their security system, he entered different room, in one of the rooms, he saw people shooting trying to nail a target, others he saw people testing tech products, others he saw it being created, he entered a room where he caught someone wanking, he was disgusted as he quickly moved away, he entered into various rooms like that till it came to Rudy's room, well, Rudy wasn't human, he could see Marcel. Marcel had told him he was here to kill him and nothing would stop that, Ruby just smiled as he broke his index finger of his right arm, he threw it on the floor. Marcel wondered why he did this but he was less bothered, he summoned Red which dashed towards Rudy but he couldn't hit him, instead, he found himself bleeding with Rudy smiling at him and holding his heart, Red was also gone, only a small fragment of Red remained on the ground.
'i can enter light's perception of time, if you don't know what that means, it simply means I can move as fast as light should I choose to.'
Marcel thought he was a goner seeing his heart was out but he remembered about what Dick did to him, his anger, his pain, his grieve, instantly he felt refilled with strength and power like never before. Marcel dashed towards Rudy, Rudy entered light's perception but instead of Marcel to be frozen in time as he always was when he did, he too was able to keep up with Rudy.
"Impossible" Rudy has said, but the hole in Marcel's chest had healed up and that wasn't the only development, the heart he was holding had vanished, Marcel smiles confidently as he dashes at Rudy, the duo was locked in a heated confrontation, at first, Rudy has the edge in strength and reflexes but as the battle continued, Marcel kept getting stronger, soon, Marcel began tossing Rudy around the room like a toy, Rudy tried desperately to resist but his efforts were futile, he was now completely powerless against Marcel.
'I shall end you now' Marcel said as green flames enveloped his right arm, before Rudy has a chance to react, he finds a hole in his chest, Rudy coughs out blood, Marcel had a sinister smile on his face.
'I am going to murder everyone else, I will have my revenge and none shall stand against me' Marcel said aloud.
'at least, I was right about that, Dickson, you dick, take care of my sister' those were the last words Rudy thought of before he died. What Marcel didn't know was that when Rudy had first entered light's perception of time, he took a picture of Marcel and put it into his drawer, he also went to his computer to find out about the guy, seeing that Dick had put him in jail, Rudy suspected this guy was out for revenge, he gathered that his sister will definitely be involved since she was married to Dick. Fortunately, his sister's pic was also there, he was careful to ensure the finger printed to Marcel's picture should anything go wrong, being the type of person Dick was, he was sure Dick would certainly get the message. When Rudy had collapsed on the ground, as life was seeping out of him, Marcel had smiled to him 'I am going for his friends next and then his wife, for Antonio and Mary's sake' Rudy fell flat on the ground lifeless, Marcel looked at his surroundings, there was furniture scattered all over due to their fight, he arranged a few chairs closely together with the intention of sending a message. 'now to attack his friends' Marcel said as he used absolute stealth to leave, when he got out, he then realized he was completely healed. He could also heal super fast, good.
Marcel stops remembering about the past events, he had a theory on how his abilities work, putting his hands forward, he thought about how his sister died, what Dick had done to him, the flame on his hands grew bigger and burned brighter. Now the flame on his right arm completely overshadowed his body.
"So this is how it goes, the angrier I get, the stronger I am, Santa really came in early this year" Marcel smiles to himself.
"Time to get back at Dick for what he did to me."
Marcel teleported to where he battled Dick, there was no one there just debris in the place of where Dick's house was, he could spot Dick's weapon not too far from him.
"Damn it, I am too late, he must have gone."
Dick suddenly appeared back in that area, accompanying him was an individual with bald head wearing a strange clothes, a red tunic and black leather, beside him was Sarah's wife, she was still dressed as a tooth fairy.
"So why are we here" Sarah asks, she was flaring up. Marcel could see them, he couldn't believe his luck, he used absolute stealth, he didn't know who the strange man was so he simply walked over trying his best to avoid their gazes.
"Love, I need to take my weapon, I think I dropped it here" Dick says searching the ruins, finally he emerges with a golden weapon.
"There you are" turning his attention towards the strange man.
"Danny, you might wanna cast the portal spell to the Rezkem realm now."
Marcel looked at them, obviously, none of them had detected him yet, it appeared his ability had improved via his anger too, now it was unnoticeable by any life form at all as he realised the strange man who Dick called Danny had thrown several glances at his direction without showing any sign of seeing an intruder.
"Okay then" Danny smiles, he lifts his hands forward, black transparent runes appear on his two palms, he began to chant in a strange tongue, Marcel couldn't understand any of what he said, it all sounded like gibberish to him. Soon a portal appeared but this one was strange, it appeared to be sucking things inside, all the ruins were being sucked in, the grasses were also being uprooted from the ground.
"Yo Danny, has living in that dimension made you loco, I told you I wanted a portal, P-O-R-T-A-L, in case you forgot the spelling, why the fuck did you summon a black hole" Dick says as he gets on all fours he was trying to keep his balance on the ground, Sarah had simply summoned a shield to protect her, Daniel too had a shield over him, Marcel was screaming frantically as he tried to run in the opposite direction, thanks to his ability, he wasn't heard but tears were coming from his eyes, he was incredibly scared.
"A black hole is the only way to get to that realm, it's way superior to this mortal realm, if we are able to survive long enough inside the black hole and break it at the perfect time, we shall appear in the void, we will be the first mortals attempting this, it's a place where only gods and mistresses dare go" Daniel says aloud in order to be heard.
"Okay then good, so I am guessing you need me to wreck it" Dick smiles at Daniel.
"Good then let's go" Dick smiles as he lets go, a force sweeps him above the ground into the portal, the force also carried Daniel, Sarah and Marcel inside the portal despite their efforts. The black hole was terrifying to say the least. Daniel and Sarah could feel the pressure of the black hole cracking their shields. Marcel's body kept disintegrating, he kept grieving, thinking of ways to get him angry so his body could heal as fast it was being destroyed. Dick smiled, his body didn't seem to be taken damage at all, the abyss had different layers, many of which were similar to a black hole, Dick had entered there several times, as a result of that, his body had become immune to the effects of a black hole.
Dick looks at Sarah and Daniel, he sees the look of strain on their faces, Dick begins to dance.
"Yo guys, why you looking like you wanna take a dump, it's just a black hole, you know."
Sarah and Daniel immediately and simultaneously showed the middle finger in Dick's direction, Dick just smiled lightly, they too also smiled as they double their efforts.
Dick had intentionally done that, he wanted to lighten them up, he could feel their shields cracking, he was glad as now, their shields appeared to be more stable.
"Who are these people, they are nothing like before, why didn't I just stay at home and watch cartoons" Marcel thought to himself, he didn't think he could keep his act together anymore, he was at the brink of giving up until he heard Daniel shout "Now."
Dick smiles once he heard that word, Dick focused all the energy on his body on one point, his chest, smiling he unleashed it, destroying the black hole, they appear in a strange realm, no layer of the abyss was like this, there was no sky or even any form of life here, just the ground which was reddish black and a few big bubbles floating around.
"This sure is a strange place" Dick says looking around.
"Danny, can you track their soul energy signatures, we need to get to them ASAP."
"Yes, I can" Danny says as he chants a spell, after he was done chanting, he shouts "THIS WAY." He then takes off in a direction, Sarah and Dick following very close. Marcel breathed heavily, this place had no oxygen and the gravity pull on this place was something else. It was designed to be as unhabitable to a mortal as much as possible. Soon he notices that his body had adapted seeing he had the energy of a mistress within him, he smiles as he gets to his feet, he could hear their footsteps, they hadn't gone so far because of how slow the person who is leading was. He smiles as he dashes toward them. As Marcel followed, he couldn't but look at the place and wonder, it had no sky, sun or moon, it was just vast and appeared endless. No living creatures in sight, he saw bubbles around, he wondered what their purpose was, they were so big he was sure they could accommodate his entire body whole.
Soon he caught up with Dick, Sarah and Daniel, they stopped at a certain location.
"This is where their energy signatures are, I don't understand why I can't see them" Daniel says looking around, a look of worry on his face.
Dick looks around, he knew Daniel, he was usually never wrong, looking at this space seeing that it was created for the highest beings, he doubted there was an alternate dimension meaning it was either above or underground. Dick looks under his feet, he doubted someone as smart as Larias would make his prison underground, it was far too obvious, he looked above, there was nothing there except that was what Larias wanted people to think, he turned on ultra-vision scan, he then sees a box above similar to the Molkion Cube.
"Larry is sure a sneaky bastard" Dick grins his teeth.
Turning his attention towards Sarah and Dick.
"Our friends must be in the Molkion box ahead, we have to go in and get them. I can't fly yet, you two are gonna have to carry me, also the distance is too far, I doubt I can leap that high" Dick smiles as he scratches the back of his hair.
"Okay then" Sarah says as she chants some words, Dick feels himself getting lighter on his feet, soon, he was able to fly freely around.
"This is simply wonderful" he shouts aloud amidst smiles. Sarah smiles back as she too takes to the air, Daniel too smiles.
Dick points towards the direction he could see the Molkion Box.
"That's our point of destination, people."
Soon they reached it, they put their hands on the box and instantly disappears.
Marcel was still on the ground, he had been watching all that was happening, it initially seemed stupid seeing them flying, then when they had gotten to a certain point about seven hundred and fifty thousand miles above the ground, they had then disappeared.
Marcel was surprised his eyes could see that far, there was only one problem, how was he gonna get up there.
Then he looks at the bubbles, they were constantly floating.