Dick watches as Marcel disappears from his presence, how Marcel got his abilities, he had to find out, Marcel wasn't a werewolf as he didn't transform to a wolf state, neither was he a vampire as he had no fangs, he was no mage either as runes didn't show up on his palms. Whatever he was, Dick didn't know yet but Dick felt it was safe to assume Marcel could summon at most two minions at once and he could control the fire elemental as well as whatever the hell that green thing was, also he moved really fast.
"Something is really wrong here, Redoulp, Leffy, Tommy and Kathy are missing. Marcel now has powers, something isn't right here and I can feel it, I need answers" Dick thinks solemnly as he strokes his chin with his right palm.
"That wasn't a bad fight at all, you impress me everyday" came a sweet feminine voice behind him, he hadn't heard footsteps, probably a vampire, succubi or an assassin. A vampire and assassin being they were light on their feet, succubus had wings, they don't walk.
Dick turns to look at who was talking, it was Irinova a succubi, she was flying about three feet above the ground flapping her bat like wings in a gracious manner, she looked the same as always, small horns sticking from her head, her long black hair which passed her shoulders, she was wearing a black velvet dress, she had blue eyes and lovely rosy red lips.
Dick takes a deeper look at her, there was dried blood on her left arm, there was no cut around which meant it wasn't hers, he looked at her heel, it had some dirt, she preferred to fly when moving meaning a force must have dragged her down to earth.
"What happened?" Dick says without flinching his expression. Irinova smiles as she descends when she had gotten to Dick's position, she slowly runs her hands soothingly all over Dick's face. Dick feels something go hard in his trousers, he quickly puts his left arm down to stop it. Irinova must have noticed it too as she giggled.
"Why can't we have a little fun together" she smiles.
"I am married, dollface, I made a vow, and the D always fufill his words, I can tell from the state of your appearance that a war is going down somewhere, care to elaborate?" Dick asks.
Irinova smiles, she and Dick instantly vanish away from the area, they reappear in her lair, the lair was very typical, it had a long wide bed, the area was lit with candles, it shone brightly as if the room had a mini sun, there were various pictures of Ixonquious(Dick first incarnation) present in the room. The lair was present in an unknown layer of the abyss except to Dick and Irinova.
"Larias has resurrected, turn out Azexela too didn't die, they are presently plotting a war with the gods" Irinova blurts out as they appear in her lair.
"Larry you mean, that's impossible, thought Shelly small-dick just needed the god powers for him to grow his puny dick, about Azexela, ain't surprised, she's been alive since like forever, she would have definitely thought of a way to escape" Dick says lackadaisically as he smiles at her.
Irinova smiles back, she clearly loves Dick jokes, Dick was exactly like Ixonquious except for three things, hair, eye colour and mode of dressing.
"Shekindra is Larias' child" Irinova says.
"Wow, that explains a lot, but I am lost here" Dick says stroking his chin.
"Can you start from the beginning."
"What do you mean beginning?"
"Redoulp told me that Larry was the first self made god, some bullshit like that, it was obvious he lacked knowledge on it" Dick starts.
"Okay so you feel I have more knowledge" she asks, red coming on her cheeks.
"Yes, Dick smiles
"I wanted to have this talk with you ever since the day we met, I mean the time you were so creepy and came into my bedroom during my honeymoon."
Irinova smiles lightly too.
"So you knew I was around, you pretended as if you couldn't see me then."
"My wife was in the bedroom, come on, that would have been really weird" Dick smiles at her.
"I need you tell me all you know about the origin of the gods, the mistresses even your relationship with my past self, Ixonqui, I need to know everything."
"Okay, darling, if that's what you want" Irinova says with a flirty smile as she flicks Dick's nose calmly.
She snaps her fingers, the room instantly transforms to a library, there were long array of books everywhere, a chair materializes out of the thin air, it hits Dick on his knees causing him to sit on the chair. Irinova carries a book from one of the stacks of books arranged in the room.
"Prepare for the ultimate story as it will blow your mind."
"Get on with it, dollface" Dick smiles at her.
Irinova smiles back at Dick, those books in the library were her recorded data of what happened in the past, most of which were like her diaries, don't blame her, she didn't have a flash drive to store the information so she had to make do with what she had.
Irinova began:
"Long ago, before the dawn of time itself, three unknown beings existed, they are still referred to as the unknown three as no one till now can still comprehend them. One of them's identity is known now, it is said to have taken the form of a physical sword known as Excalibur. These three beings created time itself, as time was created, three beings were also created simultaneously, they are called the mistresses. The mistress duties was to oversee all that happened in all of creation under time. The three unknown beings made themselves scarce. Now it fell upon the three mistresses to over see the multi-verse, but the multi-verse had infinite universes which also possessed countless lives of different species. The mistresses knowing they couldn't watch over all of it also feared they themselves might get induced with power so combining their powers, they created the gods, the gods were seven in number, each with the task of overseeing the multiverse. The gods created a xenoverse called the abyss, their colour insignia representing them according to ROYGBIV, they put different races of demons in the abyss according to their choice. The gods were supposedly eternal and they did their jobs successfully, they watched over the multiverse and ensured that there was balance power between the mistresses. The gods began to watch over every activity in the multiverse such as evolution and adaptation, they were practical scientists as they wanted to see how far the mortal race could develop, they eventually arrived at what was known as the alpha-human after constantly combining every gene of every mortal ever present in the multiverse. Ixonquious was the first alpha-human, for the twenty five years of Ixonquious' life, he aged like a normal human but at exactly age 25, he stopped ageing, the gods also noticed it was impossible for him to die through any physical means, even if his body was completely destroyed, dust just formed up and he got a physical body again. Ixonquious assisted the gods in the multi-verse as he was able to single-handedly travel infinite space keeping the balance between good and evil, he eventually formed a team of the most elite he knew. The gods were over joyed with this development as they created more alpha-humans, well not all of the alpha-humans turned out like Ixonquious as most of them were savage beats utterly seeking to destroy, the gods had to battle with the alpha-humans, it was in the war that the red god died, how he died was still unknown even by the mistresses. The god sought to fill in the missing position but that was how Larias won the challenges set by them. Larias was able to get acquainted with one of the mistress Azexela, he was able to influence her negatively, it wasn't only her, even the other gods, he convinced them to wipe out all the alpha-humans. The gods and the mistresses did so neglecting their first project of course. This was all to Larias grand plan as once all the alpha-humans were killed, he trapped the gods in a prison he had created for them, using the energy of Excalibur, he was able to place limits on the mistresses, that is why their strength is now greatly reduced now as they are on a little par above good instead of being boundless and infinite as they once were. Larias came to the abyss, it was divided into seven districts according to the colour insignia of each god, Larias came into it utterly destroying the other districts apart from the red one because it was his. I skipped a part" Irinova ends as she blushes lightly.
"About what?" Dick asks, he was engrossed in the story.
"About the gods' ambassadors in hell, to monitor the activities in their districts in the abyss, the god took out of their soul energy and imbued it with an available demon of choice, by rites, it became their children, by my blue insignia, you know I am the daughter of the blue goddess. Back to the story, why Larias was destroying the abyss, he came to my district, I tried desperately to stop him but I failed, just when I thought I would die and all was over, you swooped in and saved me, sorry meant Ixonquious, you have the same soul energy, you are practically the same, anyways back to the story, Ixonquious saved me, together with his crew, they were able to free the gods, there was nothing that could be done about the limiters now placed on the mistresses so they did the only other thing they could, stop Larias and put him in the prison he had originally trapped the gods in. In order to do this, Ixonquious first stole Excalibur from Larias, he found a way to sync with Excalibur and then he confronted the god, he won of course. After Larias was taken care of, what no one saw was that Larias had struck a deal in case something like this went down. Azexela using her reality manipulation abilities was able to alter the minds of the god otherwise, then they turned against Dick and his crew. All except for one goddess, it was the indigo goddess, Ixonquious and her were quite close, Ixonquious told her of his plan regarding reincarnation and everything, he created the elixir and entrusted everything in the hands of that goddess. It was because of her that you were born now."
"Wow, that's a long story, certainly explains everything" Dick smiles to Irinova
"But you know something is really coincidental."
"What's that?" Irinova asks.
"You said Alpha-humans stop ageing at 25, I got my abilities at that age almost nine years ago."
"That's really a coincidence."
"So Larry put his soul force into Shelly small dick making him his kid, if he is now resurrected, does that mean..."
Dick turns one hundred and eighty degrees to Irinova.
"Where are my friends, are they still alive?"
"Yes but not for long, being the type of person that Larias is, he wants to harness their soul force in order to get enough strength to fully take down the gods."
"Good, that's his fuck up, he should have done that immediately, do you know where my friends are, I have to rescue them"
"I do, they exist in a realm beyond the multiverse, the rezkem void."
"Good, then that's where we will go, I need to get a few friends with me, I need you to find out more, as much as you can, we can't let Larry win" Dick says with a tense expression.
"Yes we'll definitely can't" Irinova says to him.
She remembered the time Ixonquious had saved her, as a succubi, it was impossible for them to love, they were selfish creatures who had no regard for commitment but sought sex. Ixonquious hadn't saved her life just once but multiple times, he had helped in many cases. He always told her
'if you ever need my help, lemme know'. The other members of his crew didn't initially trust her because of a succubi's nature but Ixonquious was different.
"Iri, before I go, I want you to know, you are dear to me and I am counting on you" Dick smiles at her, with that, he vanishes from the area. Irinova blushes as Dick disappears, that was the same name Ixonquious too called her.
Dick reappears in the intra-dimension generated by the Molkion Cube, he appears close to Daniel and Sarah his lovely wife. They were in Daniel's parlor, the walls were painted yellow and it was full of pictures of Daniel, there were ornaments and artifacts nicely decorating in the room. Daniel was a model in this world, he had won sexiest man seven times in a row. He was a powerful mage who once lived in earth but after the war with Azexela, he had decided to live in this space.
"Is Aluk around" Dick asks.
"No, he and his beloved are in another dimension" Daniel replies
"Any problem?"
"Our friends have been captured, we need to get to the rezkem void."