The bubbles kept bouncing, Marcel tried his desperate best to catch up with a bubble at least but whenever he got close to one, the bubbles would all bounce away, he felt stupid being a grown man chasing after bubbles, the bubbles seemed to be faster than him as it was impossible for him to get into one.
Frustrated, Marcel looks high in the sky but he couldn't see a single thing, what caused Dick and the others to disappear, he wondered.
"You are still using your human eyes, why seek strength if you won't fully exploit it" came a feminine voice behind him, Marcel turns around, he knew that voice, it can't be, it was Mary.
She was dressed in a lilac long dress, her hair was black and short, the way it had always been before she dyed it.
"I thought you had your hair dyed" Marcel says, joy was still apparent on his face.
"I did but this is your favorite memory of me, isn't it" Mary say coming forward.
"This can't be Mary, I never told her that" Marcel looks at her
"Ashun, it's you, isn't it."
Mary smiles as she slowly transforms to the short old woman he had met back in the forest, she still had the lilac dress on.
"Good, you are finally using insight" she says as she stares at him in a way that made his skin crawl.
"Look at all around you, there is more to everything and they are deeper than they seem" Ashun says moving forward, she puts her hand on his cheek and pointed forward.
Marcel woke up panting heavily, he saw himself, he was lying down on the ground surrounded by bubbles, they seemed to be bouncing around him, he didn't understand, he couldn't remember a time when he decided to sleep.
"She's a mistress, she has immense powers, probably her doing" Marcel thinks as he gets to his feet, once he was up on his feet, all the bubbles bounce away from him.
Marcel looks above, he still just saw endless space with no skies.
"There is more to everything" Marcel mutters but yet nothing changed, he still couldn't see anything above.
"THERE IS MORE TO EVERYTHING!!" Marcel says more fiercely, this time his eyes were turning red, up above, he could now see linings of a giant box but he still couldn't see it clearly.
"THERE IS MORE TO EVERYTHING AND I CAN SEE EVERYTHING, I WILL SURELY HAVE MY VENGEANCE AND I WILL OVERCOME EVERY OBSTACLE IN MY WAY, I WILL DEFINITELY SEE ALL!!!!!!" Marcel screams at the space above him, as if a veil was taken from his eyes, he could now see what was above. A giant cube hung in the sky thousand of kilometres high in the air, it was brightly coloured red and yellow, also had a spiral pattern.
"Finally, I see it, now to get up there" Marcel smiles to himself, green light enveloped his body, he shoots off the ground like a rocket being launched into the atmosphere. Marcel smiles manically
"Nothing will stop me now."
Marcel hovers close to the box, what was he supposed to do.
"A little touch won't hurt"
Marcel tells himself as he touches the box, he feels his body swirling out of control into the box, it was an uncomfortable feeling, almost like his body was twisting inside, he could feel his organs meshing against each other.
"I am more, I can do this, for the sake of Antonio and Mary, I will overcome all and win" Marcel mutters as he hardens his body, the sensation stops and he finds himself lying on the ground in another space, the ground was the same as the place where he was but this one was surrounded by black sturdy walls and a blue roof.
"This is comical" Marcel mutters as he gets to his feet.
"Yo, Marcy, how good of you to come join the party" Dick said as he turns around the corner, Sarah was at his left while Daniel was at his right.
"Impossible" Marcel mutters, when he was dealing with the sensation that happened to him while he touched the box, his absolute stealth must have dropped.
"You know, I wanted to set traps for you but based on our last battle, nigga, you just too damn weak, that will be child abuse" Dick says with a sly smile.
"How did you figure me out, I was completely invisible" Marcel's mouth was wide opened.
"Come on bruh, yeah you were totally silent and invisible, I guess, I mean my advanced sense couldn't pick or hear you but you forgot something, your interaction with the environment wasn't" Dick smiles at him.
Marcel was bewildered, that was true, when the black hole had opened, he might have made himself very obvious.
"I noticed you since the ruins at my place, the one you caused because you wanted to see my wife naked, that's just sick, fam, very low of you" Dick says with a disgusted look
"Stones were cracking, the ones you stepped on, I presume, I thought something must be walking there so I turned on my ultra-vision scan, yet I didn't see you, I felt it was just an hyperactive memory. Then the black hole opened, I kept seeing grass being marched upon, what the black hole does is pull things into it not making running marks like a car tires."
"Well so that's all it took to convince you, why didn't you attack me then" Marcel asks.
"You were still completely invisible, I needed to find a way to make you visible so I stomped the ground, it's the reason why we all entered the black hole, I trusted you must have entered and the effects of the black hole was either gonna kill you or make you drop that disguise but it didn't" Dick says with a grin on his face.
"That's why I had Danny set that trap spell on the cube outside, there was no way to withstand that effect without pulling off whatever it is you had before" Dick says confidently, he clearly admired himself.
"You are still a smartass, well, it's too bad, cause today's your last" Marcel leaps at Dick, Dick smiles as he moved to the left, Marcel lands on the ground with a thud, Dick responds as he kicks him vehemently on the back, Marcel's body thrashes against the floor.
"Come on, you are embarrassing yourself, Don't you wanna summon more losers like yourself" Dick says with a smirk.
Marcel frowns as he gets up, his face was contorted with anger and hate, Red appeared, except this time he was almost eight feet.
"Now, that's what I am talking about" Dick smiles as he dodges a hand swipe from the monster, Dick leaps towards the monster but Marcel appears behind him.
"How did you..." Dick was about to talk but Marcel didn't let him finish speaking, he hurls him towards the ground, Dick lands with a thud, he got on his knees but Marcel was right in front of him, Marcel smiles as he plants another punch on Dick's face, Dick head turns ninety degrees to his left as he coughs out blood, Marcel smiles cruelly.
"No" Sarah cries as she runs forward, Red smiles as he leaps at her, Sarah's face was a mask of fear as she sees the creature approach her, it had red spikes all over it's face, no nose or mouth was present, just two big bulging eyes, the remaining of it's body was like that of an average make human. Long spikes emerged from it's finger tips, it was about to slash Sarah but a blue ball of energy blasts him to the ground, it was Daniel.
"Don't forget me" Daniel says as a staff materializes in his right arm, turning towards Sarah
"Go help him, I will keep the ugly monster busy."
"Awww, ain't this cute but me and Dick has got some catching up to do, I will appreciate a little privacy" Marcel smiles as another seven feet Red appears before him, it turns towards Sarah and dashes towards her.
"You know, Marcel, you never knew how to treat a lady" Dick smiles.
"And you never know when to beg for your miserable life" Marcel says as he lifts Dick by the neck.
"You just enjoy doing this, are you into S and M?" Dick asks smugly.
Marcel frowns as he flings the body in the air, he leaps, green flames envelope his entire body, he was gonna get serious, he had taken enough of this.
Marcel leaps at Dick, he lands a barrage of punches at Dick's body, Dick falls to the ground as he slowly gets up
"You really have gotten stronger, well, I haven't gotten serious yet.."
Marcel dashes at Dick, he tries to land a punch but Dick intercepts it by raising his right arm
"I guess it's high time I got serious too" Dick grins showing his perfect set of white teeth, Marcel frowns as he uses his other arm to try and land a punch, Dick let's go of the arm he was holding, he dodges the other incoming punch, raising his left foot, he lands a kick in between Marcel's legs, Marcel's cries in pain as he puts his two hands to cover the area he was hit, the flames enveloping his body die out, even the two creatures he had summoned disappear leaving a stone in their wake.
"No matter how strong anyone is, they will still feel that, it's the family jewels, ya know" Dick smiles at him.
Daniel makes a swooshing sound as he squeezes his face.
"Dick, that's really gonna hurt."
"I know right, always get someone, I just hope he got kids cause that kick must have sure obliterated those two white balls he got in that scrotal sac" Dick jokes as he bursts into a fit of laughter, Daniel joins him too.
Sarah wasn't smiling, she had a look of disappointment on her face.
"You might have really hurt him there" she says.
Dick stops laughing as he turns to Marcel, Marcel was now holding his tummy as he rolls on the ground, apparently, he was really in pain.
"Guy now, come on, it ain't that bad" Dick says moving closer to him, Marcel stops crying, he turns around and plants a kick in between his legs, Dick squeezes his face, putting his two hands on his tummy, he falls to the ground.
"Ooouch" he cries aloud, Daniel and Sarah turn their faces in the opposite direction, this was getting gruesome really fast.
Marcel gets to his feet, Daniel turns but too late, Marcel had already gotten to his position.
"How can he move that fast?"
Marcel put a hand into his stomach, blood, his intestines and some other of his organs spill out, Daniel coughs out blood as he collapses to the ground. Sarah was staggering backward, fear was apparent on her face.
"You bitch, I shall kill you" Marcel screams as he dashes towards her, as he was about to get to her, he feels his body being grabbed, using his momentum against him, Dick lifts him and hurls him in the air.
"Go heal Daniel, we need him" Dick says as calmly as he could to Sarah, he should have taken this battle more serious.
Dick sighs as he brings out his golden weapon, he wished he had done this sooner, if he had, Daniel wouldn't he lying on the floor in a pool of blood now, well he hadn't and there was no way he could reverse his decision.
"Marcy, if you believe in heaven and hell, I suggest you start asking for forgiveness cause you wouldn't get a chance when I am done with you" Dick cries out as he dashes at Marcel, Marcel puts a green shield around him, probably for defence but Dick hit him, the green barrier he had set in place was smashed to bits as Dick raises his weapon to his chest.
"This is for Rudy" Dick says as he pulls the trigger, the bullet flies true hitting Marcel right in the chest, Marcel staggers backwards, he looks at the injury, there was no serious damage, he just needed to keep getting annoyed and he would heal.
Well, Dick wasn't giving him time to think about things that will help him to grieve or get him annoyed as Dick closes the distance between both of them, Marcel cloaks his arm in green flames trying to hit Dick but it was evaded with ease, Dick responds with a punch at his jaw, blood splatters out as Marcel shifts backward, well, Dick didn't stop, he kept on hitting Marcel at pressure points. Dick had been hitting him for quite some time that Marcel now laid on the ground, he was an ugly mess.
"I told you to say your prayers, well, greet Micheal Jackson in hell for me, bitc...." Dick stops as he feels something piercing his back, whatever pierced him came out through his front, it was red spikes, he feels his body being lifted high in the air.
Marcel smiles, his body was healing rapidly.
"Now, who's the loser."
Dick tried to break out of the hold, one of Marcel's minions had it's spikes etched deep in his back so much it came out of his chest.
"I have been in worse scraps" Dick tells himself as he puts his two arms on the spikes, as he tries to pull it out of his body, Marcel's body had already been fully healed, he was now in front of him, his arms shining brightly with his green flames. With a swipe, Dick sees his two arms being launched in the air, they had been detached from his body by the shoulder joints.
Marcel was overwhelmed, he would finally have his revenge and there was no way Dick would break out now.
"I could have asked you to say your last prayers but no, I want you to burn in hell."
"Hey, come on, why can't I go to heaven" Dick smirks.
"Even in your wildest dreams, you still won't be able to" Marcel replies as he slits off Dick's neck, Dick's head comes off his body falling to the ground, strangely, it still had a smile on it, blood splatters everywhere.
Marcel staggered backwards, he couldn't believe it, he had finally done it, he had gotten revenge, it felt like a dream.
"Ahahahaha, are you tryna kill me, nigga, see how you just slit that neck, how do you sleep at night, that's just straight up evil" came Dick's voice behind him, Marcel was amazed, he turns around, Dick was there smiling, he looks at what he killed, it was still there.
"I don't understand" Marcel says looking forward at the murdered Dick and the live Dick behind him.
"It's a dud, nigga, it's a technique for speedsters, learnt it from Leffy, also you never killed Daniel, was also just another illusion, we was just having fun with you" Dick smiles at him. Daniel appears behind Dick looking hale and hearty.
Marcel cries in anger as he dashes at Dick but Dick evades, lifting his arm, Dick grabs him by the neck breaking his windpipe.
"You were never a match for me, now go to bed like the loser you are so I can rescue my friends."
An energy beam hits Dick which knocks him off balance, he let's go of Marcel's body.
"What's been making all these ruckus" came an unfamiliar voice, Sarah and Daniel already had their back turned, Dick turns too.
Right before him was Shekindra, Azexela and an unfamiliar man whom he had never seem before.
"Ixonquious, I shall destroy you now" the unfamiliar man said aloud.