It was impossible to tell time in this realm, Dick was standing as tall and high as he could, Sarah and Daniel were at his side, they had taken defensive positions, Marcel was on the floor not too far away, he had tears coming from his eyes. Right before him was Azexela, Shekindra and a certain man he had never known before, the man was dressed in all black leather with an overflowing cape which touched the ground.
"This is weird on so many levels, why is shelly small dick and Azexely old bitch teaming up together" Dick says with a smirk.
Azexela frowns, she cups her right arm, Dick feels an hand grappling his neck, it was lifting him high in the air.
"Care..careful, are you trying to kill me, thought we was here for a good ol' reunion" Dick mutters out as he puts his hand into his jacket.
"I missed you" Azexela began, her annoyed expression had vanished, it was replaced with a cruel smile.