A brown beetle car sped out of a garage, it appeared to be in deep haste, following it were two police cars, their design was similar to twentieth century police cars.
"Shit, I have to outrun the cops" the man who was in the beetle says, he appeared to be the only one in the car, in the back seat, there was a hoard of cash resting on the back seat, it was designed strangely, the currency wasn't rectangular in shape like the typical Earth's one, it was circular and it was brown all round except for a parts where Roman numerals were written on it, Apparently, the Roman numerals were inscribed on the discs.
The man who was driving had sweat all over his forehead.
"Pull your vehicle over" came a masculine voice from the police cars which were steadily following him.
There were police cars now approaching the driver from above, it was like a pincer attack where the runaway car was the prey.
"Never" the man grinned as he makes another sharp turn to the left with his car, most of the police cars weren't expecting that sharp turn, this causes them to crash against each other
The man grins to himself as he keeps speeding alongside the road.
"You just passed the stop to your house" came a groovy masculine familiar voice beside him, the driver turned to the seat close to him, it was a light skinned man, about six foot in height, his hair was in messy dreadlocks, he was holding a bar of chocolate and drinking champagne from another glass cup which he held, he was dressed in a big shirt, long brown jacket and black pants, it was unmistakable, it was Dickson Reyes.
"How did you get in here, I was moving at least 300 miles per hour" the man snarls at him.
"Dude, what's with the snarling, also, my man, you know me, we have had a couple of drinks over the last few days, I have gotta say, you totally shocked me with this new thing you are doing, it's simply unethical and disgraceful" Dick ends as he sips from his cup.
"What do you mean?" The man asks.
"It's always been my dream to partake in one of the maddest heists" Dick began with a teary facial expression
"How could you not tell me about this, you monster."
"I don't have time for this" the man says as he removes his right hand from the wheel, turning towards Dick, he makes a fist with his right arm and throws a punch at him, Dick dodges easily.
"Now, why's you getting violent, by the way, what's up with your eyes, they all black, looks like you have been watching too much black and white, Don't you guys use coloured TV anymore" Dick asks clearly perplexed.
"You bastard" he snarls as he kicks Dick.
"OOOOOUUUCCCCCH" the man screams in agony, his strong faced expression turns into a teary one as tears flowed hurriedly from his eyes, he began to weep profusely like a baby
"My leg, my leg, my leg."
"I was tryna tell you about that, my man, but you looked like you was only interested in picking a fight rather than tapping sense" Dick began shaking his head in pity as he looks out through the glass in front of him, the car was heading towards an old granny who was trying to cross the street
"I have gotta stop these car, we are about to do a major crashing, one I don't think anyone's gonna enjoy much off, I don't think that sweet old granny has any strength in her to bare this incoming, gotta go."
Dick grins to himself as he teleports out of the car, he was holding the man at his right hand, extending his other arm and his pinky finger, he brings the car to a commanding halt, remember the forces of inertia, the car encountered a force far greater than it's own causing the parts of it which were making contact with the pinky finger to instantly wreck and to send the entire car flying.
"Damn, this is the problem with being so strong, you just touch a little and before you know what's happening, it's already high up, I'd give anything to be weaker" Dick frowns as he smiles at the granny which also smiles at him, as fast as he could still holding the criminal with his right arm, Dick accelerates from the ground and dashes towards the flying car, he grabs with his other arm, spins it on the same pinky finger he used to send it flying moments ago.
"This is nice" Dick grins as he descends slowly to the ground, citizens who were walking by had stopped were clapping hurriedly for him, Dick's face was full of smiles, he drops the criminals at the feet of two officers who were probably making a patrol.
Dick dashes away to an area in the midst of the attention, smacking his lips with his fingers, he extends his arms up and lifted them happily like a Nigerian who had just won a visa to leave his country.
"Score one for the D" Dick shouts joyfully, just as he had said that, a big public yellow school bus appears from thin air and pummels Dick to the ground, if he was a normal human being, he would have instantly become paste as the impact and momentum of the projectile was simply enormous.
Dick struggles to remove his body from under the vehicle.
"I am getting too old for this" Dick groans but that was a lie and also possibly the truth, it was the eighteenth googolplex century, all the demon lords which had unbelievable longevity had all died out, Dick outlived an innumerable number of so called immortal beings, it wasn't just old age which had taken most of them away, some were gruesomely killed, others suffered from a fate known as soul decay and some, the gods and mistresses were just tired of seeing them hence their elimination, regarding how it was false, Dick still looked as young as the first day Griff and Lefinna dipped him inside that mixture, he hadn't aged a single second from that time, such was as a result of him being an Alpha-human.
"Let's roll" Dick grins as he pushes out the school bus which was resting on him, it ascends in the air and lands back on a bug which was on the ground.
"Yes, I killed it, I killed the bug" Dick shouts excitedly as he begins to floss, he turns to look at the faces of the citizens who were once cheering for him, they now wore disappointed looks on their faces.
"I mean..." Dick says taking a confident and strong pose now
"...who threw that bus at me."
The citizens now looked at him with an even worse disappointed face like it wasn't a question he was supposed to be asking, Dick looked around and almost immediately, he understood why they thought like that, just directly before him about seventy metres away stood a round spherical grey figure with about seven tentacles and a squid like mouth with no eyes or other facial features on his exterior, it was at least a hundred feet in height
It snarls angrily as it's fourteen tentacles which were also the same color as him grab the objects in the area as it flung it carelessly around.
"Now this is strange" Dick begins with a puzzled expression
"Why do y'all have a Roundic poof in your area, thought these niggas was only found in the abyss."
The Roundic poof snarls angrily as it turned it's gaze at Dickson, it let go of all the objects it was holding, Dick the ever observant type looked at the flung objects, calculating the end point of each of those flung objects, it was gonna crash against now screaming frantically and running citizens.
"Looks like a job for the D" Dick grins at himself as he runs away from the area, as fast as he could, he ascends above the ground and teleports right to a broken building which had been removed from it's original, he set it down, Dick flew again and carried a citizen from the path of destruction, everything appeared as if it has been stopped, Dick has likely activated femto mode, it was a mode that enabled him to perceive a second as one quadrillion seconds, like it slowed down time.
Dick ran again towards a female classy woman about thirty five years of age, she was dressed in a short red skimpy dress, she looked so enticing.
"Damn, those are some sexy legs" Dick says with a thirsty expression as his eyes open wide, he quickly shakes his head back to reality as he carries her out of harms way.
"What am I doing, even if the citizens are safe, these projectiles are still gonna damage properties, I have to stop that in all" he frowns as he dashes around silently settling thrown projectiles to the ground.
Soon he had set everything down.
"Time to resume it all" Dick grins as everyone kept running normally no longer appearing paused, they were safe at least, shouts of horror and fear still overshadowed the atmosphere
"And here was I thinking I was gonna be getting some thanks" Dick frowns painfully as he looks around disappointedly.
Dick looks at the wrist watch he wore on his left arm, apparently he had only used 0.0004 sectosecond, sectosecond was a value Dick invented, since the current time values were becoming inaccurate to keep up with his speed. A sectosecond represented (10×10^-10000000000000000000000000000000) yoctosecond.
Dick was now unbelievably fast now, Dick entered femto mode anytime he wanted to run so fast in order not to destroy his surroundings, Dick had mastered a technique though unconsciously, in order for the effects of his speed to not fully spread to his surroundings, his body has began to absorb them but his body had to heighten it's perception hence the reason for him to enter femto mode.
"Now, that's taken care of, I am sure when I am through with this pathetic ball with overgrown tentacles, I am gonna get my thanks, also I am gonna sell the spare parts to some giants in other dimensions, I am pretty sure they would love it, things are really looking up for good ol' Dick" Dick grins but he was soon interrupted from his day dream.
"Heyyy" a man who appeared to be in his late thirties, he was dressed in a multi colored checkered shirt and blue jeans, he pointed to the monster terrorising the city
"Ain't you gonna do something?" He says when he had seen that he now had the Alpha-human's attention.
"Sure, I really to stop spacing out" Dick smiles at him as he looks over at the Roundic poof
"Time to finish this" he ends with a smile.
He runs towards the monster as he brings out two small scimitars from his jacket, it was the same one he had gotten while he engaged the blue blur in a fight countless years ago, the poof screams aloud as it extends a tentacle towards Dickson, Dickson swerves to his side easily, counterattacking with his scimitar, he slits off the extended tentacle.
"AHHHHRGGGGH HAHAHH" the poof shouted as it looked over at the lost tentacle, it appeared as if the poof was expecting it to grow back.
"Sorry, you sorry piece of shit" Dick grins at it still making his way towards the monster
"But my trusty old knives here" he continues motioning to his scimitars
"Negate every form of healing, resurrection, regeneration, immortality and even divinity, doesn't matter what they touch, once it's touched, that nigga never gonna heal again" Dick ends with a demeaning grin.
The poof snarls aloud in an undesirable tone it sounded like it was crying, it extends two tentacles towards Dick, Dick grins to himself as he was about to slash it but just as he was about to make his move, tentacles grab him from underneath above the ground as they lift him high in the air, it was then that Dick realized what had happened, the creature was fast gaining intelligence, it had put two arms as a diversion for Dick to focus on, while Dick was smiling to himself as how he was gonna cut the tentacles, two others from behind had simply lifted him above the ground, it was Genius!!!
The tentacles tossed the body in the air, while Dick was in midair, the tentacles tossed him towards each other the way a baby plays with her toys causing him to crash against the roof of a building vehemently, he was about to land inside a metal object with a strange sticky substance.
The poof felt accomplished, it had taken good care of the big meanie, it moved to peek through the hole Dick had created in the building while he crashed, Dick was in a cylinder, turns out the brown substance was chocolate, Dick was smiling to himself and chilling comfortably sucking some chocolate.
Dick smiles as he looks above seeing the monster which had thrown him in there.
"I really gotta hand it over to you man" Dick says smiling at the Roundic poof
"Thanks again for throwing me here, the chocolate bar I was eating was running out, who knew liquid chocolate was this good." Sure enough, right outside the building was a sign, "KRONERS CHOCOLATE,the best ever"
The Roundic poof snarls angrily as it whips his fourteen tentacles furiously, sending two into the hole where Dick was, it lifted him by the neck as it brought him out.
"ARRRGGHHH" the poof shouted at him, Dick was smiling, he was seeping chocolate from a cup, it was the same one he was using to drink champagne earlier.
The Roundic poof took the cup filled chocolate from Dick as it gulped it whole, red instantly appeared on his cheeks, it makes a little joyful dance, it was delicious!!!
Looking over at Dick, and wagging his tongue from it's mouth, he motioned for more.
"You want more, no no no no no, you want more" Dick begins as a mischievous grin now creeps on his face, he produces a bottle of the strongest champagne back in his hometown world, Möet and Chandon.
The poof oblivious of what that was grinned happily thinking it was still chocolate, Dick uncorks the bottle but one of the tentacles quickly grabs it from his hands, it engulfs it whole, instantly, the red on his cheeks were gone and it had stopped making it's joyful dance.
"You must be a kid" Dick grins mischievously
"That's the good stuff, don't you like it."
The poof flings Dick away sending him crashing against the ground vehemently that he opened cracks and marks in it.
The poof must have suddenly gotten drunk as it began to attack in random directions, toppling over buildings as it staggered backwards.
"Was wondering for how long till that took effect" Dick grins to himself as he readied his two scimitars, smiling to himself, he dashes at the monster, making quick work, he slashes out the tentacle arms, opening a hole in it's centre, he runs inside as fast as he could, on getting to the heart of the beast, he cuts it out.
The monster stops prancing around as it crashes face ward down to the ground, a knife appears from it's back, it makes a circular shape and Dick steps out through the whole all covered in blood and some other strange goo.
"Man, this sure was the hell of a work out" Dick smiles to himself, everyone had stopped running and screaming.
"Now I could do with the thank you" Dick smiles but instead everyone screams EEEWWWWWW as they run away again, turns out the Roundic poof really emitted some disturbing smells.
"Owww, come on" Dick says sniffing his body
"I ain't that bad."
But he truly was, he stunk so bad the bacteria around that area were sure to have thrown up.
"Not bad" came a feminine familiar voice, it landed directly at his side, Dick turns to look at the owner of his voice, it was his trusted partner and best friend, she was so reliable and could do anything for him, they were both inseparable, it was Lefinna who has just spoke.
"So how did it go?" Dick says as he tries frantically to wipe some goo off his body.
"I went to various districts in the abyss, still no sign of him but seeing as how the other lords had died and have been reinstated with new ones, I doubt Marei could have survived this long alone" Lefinna continues, she still looked as young as the day Dick first saw her, only her blonde hair was more lustrous, she was breathtakingly beautiful.
"I know he is alive, that British accent fucking bastard" Dick's cheerful face was gone, it was replaced with a bitter and sour one
"I'd never forgive him for what he did to our family, the time he first struck, it was obvious he was amped, he's possibly not in the abyss buts he's here in the lower realm and we are gonna find him."
"What makes you so certain?" Lefinna asks.
"The aura from this creature" Dick says pointing to the collapsed poof on the ground, try and breathe it in, tell me what it reminds you off.
"The possessed pope at Ron's wedding" Lefinna says visibly shocked.
"Exactly, also, I noticed some other victim, I entered the vehicle of another citizen who was stealing some keftip discs, he too had black eyes, the obvious sign for anyone possessed by Marei."
Keftip discs was the name of the currency on that planet, the one which they presently resided in.
"You are sure of what you say" Lefinna says, determination written all over he face, she was out to meet again with the charming demon.
"Yes, he's still in this planet, I have forcefully gotten him out of his last victim" Dick says pointing to the collapsed Roundic poof
"He's obviously weaker now, he's not too far from here."
"Okay then" Lefinna smiles as she spreads her arm, holy water escapes her body sprinkling around a radius of fifty metres.
"AHHHHRGGGGH, ooi mate, you trying to hurt me" came a deep masculine voice in a British accent, he was crouched down on the ground a few metres away from the fallen Roundic poof, he was over six feet tall, with jet black lustrous hair, soft silky skin and deep sea blue eyes, he was dressed in a red checkered suit, it was Marei.
"Oooh, I am gonna do more than just hurt you" Lefinna says, her calm composure completely gone, she looked like she could murder.