How it all began I

Marei gets to his feet, he arranges his hair in a stylish manner, he appeared to be out of breath, possessing the Roundic poof really took a toll on him, as Dickson and Lefinna just stared at him, their faces each contorted with hatred as they began to remember what the despicable demon had done to them.

It had all began at the time Dick had just returned from finally defeating the blue blur, he was taking a beating from everyone when he had tried to fake his death once again in hopes of traveling the infinite multiverse once again to satisfy his libido.

The angel, Azexela and Ashun were laughing at him merrily watching him take the beating until Drafla suddenly appeared in their midst, she was worried, she had the form of a eight year old child, she could change her form as she so wished but she preferred the one which she wore.

They were all in Azexela's domain, the scenery had changed to a glass floor and statues of Azexela erected everywhere in various materials.

Drafla was dressed in a short purple dress, her hair was all packed to the back, she was bare footed as always.

"Drafla, what's the problem, I have never seen you look like this before" Azexela says in her direction.

"There's trouble, I need to speak to the alpha human and the rest of the mistresses together" Drafla begins without missing a beat, her face still wore much concern and worry, it would seem it will be hard to take her serious as she had a child stature but reverse was the case as Dick was no longer stomped upon, in fact, everyone had now turned towards her direction, looks of worry and fear written all over their faces.

"What do you want with me, I am presently married in case you wanna ask what I think" Dick says with a haughty grin, Emily immediately gives him a backhand slap.

"Oouch" Dick winces in pain as he touched the back or his head, turning towards his daughter

"That hurts, you know."

"I know" she smiles at him as she turns her attention back at the mistress.

"It's urgent, I can not state the reason in front of all these insects, it's of the highest concern and importance" the mistress of knowledge continues.

"Mistress of wisdom" Lefinna begins in her direction

"I respect you so much, you were invaluable during our time with Larias and it's as a result of your unbridled counsel that most of us are alive but Dick is going no where without me, I am not gonna give him a chance to run away like he did last time."

"Awwwn, you really love me" Dick smiles hugging himself tightly.

Lefinna turns towards him, red appears on her cheeks, Dick sure knew what buttons to press to make her laugh.

"You are right" Drafla continues

"You all have proven your worth, defeating Shekindra, Larias, Meglor and even the blue blur, you are all entitled to hear what I am about to say."

"With the tone you using, it's really serious but again, I gotta tell you, I have a really hitched up wife, you might wanna keep your proposal in a more secluded manner" Dick grins at her direction.

"You insipid mortal, shut the fuck up" Alucard shouts in his direction, his face flustered.

"Oooh no" Dick opens his mouth wide as he puts his hands to his face

"You used the fucking F word, that's fucking inappropriate, how could you fucking do that, Emily and Amanda are fucking here, man, you should fucking know better than to use the damn F word in front of the fucking kids, it's fucking inappropriate, your damn fucking motherfucking fucker."

"Honey" Sarah says in his direction, it was obvious she was laughing

"You used the f word more in that statement than Alucard has used in his life time."

"I did" Dick says with a surprised facade.

"Enough with your asininity" Ashun says in Dick's direction, almost immediately, Dick turns to a pound of poop, it looked like cow dung.

"He shall be able to hear whatever we say" Azexela began

"But I grow weary of his meaningless chatter and disturbance, that's why I had to give him a most desirable form for someone of his calibre" Azexela ends as she turns towards Drafla's direction

"Can you continue what you were saying?"

"The singularity which appeared here was unprecedented and unaccounted for in the time events that I view" the mistress begins.

"That's a lot of words" Tommy begins holding his head

"Do you mind breaking it down to my level?"

"You dreary mortal, are you trying to jest" Ashun shoots towards his direction as she fists her right palm.

"No" Tommy says putting his two hands up like a criminal which had been caught in the act, sweat was dropping from his face

"I was just saying the truth, I really can't understand what she means."

"It's okay then" Drafla says

"Wisdom isn't just knowing understanding, deciphering and knowing how to apply all facts, it's also involves breaking it down for all to understand, what I mean is, the interaction between the young 16 year old Dick and adult Dick which took place in this realm a few moments earlier was something that wasn't revealed to me in the time events I view."

"I thought you were supposed to know all" Azexela asks visibly shocked.

"I thought so too and I think I might have thought wrong" Drafla says

"As a result of what happened, I spoke with the creator, turns out he's deliberately keeping the events of time from me, as a result, I began to calculate the intricacies, complexities, and involutions of the time ligature, I figured out some abnormalities."

"Can I say something?" Tommy begins sweet dropping from his face, he was scared of turning to poop.

"Yes mortal" Drafla says in his direction.

"I am scared of Azexela and Ashun, I don't wanna become poop" Tommy says with a fearful gaze in their direction.

"We shall pardon you this once, mortal" Azexela ends with a snicker.

"You are going all complex again, Do you mind stepping down to my level?" Tommy asks Drafla.

"I am saying it as basic as I can" Drafla says clearly surprised, she expected him to understand but she regains her calm demeanor

"What I mean is other than viewing time, by what has transpired in the past and present, it's possible to predict the future, so judging and basing from all the events that took place in the lower realms, the abyss, celestial city, Rezkem realm and Azexela's domain, I was able to know what will possibly happen in the near future."

"My wife and I get married right" Ron asks with a happy smile as he hugs his wife tightly.

The calm facade Drafla had completely disappears.

"I am afraid not" She began.

"Oouch" Amanda says in their direction, Ron's happy expression instantly vanishes.

"What do you mean?" Katharina began.

"Yes, how won't the sweetest couple ever get married?" Reg asks.

"We would like to know" Mari interjects.

"The interaction earlier with the two Dicksons of different time frames is the cause of all these, if it had happened in a universe in the lower realm, another parallel universe would have just been created but it had to happen in one of the supreme realms, it created an indigfringo amount of energy, the energy has disappeared like it was utilized for something at the time it was brought up, only Larias could have done that."

"What does indigfringo mean?" Alucard asks.

"It's a term which means infinity race to the power of infinity race to the power of infinity race to the power of infinity about an infinite number of times more, it's incomprehensible by your fragile minds" Azexela answers him.

"That's a lot of energy" Lefinna begins

"But Larias, he's gone, Dickson and I made sure of that."

"Same, I thought he was gone but no one else could, even the gods can't use an amount of energy like that, only the mistresses, Larias or the creator could use that amount of energy" Ashun says clearly amazed.

"So is he gonna wreck my wedding?" Kari asks.

"It's likely he will strike when you least expect it, you have to be ready for anything, that's my advice to you" the mistress tells her.

"We will" Ron says with an assured grin as he looks into Kari's eyes.

"Could you please change my husband back, he's not useful the way he is" Sarah says covering her nose, the turd which Dick transformed to really stunk.

"Oooh yes" Ashun says as she taps her her fingers, Dick reappears where the turd was.

"Seriously, you turned me into shit, I should have been chocolate or ice cream" Dick frowns at the mistresses.

"Say one more word and your dick shall be no more" Azexela tells him with a grave look.

The smile on Dick's face instantly vanishes.

"Don't take that away, it means a lot to Mom" Emily smiles slyly, red appears on Sarah's cheeks.

"That was dirty, how could you say that?" Dick says in her direction with an amazed facade

"Children of nowadays, y'all really surprise me."

"You is worse, dad" Emily smiles at him.

"I am the best at being bad, just totally damn rad, ain't gonna fall back like a tad" Dick says in a cool groovy black voice as he turns at his daughter

"So how do you like that" he asks.

"Not bad, dad" Emily says red all over her cheeks.

"I shall never understand how you got these people to care for you" Azexela says in Dick's direction, shaking her head regrettably.

"Ain't the answer obvious, I am the D, no one can do without loving me, admit it, even you like me" Dick smiles at her.

"I don't admit falsehood" Azexela snaps her fingers, almost immediately as she snapped her fingers, they all disappeared, they reappeared back in the castle located in the city of Teras; Dickson, Lefinna, Sarah, Tommy, Amanda, Emily, Shylock, Alucard, Alma Katharina, Ron, Reg, Mari, Kari, Anna Amanda and Emily.

As they appeared, Jenkrov came to meet them from the room, he appeared to have fully recuperated.

"That reminds me" Alucard says in Tommy's direction

"How were you able to keep up with the blue blur's speed?"

"I used the technique Drac taught me, the one I taught Dicky, I used it to enter Limgro space, I touched the blur and gained his abilities but u couldn't touch him for longer as he moved, I got the mode he calls Keshra or Keshda but it sucks so I'mma stick with to Tom State" Tommy ends with a childish grin.

"Man" Dick says towards his direction with a disappointed facial expression

"You really suck at this."

"Guys" Ron shouts aloud, this causes everyone to turn towards his direction

"Sorry if my voice was too loud but if what Drafla said is true, we shall be attacked during the best day of my life" Ron continues as he turns towards Kari

"The day I get married to the most beautiful angel ever, one whom the multiverse is not worthy of."

This causes red to appear all over the female werewolf's cheeks.

"Oooh, a bummer, Larry shall come, I am so frightened and scared" Dick says in a sarcastic tone.

"Dick and Lefinna" Reg says in their direction

"You two singlehandedly whooped his ass, can you please protect this wedding if he ever tries to invade."

"Come on, y'all" Dick smiles at them

"It's just Larry like fucking Larry, there's nothing special or scary about him, if he even appears in the wedding, I am gonna beat the shit out of him so much he's gonna run to his Mama Lara."

"I see what you did there" Tommy smiles at him.

"Don't blame the master, I am good at what I do" Dick ends with a wink.

"Ooh no" Sarah began.

"What's the problem, sweet cake" Dick asks her.

"It's Rudolph, I need to pick him up from school, it's past the time he would normally be out and that's if he didn't do something wrong and he's in detention again" Sarah says frowning.

"Come on, woman, that shouldn't be a problem, I mean what have you got me for" Dick says with a confident grin as he disappears.

"Don't worry" Alma begins after Dick had left

"Larias shall not interrupt your day of bliss, I shall do whatever I can to prevent that."

"Same, as recompense for what I did earlier, you have my word, your wedding shall go smoothly" Shylock says with a straight face, he was serious and determined.

"You also have this butler's word" Jenkrov began with a smile

"Nothing shall befall this wedding, it shall go perfectly and smoothly."

"Thanks" Kari began red feeling her cheeks

"You all are the best."

"We know" Mari says as she gives her best friend a hug, her best friend hurriedly hugs back.

"Had enough of this melodrama, adults acting like kids, it's time I see Bale" Amanda says as she looks over at Anna

"Can you open a portal?"

"Thought I was the one who helped with that" Emily asks with a smile.

"Did you get your powers back" Anna asks her with a smile.

Two cups of chocolate cookie ice creams appear in Amanda and Anna's hands.

"Does that answer your question?" Emily ends with a smile.

"It sure does" Anna grins as she takes a sip from her cup.

"Forget Bale, how about we have some fun" Amanda says her face beaming with smiles.

"I was thinking the same thing, let's go, whoooooo" Anna smiles too.

"Let's go to the craziest party in the multiverse" Emily grins as she spawns a portal, she enters and the two girls follow suit.

Dick reappeared directly in front of his child's school, it was the same he had sent Emily too when she was Rudy's age, the school looked dope, it was Oakland's very own elementary school, Dick had more than enough money to send his child to a private school but he intentionally let his child go here, he wanted him to turn out groovy and tough not a useless softie.

Dick teleports again appearing directly inside his child's classroom, he was having detention which was normal as Rudy was a really troublesome kid who was causing havoc, playing pranks on the teacher and so much, funny enough, he was the only one in the detention room with his female teacher, she was 5'6, wore glasses and looked really hot.

"You are a really stubborn boy" the teacher says in Rudy's direction.

"And your chest is really flat, I bet even the wall is jealous" Rudy says at her with a cheeky smile.

"You little runt" she frowns as she suppresses her anger internally, she so much wanted to beat him up.

"So have you learnt what I told you too, what's a valley?" She asks.

"A valley is a long space of depression usually found between two objects, it can be mountains and so much" Rudy answers with a calm demeanor, he looked like a serious student.

"I am impressed, there were no wisecracks, and you totally got that question correct" the woman says her face clearly happy, she was amazed also she thought Rudy was turning out to be a good kid and she was willing to give him another chance.

"If you answer this question correctly, I will let you go home" she says with a sweet smile in his direction.

"Yes, Mrs Pentuila" Rudy says like a good kid.

"Give me an example of a valley?" She asks sweetly.

"The space between your boobs" Rudy answers cheekily, the woman's cheerful facade immediately disappears, immediately, she collapses to the ground.

"Was wondering how long the anesthesia was gonna take effect" Rudy smiles as he leaves his seat.

"Son" Dick says in his direction, while he entered the glass, he had put on perfect stealth making him completely inconceivable and invisible but he had taken that mode off as he no longer felt it was necessary.

"Intangible man" Rudy smiles at him.

"No longer intangible man now" Dick says in his direction

"It's now Dad, I see what you told your homeroom teacher, you have really gotta take it easy on her, she could get a heart attack from your wicked remarks and pranks."

"But you played one on her as intangible man" Rudy says folding his hands.

"That's different, it's only fun when I do it" Dick says with a haughty smile.

His son too smiles as he rushes towards his dad, Dick gives him a warm welcome hug.

"So you was asking about courtship the other day, I told you to check up on those high schoolers, did you finally understand the answer to your question."

"Yes Dad" Rudy began with a merry smile but it drops as an uncertainty now crept on his face

"But it was weird, something bizarre happened."

"What was that, son" Dick asks.

"I checked on Eddie's daughter and her boyfriend in the bathroom, they also attend this middle school, I saw both of them kissing in the bathroom, then after a while, Eddie's daughter began to look all funny, then suddenly a snake jumped out from the boyfriend pants, Eddie's daughter began to suck it aggressively, she was trying to kill the snake by sucking it, she went at it for like fifteen minutes until suddenly, the snake shrunk after vomiting one white substance which she drank, after a while, the snake came back again, the boyfriend took a small white nylon, he used it to tie the head of the snake, Eddie's daughter sat on it, she began to ride it slowly then fast hoping to kill the snake with it, this went on for about twenty minutes, then the snake quieted down, the boyfriend removed the nylon and threw the nylon inside the toilet, then the both left the bathroom, it was horrific, dad" Rudy ends.

"What the fuck" Dick's cheerful grin was gone, it was replaced with a horrified one.