How it all began II

Emily reappeared in a room, there were different creatures each appeared to be teenagers, rock and roll music was booming loud in the atmosphere, most of them were dancing with each other and drinking from various coloured cups, Anna and Amanda appear from the portal which instantly vanishes.

"OMG, this is lit but we didn't dress up for the occasion" Amanda says.

"Yes, I can't be caught in this battle ware" Anna says.

"You were saying" Emily smiles, almost immediately, shiny dresses with expensive glitter materials all appear on their bodies, the girls were dumbfounded.

"What was your ability again?" Anna asks.

"Even I don't quite understand it myself, it seems I can manipulate practically anything, doesn't matter if it's matter or not so long I want to alter it" Emily smiles sweetly.

"When you done being cocky" Amanda grins

"Can you bring Bale here?"

"Way ahead of you" Emily smiles at her

"You might wanna look behind you."

"Hey princess" came a deep masculine voice, Amanda turns around to see who it belonged to, it was Bale, dressed in a white tuxedo.

"Totally great party, mind if I have a dance, your honor" Bale asks with what he hoped was a charming grin.

"If you can keep up" Amanda snickers at him as she winks to her other two friends, Bale holds her arm and lifts her away from the presence of her friends.

Emily smiles as she watches her best friend go, she turns towards Anna, her face appeared to wear a lot of worry

"I know you still like Shy shy" Emily smiles at her

"That's why I also brought him here."

"What do you mean?" Anna asks but she felt light hands tap her shoulders, she turns around, it was the black haired devilishly handsome Shylock dressed in a black tuxedo.

"Maiden, your beauty is fair and profound" Shylock says in her direction, he was happy, though he had no idea of how he suddenly appeared there but he was in love with the princess and he was willing to make maximum use of this opportunity.

"You wanna dance" Anna asks, red appearing all over her cheeks.

"I would be honored to" Shylock smiles back at her, Anna grabs his hand, Shylock escorts her away as they move over to the dance floor dancing to their hearts content.

Emily frowns immediately she sees her friends go, she had ever had only one boyfriend, Toby, an incident had occurred which had caused them to break up, she was lonely, seeing her friends happy was the only things that gave her joy.

"At least my friends are happy, I am always gonna be lonely and secluded but at least this time, I got my powers, they don't make me a freak, rather it's the best thing I have, I am forever gonna be proud of it" she thinks to herself.

She walks over to the counter, she had found the party with the automated message which usually pops up in her field of vision, it had told her of the craziest party happening in the multiverse. Soon she got to the counter, it was a dwarf who was at the other end, there were some others at the counter, they each sat and were making out passionately, Emily looks at them, she was really trying her best not to burst into tears.

"Two shots of whiskey" she told the dwarf which was dressed as a typical earth bartender.

"You come here alone" he asks.

"None of your business" Emily sharply replies him

"Do your job and get me my order" she orders.

"Relax" the dwarf smiles at her

"You must really need that drink."

"You have no idea" Emily tells him, the dwarf pours a drink into two cup, it was the most expensive drink in his counter, he tosses it over to her, Emily hurriedly takes the drinks from him.

"Mind if I join" came a voice with a British accent directly behind her, Emily turned towards the direction of the voice, it was a tall man in a suave black suit, he had black lustrous hair, it appeared as if gel been applied on it, he looked so charming with his blue eyes, his unbelievably toned skin, he looked like a Greek god.

Emily gasped in delight as she saw the man, she quickly adjusts her stance on the stool in what she hoped was a seductive and alluring stance.

"I asked a question" the man continues in his deep British accent voice

"I am yet to get a response."

"Yes" Emily smiles at him, the handsome stranger took a seat close to her, Emily could smell his cologne, he smelt heavenly and wonderful, was this really happening to her, Amanda would totally freak out if she saw this man next to her

"Would you like a drink" Emily asks sweetly.

"There's something on your hair" the man says in his British accent as he moves his right arm towards Emily's left side of her face, Emily's seductive facade drops, what was now on her face was a stupid look, she was scared that she was blowing it.

The man pulls out a multicolored flower, it was rare, just found in secluded parts of the lower realm.

"It's beautiful" Emily says putting her hands holding her mouth.

"You sure cause I am seeing something far more beguiling" the stranger says locking eyes with her, Emily felt her entire body turning jelly as she beheld the handsome stranger.

"What's that?" She asks.

"It just spoke" the man replies in his British accent followed by a seductive wink, Emily could just faint, her mind was totally blown, she kept screaming frantically internally

"Is this really happening to me, is this me, am I alive, am I dreaming, am I conscious" she thought.

"The name is Marei by the way, may I know the name of a spectacular beauty such as yourself" the man continues in his British accent.

"I..I Emi.. but you can call me Emily, I mean I am Emily but you can call me Emi" Emily says mixing her words up, she couldn't think straight.

"Your beauty so breathtaking not even you can contain it, must be tedious holding such wonders" Marei smiles at her.

Emily was just turning jelly where she sat, she didn't know what to do, she could just scream around and run mad on the spot.

"Pardon me for talking too much, Fair Lady" Marei says as he gulps down his glass, he forks over seven Kelftip discs on the table, extending a hand towards Emily

"Would you love to dance."

Red appears all over Emily's cheeks as she looks at the arm which was extended towards her direction

"I would love to" she says her voice going all octave.

Marei smiles as he grabs her by the arm and helps her to her feet, they both move towards the dance floor, immediately, the rock and roll music flooding the atmosphere immediately changes to a slow serene music, the one fit for a good old tango.

Marei caresses her body tenderly as they began to sway on the dance floor to the beat of the music.

It appeared everyone too was locked in the enchanted moment as magically, they had suddenly started Tangoing, Amanda was dancing with Bale, she saw the man with Emily and her eyes flew wide open as if it wanted to fly out of her sockets, the same went for Anna who was dancing with Shylock.

"Are you having fun?" Marei asks Emily as the duo dance.

"Yes, I am" Emily says

"Something is wrong" pops a thought in her head

"When I entered the party, everyone was engrossed in rock and roll music, each partying crazily and doing some mad shit, I went to the counter and everyone was making up, like all of these was specifically set for me and this guy totally came around, my exact spec, he knew the words to stop me from thinking straight and this change of music, it happened at the exact time like it was all planned, this is far too coincidental and everyone seemed to have followed the beat of the song, they were once engrossed in doing crazy shit but now, they all calm and cool collected, it's impossible for anyone talk less of every one ever to suddenly get this calm especially some crazy teens who was vibing to crazy music minutes ago."

"I see you have figured all that's happening" Marei smiles at her

"You are just like your father, nothing ever gets pass you, does it?"

As he said that, everyone who was dancing instantly vanishes, Amanda, Anna, Bale and Shylock instantly collapse to the ground, the clothes Anna and Amanda were wearing instantly changes to what they had on before Emily supposedly changed it for them.

Emily quickly breaks away from Marei's grasp

"What did you do?" She asks.

"I have been watching you for over nine years, you see, Lord Larias was very cautious, when he knew he was resurrected with that puny mortal who was controlling him, he predicted that the alpha human could use it to his advantage and in order to prevent that and win, he created an alternate creation immediately he absorbed the god essence but there was a problem, the created creation was dead, it need an unbelievable amount of energy to JumpStart, that's when your two dads from different time frames come in place, I have been doing every thing according to Larias' instructions, I was secretly watching all of you and I got enough data on you all, I knew about your friend Amanda's crazy party habit, Anna's utmost desire to fit in with you girls" Marei says motioning over to the two unconscious girls before turning to Emily

"And your desire to have a bae, I just simply manipulated to my advantage, it's exactly as Lord Larias predicted, I personally put the thought of releasing the blue blur into Angel's head, it worked accordingly and I was the one who alerted 16 year old Dick that he was about to be attacked, nothing beats a good plan."

"You monster, I will defeat you" Emily says, she was expecting something to happen but nothing happened.

"Don't think of using your abilities, this is Lord Larias' domain, abilities don't work here except it's from one of his own, you have been had from the moment Lord Larias first resurrected, it just needed to be brought into fruition" Marei smiles at her.

"You monster, you planned all these" Emily tells him.

"Weren't you listening to a word I said" Marei says sighing unhappily

"It was all Lord Larias plan, I was just following suit, he made a quick analysis of you all as he encountered you all, he even predicted Meglor resurrecting."

"I will have y..." Emily says but she slumps unconscious to the ground.

"Well, that's done" Marei says clearly unimpressed

"Now to crash a wedding."

A few days had passed since that event happened, in order for the parents not to suspect a thing, Marei had simply created fakes of the girls to take their place, since those girls weren't mostly with their parents, it wasn't noticed.

It was finally time for Ron and Kari's wedding.

Everyone was preparing for it, they had each worn their very best, the priest at the wedding was Redoulp, Redoulp was smiling, he was in a bedroom, he gazed upon his priest wear.

"I shall be going now, I will come back to check how slick you look in the attire" Katharina says, she was dressed in a white dress and had red lipstick on, she plants a kiss on Redoulp's left cheek causing red to appear on it as she leaves the room.

"I can't believe all this is happening, over twenty years ago, the lycanpride and nightwalkers clan amongst countless other clans could only call upon me by summoning but thanks to this alpha human, I have found love and friendship amongst these two clans, I am simply indebted and joyful, this is a honor I must take on" Redoulp says as he puts on the clothe.

"I see why they chose you for the priest title, but damn, Lord Larias is mad, how the hell was he so accurate about all he predicted" comes a voice in a British accent, Redoulp turns towards the direction of the voice, it was Marei, he was dressed in a suave black suit, the same he wore to the party not too long ago.

"Marei, I shall pulverise you" Redoulp snarls at him, he raises his arm at him but nothing happens.

"Your dressing had to have some major adjustments for this to occur, I sort of joined the work force tasked with that, now I am thinking of killing you but that will foil Lord Larias plans" Marei smiles at him.

"Are you threatening me?" Redoulp asks his face all flustered.

"Oooh no, not at all, I don't threaten" Marei says as he instantly appears in front of Redoulp

"I can kill you, that's a threat" Marei ends with a grin as he puts his hand inside his chest and rips his heart out

"I said I was gonna kill you, now that's reality."

Redoulp staggers backwards blood flowing freely from the hole in his stomach as he collapses to the ground, he wore a look of anger as he held the place where he was bleeding from.

"Lord Larias is really something else, he predicted I was gonna try and kill you, that's why he gave me a few amps" Marei smiles as he snaps his fingers, the blood stains on the bed and floor disappears, Redoulp appeared to be alright.

Marei could manipulate events.

"Now for a good old fashioned demonic possession" Marei smiles as his body becomes intangible, he immediately enters Redoulp possessing him.

"Now, a party to get to" Redoulp smiles, he was possessed, Katharina enters the room, upon sighting her husband, she smiles

"You look slick, dear."

"I know" Redoulp smiles as he hovers towards her rushing hurriedly for her lips and kissing her passionately before breaking out, he had a crazy smile on his face.

"That was intense, you have never done that before" Katharina says red appearing all over her cheeks

"You have made me so wet, do you think we have time for a you know."

"We do" Redoulp says as he chants a spell stopping time in the multiverse, for forty minutes, Katharina kept moaning joyfully, Redoulp really did her justice the way he moved, he ravaged her according to her wildest desires.

"That's how you fuck not that nonsense crap you do to her all day" Marei whispers to Redoulp internally.

"Honey, what came upon you, it's like when you put on that cloth, you became a totally different man" Katharina says, her hair was a complete mess, her face showed that she was thoroughly satisfied, she had never been fucked so good before.

"You could say that" Redoulp smiles at her.

Everyone stood in their seats, it was a typical wedding avenue, with two stacks of arranged chair at opposite sides facing a podium where Redoulp hovered four feet above the ground.

Sarah, Katharina, Alma stood on the bride side while Shylock, Alucard and Jenkrov stood on the groom side.

The females were dressed in beautiful white dresses while the males were dressed in dashing tuxedos.

Soon Ron appeared from the other side of the room, Reg following him behind, Ron was smiling cheerfully to himself as he walked the aisle to the podium, soon the bride(Kari) came with Mari walking behind, her father had died before she was even born so she just walked with her best friend to the aisle, soon they arrive.

Everyone who was seated as the congregation comprised of the citizens of Teras including Tommy, Rudy, Amanda, Emily, Eddie, Anna and some others from the police force.

Dickson and Lefinna stood directly outside the building, they were scouting it out to ensure there were no perpetuators according to the warning the mistresses gave them.

"Let's skip the useless bullshit, all right" Redoulp says with an unimpressed facade

"Now who's in honor of not getting these two maggots married, speak now or forever suck on your pathetic existence."

This caused everyone to have perplexed looks on their faces, they were all amazed, Redoulp had never sounded like that before.

"Well, if any one isn't gonna talk, I surely am, I ain't in support of these two getting married, I am gonna he crashing this wedding" Redoulp grins as black waves escape him instantly hitting Ron, Reg, Jenkrov, Alucard, Mari, Kari, Alma, Sarah and Katharina sending them unconscious to the ground.

Tommy stood up but Redoulp points at him sending him to the electric universe before returning him back, he was all shocked. Vampires, werewolves and millions of other creatures stood up from their seats rushing towards Redoulp but Marei leaves Redoulp's body, Redoulp falls unconscious to the ground, Marei blitzes every creature on the room sending them unconscious to the ground, they were all seriously injured and most of them were unconscious.

"Are these really the soldiers of these city, y'all really suck" Marei says unimpressed.

"You attacked Mom" Rudy says as he leaps towards the demon, before the demon could act, Rudy punches the demon away sending him flying a few feet backwards.

"You have got skills, kid" Marei grunts as he held the place where he was punched before looking over at the kid

"Wanna join me?"

"In your dozing world" Rudy says as he carries a chair and throws it towards Marei, Marei disappears from the line of the trajectory, he reappears at the back of the child, hitting a part of his neck hardly, he sends the kid unconscious to the ground.

"Now, that's a wrap, this area has now personally been replaced with Larias' domain, it's time I move."

"You dickhead" he hears a voice from the entrance of the building, he turns to look at the direction of the voice, it was Dick, Lefinna was standing directly behind him, Dick had a gut feeling that things weren't going right at the wedding avenue, he had told Lefinna to check it out even though she had told him she had done a telepathic scan and everything was all right.

"Would love to stay and chat but I gotta go, you know how it is" Marei grins at the two of them, they try to enter the building but a force repels them sending them a few feet backwards.

"Adios, motherfuckers" Marei grins at them as he vanishes alongside with the entire building and all of it's inhabitants.