(The present)
Dick and Lefinna kept staring at Marei each with faces contorted with hatred, they could rip the demon apart, slowly Marei makes his way to his feet.
"Did you guys miss me?" He asked with a sweet smile in his British accent.
"My fist did" Dick answers as he dashes towards him, he reappears in front of him and punches him away but Marei dodges the punch, Marei counterattacks by doing a front flip connecting his heel with Dick's face sending the detective flying high in the air.
"That was boring, come on, I thought you two was going to make this challenging" he smirks in his British accent.
Lefinna growls as she has extends her other arm, her silver sword appeared, she dashed at Marei, Marei tries to leap back but after image duds of Lefinna re appear at the back of the demon and hits him causing him to move towards the cyborg.
Lefinna bashes his head furiously with the hilt of her weapon, The demon staggers backwards as if his head was hit with cymbals but Lefinna wasn't done, she carried him by his right arm and lifted him above the ground, she used his body as a rag as she uses him to scrape the ground vehemently before sending him flying high in the air, Dick reappears mid air just directly above Marei's trajectory, he lifts his right leg above his head, bringing it down, he connects it with Marei's body sending him crashing down and destroying the first layer of the ground.
Dick lands heavily, Lefinna was by his side.
"Thanks for leaving some for me" Dick grins at her.
"You are welcome" Lefinna answers without even flinching to his direction
"I suggest we get serious, do you mind dropping your pathetic act and show this clown we mean business."
"Damn girl, I love it when you talk like that, it turns me on" Dick says smacking his lips
"You know, Sarah and Tommy's gone, we could have a coochy."
"They ain't" Lefinna answers blatantly
"He knows where they are, defeating him now and inflicting serious pain on him will cause him to cough up their location, once, he does that, we can go and rescue our comrades" she ends as she looks towards Dick, she had a face that could kill, she was really angry
"In order words, no coochy for you."
"Why" Dick says with a teary expression.
"You tossers" came Marei's voice as he gets to you feet, he appeared to have recuperated from the attack, and that wasn't the only development, even the dress he had on appeared to have changed, he was now in a yellow tuxedo with classy brown shoes.
"What the hell did you do?" Lefinna asks, taking her gaze away from Dick and re focusing it on the incubus.
"Love, ain't the answer obvious" Marei begins with a charming grin but obviously, it wasn't gonna work on Lefinna, she wanted to tear him in two.
"I can manipulate events though on a very minimal scale but my manipulation is more than enough to defeat the both of you, it's why I have survived this long, an average demon's life span is about seven tredecillion centuries, all the demons I knew are long in the grave, I kept manipulating the events surrounding me to keep me young, hale and hearty" Marei ends with a smile as he winks at Lefinna
"Don't I look good enough for you, my love."
"When I am done with you, you will" Lefinna says as she dashes from where she was.
The automated voice came again in her head
"We have been trying frantically to connect with his mind or heart, we keep getting blocked, he's using some sort of technique in order to prevent the mind hack."
"That must be the event manipulation hax he spoke about earlier, sounds like he's still using it but the fact that he hasn't used it to directly affect Dickson or I shows and also, the attire he wears, I analysed the material, the present yellow tuxedo materials still the same as the suit he had on earlier, two things can be deduced from this, one, he can't directly affect the events surrounding another person he had no physical contact with, the other, anything he has physical contact with, he can directly affect the events surrounding it, it's safe to assume that even if he has physical contact with a bit of an entire material, he can affect the entire material as a whole" Lefinna thinks to herself as she ran towards the demon, she grasps the hilt of her sword tightly with her two arms
"No need, I also figured out how his powers work, the physical contact blah blah and blah" Dick says as he removes the golden D from his jacket
"What do you say, let's give our unwelcomed guest a nice tour of the city."
"There's no word like unwelcomed" Lefinna replies him with a disappointed look.
"Well, there is now, I will provide support fire, go" Dick smiles at her as he pulls his weapon and fires at the demon's direction, Marei tries his best to dodge the incoming bullets, Lefinna uses that chance to catch up with him, she swings her sword towards the demon but a sword materializes in his hand which he uses to parry the cyborg but that wasn't all as several bullets from Dick's weapon graze him sending him to get on the defensive, Marei keeps leaping backwards but Lefinna wasn't going to go easy on him, she presses her attack swinging frantically as if going for his throat, Marei smiles to himself, she was attacking wild leaving her self open.
"It's time I take advantage of her irrationality" Marei smiles to himself as he bends the upper part of his body low, he sees the sword swing directly above him, Marei lifts his arm up and touches the blade of the weapon, it instantly transforms to jelly.
"I was hoping you'd do that" comes Lefinna's voice behind him, he turns backwards to see the angry cyborg snarling at him, before he could do anything, he feels his head flying away from his body, Lefinna had gone for his neck separating it from her body.
"I really don't ever wanna mess with you" Dick says in her direction, his face wore fear.
"You once did" Lefinna tells him as she swings her sword aggressively causing the blood stains which were on it to move away from the blade of the sword.
"He's still in direct contact with his body, what makes you think he can't heal?" Dick asks.
"In terms of his body receiving information, the physiology of his body is very similar to that of a human, once the head of a human body is gone, information by the nerves transmission is no longer possible, the same occurs for the demon, I needed to find a way to get to him, that's why I used an after image dud as a distraction, I hate using duds, I prefer to give my enemy illusions but he was protecting his mind rendering my mind hack useless" Lefinna replies him as she approaches him.
"You sure use a lot of big words" Dick smiles at her.
"And you sure know how to act stupid" Lefinna replies him sharply.
"So you the smart one, what was all your talk about getting him to talk, the nigga is dead now, how are we ever gonna find the location of our comrades" Dick smirks at her.
"O ye of little faith" Lefinna smiles as she walks towards the head which had been separated from his body
"Just cause his body is in shambles doesn't mean the same fate occurred to his mind, he was interfering with my hack meaning using some means that could have only been accomplished by the working together of his mind and body, in order to render him immobile to do what I set out, I had to break the connection so I could use the mind to achieve my purpose and that's precisely what I did" she ends with a sly smile in Dick's direction as she touched the forehead of the fallen head.
"I taught you well" Dick says with a teary eyes expression
"Just a few years ago, you didn't even what food was, you was constantly reaping off my dick to eat but now, you have surpassed the master."
"You were never my master" Lefinna replies sharply but almost immediately, her face turns up in an unpleasant surprise.
"Took you long enough to figure it out, you was dealing with a mere clone I figured it out since while you was in combat with him, he suddenly stopped manipulating events when he realised I was shooting at him, if he was wise, he'd move from the area completely so that's what he did but he left a dud here for you, I mean it's what I'd do, classic, besides, I have seen Shelly small dick use that trick before" Dick smiles lightly at her.
"If you knew that was what's happening, why didn't you tell me" Lefinna snarls at him.
"It was fun watching you brag, saying you were once this and that, wanted to savor the look on your face when you realise you don't even come half in comparison to me when it deals with stuffs like this" Dick smirks at her.
"I guess there's no use hiding anymore" Marei's voice came again as he reappears about seventeen feet away from Lefinna's position.
"You are gonna regret that decision" Dick smiles at him, almost immediately, another Dick reappears in his front and grabs him by the shoulder.
They reappear in an open space, the scenery was filled with giant cookies as big as moons and the space was so wide it seemed endless.
"This is a kremo space, it has the space of a hundred hyper verses combined, my daughter personally created it and I told her to do so with the effect of the scimitars I got from the blue bastard for only unwanted dick heads, in other words, Leffy and I can use our powers but you can't" Dick smiles at him.
Lefinna appears and smiles as she turns towards Dick
"Anytime" Dick smiles at her
Dick had communicated what he was going to do to her, he had intentionally said out Marei's plan so he wouldn't feel there was any use playing dead, while that was done, he had created a perfect replica using perfect stealth and sent him to keep scoping around 100 metres radius of their location till Marei poked his head out, he had communicated all these to Lefinna telepathically.
"I hope you got your candy cause you are gonna be screaming a lot" Dick smiles as he dashes at him, he connects his fist to his face sending him to Lefinna, Lefinna stomps his head as he approached, she instantly transformed to her whitish form and hits the demon away destroying twenty hyper verses worth of space, Dick's body turn yellow, bringing out his golden D, he fires at the demon in mid air causing him to stagger, Dick focuses yellow energy at a point causing a ball to form, he launches it towards the demon destroying a major part of his body and the entire kremo space causing them to return to the place where they were before.
Marei's body was smoking.
"Tell us where our family is" Lefinna demands.
"Go suck a dick" Marei says as he extends the middle finger of his right arm, he used his event manipulation on himself causing him to turn to nothingness.
"Tell me you were able to get to his mind" Dick asks all tearfully.
"I wasn't, he was a persistent one, he kept using his hax on to the very end."
"Talk about a pain in the ass."
"I have a transmission" Lefinna says holding her right ear.
"Who is it from" Dick asks looking at her still unhappy from the last event.
"It's from Peregrine Augustine, you know she has always been into you, she wants to tell us something" Lefinna smiles at Dick.
"Already fucked her, she's like a fuck buddy, you know she was a smart asses before turning herself to a woman in that crappy Japanese empress wear, the smart asses didn't really think sex was important as she gives the worst blowjobs" Dick says, his face contorted with horror.
"You need Jesus" Lefinna says shaking her head pitifully in Dick's direction.
"And you need a big dick, I highly suggest, mine" Dick smiles at her grinning and showing his perfect set of white teeth and pointing towards his middle area
"Enough chatter, should we ignore or go" Lefinna asks as she sends her right leg hitting Dick's balls gruesomely.
"Normally, I'd say we ignore but she's really powerful especially after she transcended every dimensional planes of existence and ascended until the plane of the gods, she could do some mean things to me so we definitely going" Dick groans heavily as he crouches down, he was trying to recuperate from the pain.
"Right call" Lefinna smiles at him, she brings out the transportation device from her breasts and clicks a few button, bluish light encircles the two of them taking them to the Rezkem realm.
The Rezkem realm was the same as always, the definition of endlessness and void, except for the ground which was red in colour and bizarrely designed, they reappeared directly in a room filled with shards hanging in the thin air, they all appeared to he separated into different segments, the shards were all transparent and looked to be roughly the same size, Dick tried frantically to count the number of the shards even in just one segment but he couldn't, their number was infinite.
In a mediation pose directly in the middle of all the shards was a woman with long yellow hair, she was dressed as a Japanese empress from the 17th century in thick red and light yellow, she had a Caucasian facial appearance with smooth silky skin, she was really pleasant to look at, she was Peregrine Augustine.
"Hey Perry, how you doing?" Dick smiles at her, it was an uncomfortable grin as Dick didn't feel so good in her presence knowing the tremendous power she now possessed, also she was one of those women who didn't like sharing her man, she viewed Dick as her man and if she found out Dick was dicking around, things wouldn't look good for our boy.
"My excitement is beyond words, viewing the lives of megrosto creatures is simply exhilarating" Peregrine says sweetly, she had the voice of an angel
"My love, would you wanna view it with me too" she asks sweetly in Dick's direction.
Megrosto was a term the higher beings used which simply meant infinity race to the power of infinity.
"Naa, I am good" Dick smiles at her
"What's up with the shards, I couldn't count them all."
"That's cause the shards in every segment are infinite in number" she answers sweetly, she was really excited to be in Dick's presence.
"What exactly are the shards?" Dick asks.
"Lemme show you" She smiles at him, almost immediately, Dick finds himself viewing countless lives of countless creatures from different views, he knew what they were instantly, how they think, he knew simply all about them and that wasn't all, he could manipulate them as he so wished, he knew that as he manipulated an entire family of Gargoyles to transform to cookies.
Before Dick could experiment further, he was pulled back to the Rezkem realm.
"Naughty you" Peregrine smiles at him
"As you have witnessed, I took your consciousness into one of the shards, a 3D shard to be exact, the shards are separated into different segments cause they are off different dimensional planes, ranging from 1D classification of shards all the way to (infinity)D classification of shards, I could have taken you to a 4D shard or higher but your mind is still far too weak, it would crumble and be destroyed."
"Thanks" Dick says sarcastically.
"You welcome" Peregrine glees joyfully, she wasn't brought up as a typical human woman but rather a smart asses and those creatures didn't understand sarcasm, they take every statement of any individual to be how he presently feels so she didn't take much cognizance of Dick's tone
"Each shards contains an infinite number of parallel and alternate dimensions, travelling between parallel dimensions by lower being is forbidden, that's why you, Dick have never been in a world where you saw your exact self but you have been to alternate dimensions which are also infinite in number, it's what you call universes, travelling between them is allowed by the higher beings for you mortal, as you have witnessed, I can toy with all the lives of these shards as I so wish."
The only beings who were above Peregrine were Meglor, the seven gods, the three mistresses, OG Larias and the creator himself.
Every other being was below her and infinitely inferior in comparison.
"Wait, are you trying to tell me that the entire infinite multiverse, the ones you guys call the lower realm is just a 3D shard" Dick asks clearly amazed.
"Precisely" Peregrine smiles at him
"The gods tasked me with the other shards, normally, I am not supposed to show this to any being but for my love, I'd do anything, so when are we going out today?"
Dick had a sarcastic expression on his face which meant "you dumb bitch, leave me the fuck alone" but he quickly hides it and puts on his normal smile.
"That sucks" Lefinna frowns unhappily.
"Look, Perry, I'd love to take you out but Larias stands a chance of coming back, we don't know where he is but we know he's coming, we have to stay sharp" Dick tells her.
"Well, I know for a fact that Larias isn't in any place in all of creation" Peregrine smiles.
"Why do you say that?" Lefinna asks narrowing her gaze at the woman.
"I can view all of life in creation, if Larias was present, I'd know, also the humongous amount of energy which appeared trivigintillion of years back isn't also present in creation."
"Meaning that if Larias is alive, he's in another creation" Dick says his face all tensed up and worried, Lefinna too had the same look.
"Precisely" Peregrine smiles at the two of them.