It was in the alternate creation that Larias had created, everything was similar to the original creation but it was set around the time when Shekindra still plagued the lycanpride clan, nightwalkers clan and Redoulp for the amulet.
Dickson was no where to be found as the one which had returned to the alternate creation had decided to travel the universe just to satisfy his libido, it was the 16 year old Dick who had returned here.
As a result, he didn't help with the drug and human trafficking that Marcel was performing at large in the city, so much pandemonium and havoc had happened.
"So are you finally gonna let us in to help" Marei smirks in his British accent, they were in the abyss, the scenery was like a typical five class hotel with expensive gold and silver ornaments hanging everywhere, a red haired succubi was presently sucking his cock as he was stark naked as he laid on the humongous red bed, Leo wasn't too far from him also on the giant bed, he was humping on a blonde haired succubi who was on all fours(doggy style), his face was one of joy, Shekindra stood close to the door of the unbelievably big room, he had a serious expression on his face.
"As I said earlier on, I don't need your help, I am going to resurrect our Lord by myself" Shekindra answers sharply.
"You sure cause you have been trying your best for about ten centuries now, the son of Dracula and daughter of Kermo (Katharina, Kermo was her father) sure put a toll on you, what will it cost just to retrieve a fucking amulet" Leo smiles at him still humping the blonde he was fucking hard.
"I have had enough of your asininity" Shekindra says getting all flustered
"Don't forget, I am Lord Larias' personal demon Lord, you are all inferior to me, if you speak rudely to me once more, I shall obliterate you without a second thought."
"Relax gramps, don't transfer the aggression on us" Leo smiles
"It's not our fault you suck balls at your job, I mean even a dumb monkey would do it better."
"Then let's make a wager" Shekindra smiles at Leo.
"A wager, I love a good old wager" Marei says as he pushes the head of the woman who was sucking his cock forward as if motioning for her to do better.
"Yeah, gramps, whatchoo wanna wager, you are definitely gonna fail this time too, ain't no brainer?" Leo smirks at him.
"If I succeed at resurrecting Lord Larias now, you all won't cavort with any damned female for at least a century" Shekindra says with a smirk.
"And if you fail?" Marei asks smiling.
"Then you two can take my position" Shekindra says to them.
"Ooh, you are so on" Leo smiles at him.
"Being a demon lord won't be so bad the position fits me perfectly, I am pretty sure I'd do a far better job" Marei says stroking his lips
"To celebrate my future victory, I will get another succubi, I need one to keep my head cool."
"Yeah, I am gonna be having a fucking ten zillion succubi some every day, this is gonna be so good" Leo shouts in excitement as he leaves the girl he was humping, he was clearly excited, this was what he had been looking for.
"You all will be so disappointed when you wouldn't have pussy to fuck no more, I see you too are already occupied, I suggest you enjoy the pussies you currently have cause it will be your last" Shekindra tells them.
"Back at you" Marei smiles
"I suggest you issue out all the orders you can now cause you are gonna be real busy next week carrying out mine."
"We will see about that" Shekindra snarls angrily.
"Face it, you don't even know their location, their base, the only way you ever get them to combat with you is just by threatening a poor human, since the nightwalker clan and lycanpride clan are involved in protecting the humans of Earth, they surely have to answer and save them, if not for that, there will be no difference between you and a mannequin" Marei smiles heartily, he was clearly enjoying this.
"Shut up" Shekindra has a frown on his face, he disappears from the area and reappears in the same restaurant where his alternate self in the original creation had first met Dickson.
"I will show those bastards" Shekindra mutters to himself
"Fortunately, I was able to use my connections to get access to the government of the area where their location is most probably based, I have ordered them to get me the best detective in the city and also, I have arranged for this Marcel to meet me, surely one of the two of them will he able to pinpoint me to the location of the lycanpride and nightwalkers clan, then I can threaten them into summoning Redoulp and when that is done, I will seize my opportunity and grab the amulet from that blasted dwarf and resurrect my Lord Larias" Shekindra thinks to himself.
"May I have your order?" comes a feminine voice, Shekindra turns to look at the direction of the voice, it was a blonde Asian, the same one original Dick had met in the original creation when he first came here.
"I am not really hungry" Shekindra tells her
"I would just like coffee."
"Okay then" she smiles as she walks away but she couldn't help thinking to herself
"That sure is a strange man, I didn't see him entering but he was seated right at that chair, is he some sort of spy?."
Just then, the entrance door opens and out walks a man, he was Tommy, though not the original Tommy, he was the one of the alternate creation, Tommy looks around until his eyes fall upon Shekindra, Shekindra nudges at him, Tommy smiles in his direction as he approaches the demon
"You called for the best detective" Tommy says to him as he extends his right arm for a shake.
Shekindra brings out his right arm as he warmly shakes the police officer, he motions for him to sit.
Tommy smiles warmly as he takes his seat
"I am Tom by the way, captain of the local police force of this fine city."
"I know who you are, I am Sheldon, a classified government operative, I wish I could disclose more but that's all I am permitted to say for security reasons" Shekindra tells him.
"That's a bummer" Tommy grin, it was supposed to be a joke but Shekindra just stares at him like it wasn't funny, Tommy seeing that his joke wasn't noticed quickly wears a serious expression as he continues
"So why was I called?"
"Have you noticed any strange happenings around town?" Shekindra asks.
"I am a cop, strange things happen all the time, you might wanna be more specific" Tommy says with a serious expression.
Just then, a werewolf breaks through the glass where the two sat adjacent to, it jumps into the room growling hard, everyone in the room was immediately thrown into panic but Shekindra mutters a few words under his breath causing everyone to remain frozen except for him and Tommy.
"That kind of strange" Shekindra tells him, Tommy's face was a mask of amazement and fear, it was the first time in his life he had ever seen such, up until the previous day, he didn't even believe in the existence of the paranormal and right in the room was a eight feet brown furred were wolf, his eyes shining silver light.
"From his looks, it's obvious he will be of no use to you, I can" came a masculine voice, Shekindra and Tommy instantly turn to the direction of the voice, right before then was Marcel himself, he is waiting dressed in a suave suit, he had applied gel on his hair making him look really slick, he stood directly beside a small bald dwarf which was about four feet tall, the dwarf held a strange device and he looked really scared and sad, the dwarf was Griff.
"Glad you could join us" Shekindra smiles at him.
"Marcel" Tommy shouts aloud, the fearful facade he had on his face was gone, it was now replaced with anger and annoyance
"You monster, what did you do to Sarah..."
Marcel had appeared at his side, he was holding Tommy's head, he had ripped it off while he was speaking
"Being a vampire isn't half bad, though I was reluctant at first but it sure had this sweet perks."
"You must be Marcel" Shekindra says in his direction.
"The one and only" Marcel says with a straight face at him
"You must be Sheldon, you want to capture a female lycanthrope, am I right, supposedly the one which is the boss of the recent mafia group that just came into power."
"You sure did your homework" Shekindra smiles at him as he gets you from his chair.
"It's what gives me my charm" Marcel tells him as he points to the dwarf
"I was speaking to that bastard over there, sounds like he came here in search of a supposed alpha human, based on our interaction and your facade at the werewolf which just came into the room, I take it you are already familiar with the nightwalkers and lycanpride clan" Marcel ends now putting his attention at the demon.
"You sure amaze me, that's some sweet detective skills" Shekindra says with a smile.
"Those two clans ain't what's of interest to you, the dwarf known as Redoulp is, isn't it, I also take it you ain't just a government agent, you are some form of extra terrestrial being" Marcel says still with a straight face, he hadn't flinched at all since he started speaking.
"All of your inference is correct, I seek to collect an object from Redoulp, do that and I will grant your inner most desire" Shekindra says.
"For starters, could you release Antonio" Marcel says pointing to the frozen werewolf.
"Pardon me for that" Shekindra says as he taps his fingers, immediately, the werewolf which was frozen regained consciousness and began to growl, this went for some time before he finally reverted back to his human form, he was over seven feet and had a low cut on, he was Caucasian and also wore a black suit, he was Marcel's best friend, Antonio.
"Nice to have you back" Marcel smiles sweetly at him as he then looks over at Shekindra
"Based on the information the dwarf dispensed, there are infinite universes and possibly even more, I ain't too greedy, I just want to take over this planet called earth, it's practically infinitesimal compared to all you are gonna be hoarding, am I right?" he ends with a devious smile.
"If it's just this poorly primitive useless piece of shit you want, you have a deal" Shekindra says with a snicker.
"Good then, we have a deal" Marcel smiles at him
"You know what to do."
"No, I have had enough of your bullying, you made me betray Alucard, Kermo, Katharina and even Redoulp, I won't be manipulated again" Griff says tears welling from his eyes.
"Antonio" Marcel says in Antonio's direction
"Would you mind fetching that ragged bitch."
"Sure thing" Antonio says as he jumps high crashing the roof, in seconds he returns back holding Lefinna by her neck, she was screaming, her whole body was tattered, she was missing her two legs and an arm.
"To get you to spill the first set of information, I had to use painful methods on this bitch" Marcel says pointing to Lefinna
"Now you can do us all in here a favor by giving us the coordinates to finding Redoulp, if not, she's gonna have it."
"Never" Redoulp shouts aloud.
Marcel grins as he winks in Antonio's direction, Antonio smiles as he rips out the other arm.
"AHRRRRGGHHHH" Lefinna screams in agony.
"Okay fine" Griff says tears welling down his eyes as he extends the device over to Marcel
"Those are the coordinates to find Alucard, I don't know where Redoulp is, no ever does, he can only be summoned occasionally."
"That's not the answer I was looking for but it turns out you can't give more" Marcel says with a frown as he dashes at Lefinna, he sucks her dry causing to scream in pain, soon he emptied her completely of her blood.
A middle aged man enters the cafe, he appeared to be a black coat and he was in glasses, he looked around, seeing everything that was happening.
"I don't think I am hungry again, I entered the wrong restaurant" the man says as he closes the door but just as the door was about to close, Marcel dashes over to him sucks him dry and leaves his lifeless body at the doorstep before entering the room.
By the time he had entered, Antonio had already consumed everything about Lefinna, he ate her whole.
"Thanks for this" Shekindra says as he takes the transportation device from Griff, Griff was weeping frantically
"Lemme put you out of your misery" Shekindra says as he swings his arm at the dwarf's neck causing his head to roll freely on the ground.
"I got a date with a vampire" Shekindra says as he clicks a button on the transportation device, a white light encircles him causing him to disappear away from the area.
Alucard and Katharina had just summoned Redoulp, they could no longer feel the soulic energy of their dwarf friend and also, there was no news about the Alpha human.
"Did Griff fail?" Redoulp asks as he appeared.
"We don't know" Alucard begins
"I have ran a quick scan on every soul in this city, there's none which resembles the one an alpha human should emanate, in other words, it's still the same as before."
"That's precisely why we summoned you, do you know what's wrong?" Katharina asks Redoulp.
"I..." Redoulp begins but he was interrupted by a bright white light that suddenly appears in the room, out of it steps Shekindra, he was smiling heartily.
"Is today Christmas?" Shekindra asks joyfully
"Here was I thinking I'd just meet the son of Dracula but I am seeing the daughter of Kremo and the blasted dwarf who is wearing the amulet I was looking for around the neck, today is definitely my lucky day."
"You hurt Griff, you will pay" Katharina says as she transforms to a were wolf and leaps towards Shekindra, Shekindra becomes intangible as he possesses the female.
"You are the weakest out of the three here but you will do nicely to enact my plans" Shekindra smiles while yet in Katharina's body before looking over at Alucard and Redoulp.
"You won't get away, you have arrived at your final doom, I alerted my clan once I saw you appear, they will get here in no time" Alucard smiles at him.
"I am sorry to be such a bummer" Shekindra smiles at Alucard
"But we must be having some sort of weird coincidental deja Vu going on cause I also took precautions and alerted my sources here, they couldn't tell me your location as you the leaders ensured you secured it."
"What do you mean?" Alucard asks, just then two females appear from the door of the room, they were each carrying heads, one carried one while the other carried two.
It was Chen and Sylvia, Chen was a Chinese werewolf, she held the heads of Reg and Ron while Sylvia was a white haired Caucasian vampire, she held the head of Shylock.
"I have successfully destroyed all the members of the nightwalkers clan" Sylvia smiles sweetly in Shekindra's direction, her face and lips were all smeared with blood, she was a sick bitch who loved to suck and lick the blood of her victims.
"That's my line except I did so with the lycanpride clan" Chen says pouting her lips.
"I trust you, my minions" Possessed Katharina says to the two girls
"I knew you wouldn't disappoint, I see you brought the heads of their elite, since their strongest died, I am sure the rest was a piece of cake."
"You monster, I always knew you were a shady bitch, you die today" Alucard shouts aloud as he leaps towards Sylvia's position, Sylvia evades as she brings out her silver blade which she hitched at her back, she impales it in Alucard's chest sending him backwards grunting in pain.
"Lemme help too" Chen smiles as she transforms to a werewolf, she leaps towards Alucard but Alucard grabs her by her right fore limb and launches her in the atmosphere.
Sylvia pours on the attack, she had poisoned the blade which she used to stab Alucard causing him to go dizzy as the poison spread fast in his body destroying all his cells steadily.
He kept getting considerably weaker and slower.
Chen returns towards weakened Alucard, she carried him by his head and launches him towards Sylvia, Sylvia does a flip in the air connecting her heel with Alucard's forehead sending him sprawling to the ground, soon Alucard feels his whole body turning jelly, he could move no more.
"This shall be over soon" Chen smiles sweetly as she gallops over to Alucard's position, Sylvia who was directly beside her also smiled cruelly.
She was gonna taste his blood, she licks her lips enticingly.
"Leave her body now" Redoulp orders possessed Katharina.
"We both know that's impossible" possessed Katharina says to him
"As I am now, I stand no chance against you, ever since Lord Larias demise, I lost the powers that came with being a demon lord but thanks to my demonic heritage and knowledge of spells, it's why I have gone this far."
"Why are you telling me all these?" Redoulp asks, his face contorted with anger.
"I know you have always loved Katharina, during our encounters, I have seen you look at her tenderly, I have seen clans where you ignored their summons but anytime Katharina was involved in a summon, you always came running, if you want this woman alive, give me the necklace" Shekindra orders.
"Okay" Redoulp says as he looks over at Alucard, he too appeared weak and incapable of doing anything, the two ladies were making their way towards him
"How did things get this bad?" He thought to himself as he removes the necklace from his neck, as soon as he did that, his head fell of his body.
Shekindra was directly behind him.
"I had already subjected enough demonic hold on Katharina's soul so much that I could control it without even being in her body, I left it and came behind you, all the speech you heard was just a means to cause you to lose your guard, I win."
Shekindra smiles as he takes away the necklace from the dwarf's arm as the dwarf collapses to the ground, he looks over at the ladies, Sylvia had beheaded Alucard and she was drinking from his neck like he was a cup while Chen crouched down eating Alucard judiciously.
"Now, to resurrect my Lord" Shekindra closes his eyes, possessed Katharina draws rune signs on the floor, Shekindra places the amulet in the center, he chants spells, soon all the drawn rune signs began to emit a red and black miasma, a smoke appeared and the figure of a man was seen in the midst of that smoke, he steps out, he was stark naked but has a spectacular masculine physique, hey black shiny hair, blue eyes and a smooth skin, he was about six feet tall, it was undoubtedly Larias.
"I see my plan worked, Dickson Reyes, I am coming for you" Larias smiles cruelly to himself.