Peregrine was directly before Larias , the giant transparent shard was in the center of their midst, Shekindra hadn't made a move since he arrived here, he was just quiet, Larias kept looking at her, he was giving her a predator look as if she was his prey as he paced around the room.
"Dickson, I have always loved you from the time I was a little girl" Peregrine thinks to herself as she remembered back when she was still a smart asses, she would watch shows of Hero Dickson of different planets and universes, he was like a God to her, she has imagined various ways by which they could meet and how he would whisk her away to the realm of fun and adventure as he was her supposed prince charming.
That was why she was so dedicated and serious, she had surpassed the achievements of all her clan mates combined, no one came close to her, she ascended to the plane of gods and above every other form of dimensional existential plane, no other mortal in the vast multiverse could boast of such an incredulous feat.
"You are a smart asses, ain't you" Larias says at her, he was now directly in front of her, she was wearing an ancient footwear which made her look taller than she actually was but she still wasn't as tall as Larias, Larias gazed down at her as he spoke
"When you ascended to the plane above infinity, you gained insane power and used it to change your physical form, all this is to impress someone" Larias ends with a menacing grin.
He just couldn't help but look at her like how he did, she smelled nice so her soul was going to be very delicious to consume.
He couldn't wait.
"It's none of your business" Peregrine answers him as her body becomes shrouded in a ball of white light, it expands and bursts knocking Larias backwards and sending him crashing against the floor of the room.
Shekindra upon seeing that gets flustered, his sword appears in his right arm but Larias motions for him to stay where he was as the god gets up to his feet.
"I have heard so much scary tales about you, I am beginning to think they are all rumors" Peregrine says with an unimpressed facade.
"Allow me to prove you wrong then" Larias grins as he dashes at her, he sends a right punch towards Peregrine's body but he feels a shield blocking him, the arm which he used began to turn white until the entire body gains that colouration.
Another Larias appears behind that one in time.
"I must have really overestimated you, here was I thinking this might be my last battle after all but turns out I am going to spend eternity with my Dick" Peregrine says red filling her cheeks.
"So that's how he left, I knew it was strange, I tracked Dick's essence to this coordinates but when I came here, he was gone" Larias says at her
"You are going to tell me precisely where he is."
"Is that a request or an order?" Peregrine smirks.
"I don't do requests, I prefer brute force, results are achieved faster that way" Larias says as two scimitars appear in his two hands, he dashes towards the invisible shield and strikes, shattering it to nothingness.
"You must be into S & M then" Peregrine smirks at him as hundreds more of her appear around, they stretch their hands towards him, chains appear from the palms and move towards Larias direction, Larias avoids the incoming chain as he tried to slash away the ones which almost touched him.
"I do not concern myself with trifling matters" Larias says as he jumps high, yellow portals appear from behind him, it opens and thousands of scimitars flew out, they pierce through all the Peregrines apart from a view who were able to escape.
"I was a warrior and not just any warrior, the best ever, that's why I must rule over others, it's the duty of the strongest to reign supreme over others, I don't do all of this for a stupid ideal, I do it for only one purpose" Larias ends with a grin as he looks at seven Peregrines, they were the ones which were left from the onslaught he launched towards them.
"What purpose?" One of the Peregrine asked.
"Cause I can" Larias ends with a smirk as he dashes towards the Peregrine who asked, he was about to slash her her neck but a yellow energy hits him knocking him away to the other side of the room.
Larias quickly regains his composure and looks over to the direction of where he must have been shot from.
Right before him was none other than Dickson Reyes, though, that wasn't the original as he had no soul residing in him, Peregrine must have created it.
As Peregrine saw the Dickson which she had created, red appears on her cheeks
"My handsome knight, have you come to save me?"
"Yes, my fair maiden" Dick says kneeling on one knee as he takes the hands which she extends to him and kisses it lightly
"It's the only purpose I exist for, I shall protect and save you from the villainous clutches of the monster in this room" Dick ends pointing at Larias as he gets to his feet before turning back at Peregrine
"My love, do not fret, Victory shall be mine."
"You humans have really ascribed all to the trifling notion called love, well, it's off no matter to me, I will still destroy you either way, find the Alpha human and give him that same courtesy."
"Love isn't a trifling notion, it's like a fuel which burns the hearts and souls of every creatures causing them to do far more they they could ever comprehend or believe in themselves to do, it's my love for the alpha human that caused me to break heights and became the most supreme being under the gods ever" Peregrine began with a determined gaze
"So don't you dare undermine love, I have watched an uncountable number of lives in those shards, I have seen love give hope to the hopeless, life to the lifeless, joy to the joyless, peace to the peaceless..."
"Does it also enlarge libidos?" Shekindra interrupts her, Peregrine and Larias turns towards Shekindra with disappointed gazes like 'Dude, what the fuck is wrong with you.'
"I am sorry master" Shekindra says bowing his head low
"I spoke out of turn."
"...and so much more, Love is the greatest thing in all of creation, I should know that as it's what I feel for the alpha human and guess what."
"What?" Larias asks, he still had an unimpressed look on his face, he was looked like when will all these melodrama end.
"He just confessed his love to me" Peregrine says jumping excitedly as she claps her hands
"We have been together for exactly twenty seven trivigintillion years now and he never once said that he loved me but today, he said it, I am so excited, I could just burst."
"So this is what the original creation has become in just a few moments of my absence, the ones tasked with it are now love hungry, always deluding themselves on that over hyped emotion, well, it's no matter, I shall eradicate all of this soon enough" Larias ends as the two scimitars he held now gained a red miasma.
The Dickson Reyes which Peregrine had summoned disappears, Peregrine smiles as she looks over at Larias
"I am not going to fight you with any summoning but rather will all my strength, I shall show you the depths of love."
"Yaaay" Larias says sarcastically as he dashes towards her, he launches his scimitar towards her but she steps backwards, scimitars appear around her, they looked exactly like the one Larias ends, they launch towards the red god's position, they were at least septillions of them coming, as fast as he could, Larias swings his scimitars fast in the air knocking down every weapon which approached him to the ground but as he was doing that, white and yellow energy balls shoot towards his direction, Larias forms a shield in front of him which deflects the energy balls but Peregrine appears directly behind him, she held a scimitar in her right arm, she launches it towards Larias but Larias held the scimitar.
"You are no match for me" Larias grins at her.
"The hole in your stomach begs to differ" Peregrine smiles at him, Peregrine could use her two hands proficiently though she was better with her right, she had used the first hand to draw attention to Larias, while Larias held that hand, she simply summoned a scimitar to her right arm and stabbed him.
Larias looked down, sure enough there was a scimitar sticking out of his body and he was severely injured, he was impressed, he might have underestimated the woman who stood right before him.
"This is the power of love, love endures all no matter the sake, so no matter what, I shall endure every pain and tribulation that comes my way for the one I truly long to be in the arms of, Dickson Reyes" Peregrine ends as her body becomes shrouded with yellow light, she pushes it outward sending Larias down to the ground, Chains tie up Shekindra on the spot he was, when the tried to move, he winces in pain as he could feel the very chains grappling his very soul.
Another Larias appears behind her but Peregrine snaps her fingers causing that Larias to disappear
"I know you are the real one" Peregrine says looking over at the injured Larias
"My love taught me quite a lot about warfare especially the way he fought, he told me that the key to any victory is deception, once you can deceive your opponent, victory is yours as well, so I kept a careful lock monitoring your essence, if it was a mere dud, his essence wouldn't be as humongous as yours, I intentionally appeared behind by you, you are the obnoxious type, you believe women are inferior and have no tricks up our sleeves, also by all my talks about love, you just couldn't stop but seeing me as a pathetic loner so I knew you wouldn't suspect that I could summon another scimitar, once you fell for that bait, you guaranteed my victory" Peregrine ends with a grin.
"I take it Dick also taught you that two handed scimitar technique" Larias says as he grabs the part of his body what was injured, it didn't heal, the scimitars were personally designed by the three mistresses, the material used was a part of the creator himself, every creature no matter how powerful became vulnerable in the presence of the weapon and unfortunately for Larias, he had just been hit, he had to find a way to get out of this bind.
"I have always found myself in the most difficult of spots and toughest of scrapes, I always emerged victorious, I am the greatest in all of creation even superior to the creator, none can defeat me" Larias thinks to himself as he removes the hand he was using to cover the injury, the nails on the hand expands as it became fifteen inches long.
"What are you doing?" Peregrine asks.
"Ripping out the lower part of my body, once I separate my body and the part the scimitar stabbed no longer exists, I shall regain my invulnerability" Larias grins at her.
"I won't let you" Peregrine shouts as she launches towards his direction but she feels a blade coming in through her back and out from her chest, standing directly behind her was Larias
"As you said earlier on, deception is the key to any victory, if you can deceive your opponent, you have as well won, it's hilarious as what just stabbed you is a mere dud, I needed to do something to get your attention, so when you were focused on the real me, I stabbed you, in this game of wits, I have won" the dud of Larias says.
"It's no matter" Peregrine says to the Larias who was still crouching on the floor, he was cutting his body starting from directly below his chest and above the abdomen which was pierced
"My love shall defeat you as he has always done, your despicable plans shall not succeed, you will fail."
"I don't do failures" Larias says as he cuts the last part of his body out, immediately he had done that, his entire body heals as he gets to his feet, he walks towards Peregrine and holds her face tenderly
"You are such a virtuous woman but you are still just a woman, weak and inferior creatures who exist only to be used by me, correction, that's how all creatures should be, both male, female, hermaphrodite and even genderless creatures, they all exist to be used by me."
As he finishes his statement, hundreds of yellow portals appear behind Peregrine, out comes Scimitars which pierces every inch and section of her body completely annihilating and killing her but when she was gone there was no soul in her wake, she must have found a way to protect it.
"This is one tricky woman, she reminds me of Azexela and Drafla" Larias grins as he turns towards Shekindra direction, he was still bound with chains, Larias snaps his fingers causing him to be released.
Shekindra drops to the ground, he felt so pathetic and useless, he thought master was delusional when he kept mentioning fake and real creation but it shows that he wasn't, he was in the real creation and the residents here were far more fearsome than those of the lower realm, everything was about to get far more hectic and difficult than it had ever been, if he wanted to be of use to his master, he had to step up.
"You can stop thinking, I can hear your thoughts and they are very loud" Larias says in his direction, he was touching the giant shard which was in the center of the room.
"So much juicy souls, Lefinna is sure one tough customer, I might be undermining women a bit, If I am not careful, I will be vanquished by a mere woman, I have to give them the reference they deserve" Larias thinks to himself as the palms he was using to touch the shards turn yellow, as it did, he releases an outburst of energy towards the shard, it destroys, Larias absorbs every soul that came out of it; the feeling was simply marvellous and delicious.
Larias snaps his fingers, immediately, he and Shekindra appear in front of a massive white glowing ball, it's top or bottom couldn't be seen, it appeared endless.
"My Lord, what is this?" Larias asks.
"The alternate creation, from my battle with Peregrine, I realized my strength wasn't enough, the creatures in the original creation are far superior to the ones in the fake creation, if I am to gain enough power and regain the power I had even as a red god back when I was in the original creation, I need to gain more power hence why I need to absorb the entire alternate creation" Larias answers him as tentacles shoot out from his eye sockets, his tentacles get unbelievably long as they wrap about the entire spherical ball.
In one moment, there was a seemingly endless white glowing ball and in the next moment, it had disappeared, Shekindra was dumbfounded beyond words, he hadn't expected all these to happen, Master's strength really was fearsome.
"You are so magnificent, Master" Shekindra says in his direction.
"I know" Larias smiles at him as the tentacles return back to his eye sockets and his eyes were back normal, the feeling he felt was simply exhilarating.
This was nice.
"Now, we are going to go for the gods, the alpha human can do nothing against me, not like how he is now, he is totally useless" Larias grins.
Lefinna and Dick appear in a room, it was a motel room so there were two small beds on the floor, there were scattered things on the floor and the antiques there was an eyesore.
Lefinna looked over at Dick, she was really glad he was safe, she was really scared when Dick had just suddenly slumped, they had been together for almost a hundred trivigintillion years, she couldn't bear if anything ever happened to him.
"I saw Peregrine do something today which left me wondering" Lefinna began.
"She did quite a lot of things" Dick says getting up from the bed which they both sat in, when they appeared in the room, they were already sitting on the bed, Dick walks over to the windows and look out.
Though he knew this was futile, but he couldn't help but try to keep himself busy, he hated himself so much at the moment, Larias had beaten him in a contest of will power and he probably already destroyed Peregrine, if he didn't do anything, this creation could end up like the alternate one.
"Yes, you are right" Lefinna says but she wasn't looking at Dick, red were on her cheeks as she looked at the ground and she was sliding her fingers across each other
"But her confession, it got me thinking, she knew there was a possibility that Larias was going to destroy all, since she didn't want to regret anything, she kissed you."
"Yeah, that's true" Dick says as he turns towards her direction, seeing Lefinna in a state like this, he knew what was going on and he couldn't help but smile mischievously.
"Tommy was my first love..." Lefinna began
"I put all hopes in getting him back when we found Marei, that's why I ignored my other emotions."
"What other emotions?" Dick asks her.
Lefinna turns away from his direction
"I was having feelings for you, I felt it would be wrong but right now, the destruction of all of creation is at stake so I don't want to regret anything" Lefinna says as she looks over at Dick's direction
"I love you."