Larias and Shekindra returned back to the Rezkem realm, Larias was stroking his beardless chin, he was planning on where to strike next; celestial city or Azexela's domain.
Larias looked over at Peregrine's body which was in sliced off in tiny pieces, it was then that Larias realized something, Larias was a great judge of character, from having one conversation with an individual, he could easily decipher your personality, he began to ruminate over the proceedings with the woman.
"The way she spoke about Dick, it was like she was obsessed with him similar to a fan obsessed with a celebrity, this is the trivigintillionth century and she claimed she has been with Dick for a certain amount of vigintillion years, the average life of a smart asses is about seven thousand years but yet she lived far longer, it means before she became above all forms of existential dimensions, she loved the alpha human, it was obvious she probably surpassed all that in order to impress Dickson Reyes, but that couldn't be her only idol, she must have been obsessed with other idols, Dick was a form of superhero so it's evident, Peregrine Augustine is a fan of superheroes, Dick is her love meaning she would find a way to put his life in as less danger as possible even if it means sacrificing other heroes" Larias thinks as he looks over at Shekindra
"I know the reason why I couldn't see Peregrine's soul after she died."
"Why?" Shekindra asks.
"She performed a soul cry" Larias answers him, Shekindra looked puzzled, he didn't know what a soul cry was.
"You really are so pathetic, I would never understand how you became my demon lord, it baffles me" Larias says with a disappointed gaze as he heaves a sigh of relief, he buries his head in disappointment for a while before looking at Shekindra
"But I shall indulge you and tell you what a soul cry is, it's a skill which Drafla invented, she believed not all souls were supposed to return to the gods or mistresses, for the souls who understand and appreciates the value of life, she created a spell which if they chanted, their soul would disperse amongst all they love and give them the final words of whosoever casted them."
"So who did she love" Shekindra asks.
"If it was an average creature, my best guess would be his family or friends but the smart asses are the most unique 3D creatures, they don't pay attention to their offspring, the only reason why smart asses mate is because they want to prolong their race and they certainly don't keep friends, all they are interested in is making research and discovering more unique findings, Peregrine was born different from the other smart asses from what I discovered in our conversation, she wanted to find love, adventure and fantasy, so she was obsessed with everything fantastic and adventurous, that includes heroes" Larias ends stroking his beardless chin, Shekindra couldn't help but marvel at the intelligence of his master.
He was truly a sight to behold, his Wisdom was unparalleled and unmatched.
"If my intuition is correct, at the moment, the alpha human has gotten her soul cry and the other idols she was in love with" Larias says as he begins to pace around, he had adopted a serious facade
"It's rational to assume the alpha human wouldn't be trying to attack me soon as she must have sent him to a place where he can't but the other idols, that should include heroes, the most popular heroes all over the multiverse are the protectors of the multiverse, my best guess is that they are the ones who will be approaching" Larias ends with a menacing smile, Shekindra's face wore amazement and surprise.
As soon as Larias had finished speaking, a portal appears in the middle of the room and five figures step through, it was the protectors of the multiverse (if you read book 4, you would know them)
One presumably the leader has a 'M' sign on his brightly blue colored shirt, he had a black cape and wore black tight trousers, he looked like the a typical comical superhero, he was Multi-man, his face showed that he wasn't human as it was bright yellow with a few scabs at the side of his neck.
Another of them was a typical American African black man, he wore a red costume, had no cape, and there were lots of yellow lightening streaks on his costume, he was Zap.
Another of them wore a completely dark brown costume with no insignia on it, even his face and body was dark brown, he was about 6'5 in height, he looked like an intellectual, he was the brains of their team, it was the Constructor and also, the tallest amongst them.
The female in the group wore a tight black costume which was so tight against her body it brought out her curves, this wasn't her usual costume, usually, she dressed like a hip hop singer from the 1980s, she was the screamer.
The last of them looked human but his body stretched abnormally like a rubber without a plastic limit, he didn't have a flashy costume on, he wore a plain white costume.
"How did we get here?" Elasto asks looking around.
"Are we in the future?"
"No, I am picking up the readings of the energy on this plane and everything is scrambled, this is beyond my comprehension" the Constructor says, there was a device on his right arm, he looks away from it and looks up, as if admiring his surroundings
"Something is not right."
"You there" Multiman says pointing to Larias
"Do you know why we are here?"
Larias snaps his finger and a chair appears behind him, he sits down.
"Hey douchebag" Zap says at him, when Larias had turned towards him
"He asked you a question, the least you can do is answer."
"I, Larias, am sitting because I can't stand your nonsense" Larias grins as he takes a pose as he began to think
"I have already analysed their life essence, they each perished during the time of Meglor but Meglor brought them back, later in the 100 thousandth century, they perished alongside their worst villians on universe GHK, Peregrine Augustine really is something else, not only does her soul cry sends messages to those she loved, if they are dead, it brings them back to life, this is so exhilarating."
"He is the one" the screamer says as she points at Larias, she stopped speaking as soon she began, usually when she even made a whisper, she destroyed planets and when she spoke, she destroyed numerous galaxies and even cause rips in the time space continuum but as she spoke to Larias, nothing had happened to the surroundings and Larias appeared unfazed.
Just who the hell was this.
"The screamer, I agree with you" Multi man says as he looks over at the screamer before turning his attention back to Larias who sat, he appeared to be the only one in the room
"The voice told us all that a man was going to cause the destruction of all of creation and it would take us to him, so it's definitely him, the man who shall bring about the destruction of all of creation; Existence's greatest threat."
"Time to smoke his ass with a little zap" Zap grins menacingly, that was his catchphrase.
"I have analysed each and everyone of you, infinitesimal is too great a word to describe the difference in your strength and mine" Larias says still looking fully unimpressed
"And also, I had said earlier on, I would never concern myself with small fry, precisely what you all are."
"He's so mean" Elasto says visibly crying
"He called me a small fry but I can enlarge even larger than a Keflerinchrio's dick."
His teammates stares at him with a bewildered expression but Elasto loved attention as his face suddenly lit up.
"I have a question, if a deaf lady is fucking herself, trying to pleasure her clit and she has no dildo, does she use one hand for the process and the other to moan" He asks.
Even Larias was now staring at him, they all had a "What the fuck" facial expression.
"Like you understand, cause deaf ladies can't talk, so they use one hand to indicate they are enjoying it and the other for the main business, you know, signs like this" Elasto says demonstrating with his hands.
"Dude, just go home, you high" Zap tells him.
"Even if he wants to do that" the Constructor says cutting in
"He can't, I have also been picking up our life readings, it appears it is non existent, this can only be due to one reason, we are dead, possibly the voice which we all heard raised us for a purpose" the Constructor ends as he puts all his attention on Larias
"To defeat him."
"I am impressed" Larias grins
"I have always heard of your exploits but because you were negligible dregs as compared to me, I never had to have dealings relating with you."
"We don't give a shit what you think, I am still gonna zap your ass" Zap says as yellow lightening envelopes his entire body, he was getting serious.
"Relax" Larias grins at him
"I shall not be fighting with pathetic pests such as you" Larias ends as he snaps his fingers, almost immediately, Shekindra becomes visible, he was directly behind Larias
"When Peregrine passed away, I figured this would be her plan, a desperate attempt to protect the alpha human for as long as possible, therefore, I wiped my subordinate out of reality, I wanted to gauge the powers of those who were sent to destroy me, since you couldn't figure that, it means even Shekindra is more than enough to decimate you."
"Don't take us so lightly" Zap frowns as he dashes towards Larias, Zap was a speedster who could also manipulate time.
He activated Zapzone, what the mode involved was that everything ran so slow that a second in the real world seemed like three days to him, he ran towards Larias, shaking his hand as fast as possible that it became so sharp his edge could be compared to that of a Katana, he aims for Larias neck but as he was just about to hit him, he feels something grabbing his arm.
He looked over at what it was, it was Shekindra, he was using to fingers to stop his incredible fast arm, he was bewildered beyond words, he looked over at the other superheroes, they too appeared frozen, he looks even at the light rays in the room that kept escaping Constructor's body, it appeared there were no other light rate in the room, physically, it was supposed to be impossible for them to see, they too were also frozen in their spots yet this man was holding him so lightly.
"Just who are you?" Zap asks, his face full of amazement and wonder.
"Your doom" Shekindra ends with a grin as he raises him from the ground and throws his away, Zap moves back but he wasn't going to give up, not now, not ever, vibrating his body so fast that even the molecules in the air passed through him, he runs towards Shekindra.
"Enough childish play" Shekindra says as he runs towards Zap, he appears in his front before Zap could even comprehend what was happening.
"What the..." Zap says but as he speaks, his head suddenly flies off his body.
"That was the same attack you intended to use to destroy my Lord, I merely returned back the courtesy."
Larias who was still sitting on the chair grinned, he was more than impressed, he snaps his fingers causing people's perception of their surroundings to resume normally.
Multi man, Constructor, Elasto and the screamer were bewildered beyond words, one moment, they had seem Zap with them one moment and the next, he was gone.
"What happened?" Elasto asks visibly shocked.
"Based on his life readings" Constructor says clicking some buttons located on the gadget in his arm
"It's safe to assume he entered the Zapzone, it makes him stop time with just he having a seventy two hour window interval in the time stopped space to do whatever he wanted, it appears our foe too can replicate the same move, but there's a problem."
"What is it?" The screamer asks.
"They are obviously toying with us" Multiman says eyeing Larias and Shekindra carefully
"If he can stop time too, he could have destroyed all of us but rather he didn't, it's as the man who is sitting said earlier on, we are just mere pests in his presence" Multiman says visibly annoyed as he bits his lower lips.
"The irony in all of this is that I didn't even make a move to touch your comrade, my subordinate, Shekindra did all of this" Larias grins as he motions over to Shekindra who was now directly behind him
"I just sat and watched how it all unfolded, this is truly interesting."
"AHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHH AHHHHHHHHHHH" the screamer screams in Larias direction, the rest of her teammates had to cover their ears and their body was fading away, it was unbearable to listen to.
Larias and Shekindra just looked at her, they were clearly unimpressed as they had seen far better.
"Shelly" Larias says in Shekindra's direction
"Would you mind shutting the knatch up, she's making so much noise."
"With pleasure" Shekindra says as she dashes towards the screamer, he rips her throat out causing blood to come from the neck as she staggers backwards before slumping to her death.
"This is impossible" The Constructor says clearly amazed
"The screamer has never screamed this loud, and the loudest in the past she screamed caused a destruction of multiple universes" he ends as he looks over at Shekindra
"Just who the hell is he."
Shekindra chuckles lightly as he looks at the Constructor
"You destroyed a few universes and you feeling high like you have done something of great accomplishment, as I am now, I can destroy the entire multiverse with a simple punch" as he said that, the protectors of the universe each had scared looks on their faces, even Elasto was quiet and dumfounded.
"This is hilarious to watch, as you have already died twice already" Larias says in their direction
"This is the third time you die, I guess it goes according to the old saying on a planet called earth in the Alpha human's universe, three is a charmer."
"I understand why the voices led us here" Shekindra says aloud.
"You are monsters who needs to be stopped at all costs, though as I am now, I am far too weak to stand against you but I shall not let that weigh me down, I shall do all within my power to vanquish all forces of evil even if it means my death" Multi man says his eyes become all fiery with determination
"Now, who shall stand with me."
"I will" the Constructor says, he too was burning with determination.
"Whatever, so long it means we get pizza after this" Elasto grins.
"Then it's settled" Multiman says
"Now, fight with me" he says as he dashes towards Shekindra, he gives him a rewarding punch to his lower jaw but Shekindra appeared unfazed.
"Your punch is pathetic" Shekindra tells him.
"I am just the distraction" Multiman smiles, almost immediately as he said that, Shekindra could feel something grappling him, he looked around to see what it was, it was Elasto, he struggles to free himself but Elasto releases his hold, the tension he had placed the body in caused him to move away inside a portal that the Constructor had created, the innards of the portal looked dark and void it had no shape.
As soon as Shekindra enters the portal, the Constructor quickly closes it up causing him to be trapped inside forever
"That was a supermassive black hole, there is no way he's surviving" The Constructor says but he spoke to soon as he collapses on the ground, standing behind him was Shekindra, he held a perfect golden ball in his left hand, it was the Constructor's soul.
"My Lord, a perfect exquisite breed" Shekindra says in Larias direction.
Larias waves at him dismissively meaning he could do whatever he wants, Shekindra gobbles it up.
Elasto and Multiman dash towards him but Shekindra just became two, he entered the two heroes who ran towards him, inside their bodies, he finds their souls and completely obliterates them.
The two Shekindras come out and merge back into one.
Earlier on, Shekindra had destroyed the black hole he was sent into, then he teleported behind the Constructor and ripped his soul out.
"That was quite a show" Larias smiles
"I have made my decision, I shall be visiting the gods first" he ends as he taps his fingers, instantly, Shekindra and he disappears.
Dick was dumfounded, Lefinna had just told him three words which he never expected to hear from her.
"Really, hope this isn't one of your April fool pranks" Dick asks in her direction.
Lefinna smiles at him as she gets up from the bed and walks towards him.
"Hey, what are you doing?" Dick asks.
Lefinna holds his head in her palms as she plants a kiss on his lips, it was short and brief but yet passionate.
When she breaks away, she smiled at him
"I will always stand by your side and protect you no matter what, I believe in you, you can destroy Larias, after all, I will be by your side."
Dick's eyes immediately turn watery from her compliment
"If this is an April fool's prank, I swear, I am gonna kill you."
"I already kissed you, what more convincing do you need" Lefinna smiles.
"I don't know" Dick motions to the bed with a creepy grin, Lefinna even smiles more heartily as she connects her knee in between Dick's legs.
"OWWWWW" Dick grimaces in pain as he bends down.
"You totally deserve that" Lefinna but she kisses him again
"Dickson, I love you just the way you are."
"You calling me only by first name cause you know you destroyed my balls" Dick grins at her.
Lefinna laughs back as holographic schematics appear before her.
"We have an incoming transmission" Lefinna says.
"From who?" Dick asks.
"Draft, thought she was..." Dick couldn't complete his statement as he feels his ears ringing and his sense of sight hazing, the last he sees was a concerned look on Lefinna's face rushing towards him before he collapses to the ground.