Talk About Stalker Much

In the end, we all want someone that chooses us, over everyone else, under any circumstance


She looked far from hurt, in fact she looked happy, he watched her in the corner of the library slumped up against the wall, curled up reading her book, she had a crazy obsession with horror books, he watched her as she grimaced over certain parts of her book, as she laughed and cried at others.

She had this contentment that whatever happened earlier she could escape into her books, yet for the school's bad boy Jake could never muster the courage to talk to her.

The bell rang, indicating the end of the day, she had a free period so he had skipped class and followed her into the library, as she started packing her things away in her bag, she looked up, contemplating whether or not she should check out the book, she grabbed the book and made her way to the front desk, she checked the book out of the library and walked out.

Jake stood there smiling at her simplicity, she was far from the girl's playboys go after, but he wasn't a playboy, he was interested in her, only her for some reason, she caught his eye the first week after he got here.

Yet his line of work could never allow him to be with her, he didn't want her to get hurt, Wildfire was still out there and he had to make sure that nobody would use her as his weakness, which is why he had never stopped Alex from doing whatever he did.

He walked out the library after a few minutes and spotted her sitting on the benches, probably waiting for her ride home. He thought what's the harm in talking to her? Just say hello and strike friendship, besides they were alone, nobody would know. He walked up to her and sat beside her on the bench, she shifted uncomfortably and moved towards the corner of the bench, she looked worried and scared of him, so he moved closer to her, she couldn't move anymore or else she would fall.

"Hey there!", Jake smiled. She looked taken aback at his greeting and looked behind her, she then looked at him and pointed her finger towards herself, using sign language asking if he was talking to her. He just laughed and nodded finding this a little cute.

"Hello Jace", she smiled back at him, she wasn't her shy self anymore, she was so confident in her words. "If you think I'm scared of you then I suggest you use Dora's map to help you navigate your way out my face and stop looking like a one direction want to be", he was slightly impressed she stood up to him, yet puzzled where this newfound confidence came from.

He looked at her, and suddenly he couldn't help the laugh that escaped his mouth, "Damn that stung, in fact I thought I was better than one direction", he quirked an eyebrow before continuing, "Dora the explorer love? Are we five? I think I'd like her map to navigate my way to your heart instead", he smirked at her reaction. She looked shocked, not quite expecting that answer.

"If that was the case, you wouldn't follow me, talk about stalker much", She fake gasped as she put her hand over her mouth.

He was slightly shocked that she knew he watched her, but he recovered quickly giving her his signature smirk.

"That's only because you always get into trouble, let's just say I'm your guardian angel sweet cheeks", he looked into her eyes as he said this, he hadn't noticed but they were somewhat greenish yet it had an outline of blue, pretty unusual yet so beautiful.

"Maybe your friend Alex should stay away from me because I most certainly don't need a pretty boy basking in self-glory of saving the damsel CLEARLY not in distress, besides I only walk away because I hate audiences", with that she got up and began walking away, he got up and ran behind her.

He quickly grabbed her arm and spun her around, making her collide into his chest. She looked at him with her mouth agape, shocked and surprised at his movement, he couldn't help but stare at her eyes, they were somewhat entrancing.

"I'm not a pretty boy, nor do I rescue the damsel in distress, if you ask me, I'm more of the devil without the wings, the one you should definitely stay away from", he whispered as he moved a piece of her hair out of her face and tucked it gently behind her ears.

She looked at him shocked, as he moved slowly away from her, never breaking eye contact, and with that he turned around leaving her there astounded and shocked.

Tonight was the fight by Park Square, Jake had been called to see the match in order to pick a new gang member for his team, he had heard that the best of the best fighters were supposed to only participate, which was exactly what he was hoping for.

He needed a fighter for the gang, not that they hadn't any good fighters, sure but he wanted only the fucking best not good, in this game of dominance women weren't allowed, solely because of how all the men looked, buffy, totally steroid pumped freaks and nobody wants a girl to get hurt.

All through the night people were talking about a fighter named FireStorm, oddly it strikes Jake. A couple more minutes till the last fight and yet no sign of this FireStorm character. He actually wondered what people thought, people say that this FireStorm only participates because they looking for someone, some say that it's a revenge mission, other have no idea and strike FireStorm as one who just enjoys blood, either way he couldn't care less, if this Firestorm was as good as people give him credit for then he could use someone like that on his team.

And being at this fight would definitely let him get what he needed, and Jake always got what he came for.