It Was You All Along?

" Some old wounds, never truly heal, and bleed again at the slightest word"


You can't escape what you can't see, hence, you can't expect something you had no idea about. There are some things you cannot train to expect, like staring at the one person you never expected to see, in a situation like this. Jake gazed upon her, as his eyes took in her appearance, all logic had left his mind, and he felt Alex tense beside him. The room went absolutely silent, all that could be heard was erratic breathing. Nobody had made an effort to say a word as everyone seemed to process each other's presence.

"Em-Emma", Alex stuttered in disbelief, the point across was that he had managed to form words, whereas Jake, couldn't even breath.

"Boys", she smiled, she actually smiled, "I'm sorry we had to meet like this, but I believe in honesty if I were to be a 'Falcon', am I right Jace, or damn I mean Jake Storm!", he was stunned to say the least, she knew who he was yet she remained silent, his mind wondered as to how long she had known, had she been playing him all this while, he thought.

The timid girl he once knew stands infront of him, yet, she isn't what he expected. She was known now as the best fighter any gang would want, what if she refuses now that she knows who he is, Jace Star, seemed to rotate around his mind and he wondered what she was thinking at this very moment. Her eyes held mischief, and amusement at Alex and his shocked expression. None of them uttering a word.

"Well, erm, this is awkward", Derek mocked as he sat on the chair, he knew all along, Jake felt a pang of jealousy as he realised that the girl infront of him had spent years with this guy, is he her boyfriend? His mind wondered as to what extent would he go for her, or worse, what extent would she go for him.

"Emma, how, I mean, you're Firestorm, I mean, it was you all along? "the shock was slowly leaving his body, and he managed to escape a few words out his mouth, he should have been far calmer than this, all the logic had actually left his body and he couldn't bring himself to be the arrogant ass he was.

He had stayed away from Emma for years, to protect her, only to realise she'd never even needed it. He had waited 3 years for this girl, and now he couldn't understand how stupid he'd been, he could have made her his a long time ago, but to be honest, he wouldn't have taken a chance of endangering her even if he knew this secret long ago, he wouldn't put her in WildFire's line of sight as his weakness, he wouldn't beable to handle it if she had gotten hurt because of him, yet he still felt hurt, hurt that he has to still keep his feelings locked away, still tormented by the fact that maybe they just couldn't ever be together and heartbroken, because in this line of work, you cannot dream for tomorrow, because who knows, he may not be alive to see it.

Yes, he'd done his research on Emma, she had a beautiful family, both her parents and an older brother named Cole, he didn't understand the need for her to want to join gangs and be a street fighter. "It wasn't by choice trust me Jake, anyways, you wanted to talk business well here I am, but, if you want me in your gang, I need something from you as well!", she looked determined and he found it rather impressive, nobody had ever negotiated with him, it was always a yes from other members because of the fear they held towards the gang.

He had a bad feeling that she may want revenge against Alex for the years of constant torture towards her, Alex completely ruined her life throughout the years, even though Alex was his best friend, and he doubted he could see anything happen to him, so he decided to give her rules, ones even she couldn't deny from following them, she had to stay away from Alex, because now Jake knew what she was capable of and he couldn't let Alex have not one scratch on him even if he wasn't a good person towards Emma, he would protect his best friend, his brother.

"I'll give you anything you want Emma, but, as far as anything goes, let's get something clear, stay away from Alex, and Alex will stay away from you", he pointed out as he looked over at Alex, who, was extremely quite during this exchange.

"I don't want any revenge against Alex Jake, I want someone else, someone only you can find, someone that you want just as badly as I do", Alex and Jake shared a look, she couldn't possibly mean who he thinks she is referring too.

"And who may that be Ferrell? "Alex interrupts, he stared at Emma waiting to confirm both of their thoughts yet she merely looked between them, they were stuck themselves as to finding out what they wanted, there were no clues, no leads as to who WildFire was or any sort of lead.

Emma looked and smiled before her eyes flicked to Derek, who gave her an encouraging smile, before she continued.

"The person, that we both want, maybe I more than you, is none other than Wildfire and only you Jake, can help me", stunned was not the word, this girl left him speechless and not in a good way.

"I can help you find WildFire, but, this deal is a 50/50 partnership, what's yours is mine and what's mine is yours, okay?", Jake extended his hand to seal the deal.

She looked at his hand, before she looked into his eyes, a gentle smile etched her lips as she placed her hand in his, sealing the deal,

"We've got a deal Mister Storm".

"Then all I can say Is-Welcome-You're now a 'Falcon Miss Ferrell".

And all was sealed with a smile.