Assessing My Penguin Pajamas

Don't trudge upon stormy waters if you cannot swim, for her eyes have more depth than the ocean"


A few days passed since the encounter with Jake, on the day of the fight, that took place at Park Square, Emma had received anonymous texts telling her who Jake was exactly, along with some pictures indicating that whatever was being said to her, in fact was the truth.

She hadn't known that the man she'd been searching for was in fact right under her nose, and when she'd seen Alex at Park Square a few minutes before the fight, she mentally kicked herself for being so stupid, at first she didn't think she'd actually believe it but then when she looked at them after the fight, she'd seen the spark of a doubt in Jake's eyes, those baby blue eyes couldn't belong to anyone but him.

He was unique and different in his own way. When she looked into his eyes, she knew that he was just as lost as she was. His pain probably was deeper than hers, so constant that in one single moment, deceit would follow behind him like a shadow.

A buzz erupted from the corner of her bedside table and she outstretched her hand reaching beside her bed for it, it was a text from the very same anonymous number.


Hope there's no plans tonight because he's on his way, oh, piece of advice, don't kick his ass, too much ;)

Confused as to who was on their way, her mind kept thinking, a part of her wanted to know if somehow she was being set up, instinct is part of expecting deceit and somehow she didn't seem to put her guard up whenever it came to Anonymous.

The doorbell sounded from downstairs, causing her to jump with panic, who could possibly need to see her at this time of night. She shuffled out of bed and ran downstairs, but Derek had already beat her as he had already opened the door and was now standing, with his back blocking my view.

"You? "Derek scowled. "What do you want?", hatred laced in his voice and she obviously didn't have to guess who was by the door anymore.

"Derek, is everything alright there?", she obviously knew nothing was alright there but she had to get their attention somehow, she didn't want a fight to break through which could possibly ruin this entire mission of Derek and hers.

"Nothing to worry about, there's just an ass by the door, animal control should be here shortly", a low growl emanated from the door and Derek was pushed aside.

She stared into his eyes, while a smirk played on her lips as she realised the anger behind his now cocky smile.

"What a lovely surprise Mr Hemmington, you're the last person I'd expect to see coming over to see me!".

"You act as if you're not happy it's me Ferrell, or you still thinking of the old relations we shared", he had a wild smirk playing on his lips as it broke out into a huge grin.

"Better watch what you say around here Alex, you haven't gotten to know Emma Ferrell or as you may now know me as Firestorm, as yet".

The smirk was wiped off his face, he looked taken aback by that, he obviously now had no doubt about knowing her capabilities.

"Jake needs you tonight, so get dressed, we need to leave", He scanned her from head to toe, assessing her penguin pyjamas, before an unmissable mixture of a laugh, covered by a cough was heard. She groaned and made her way back upstairs to change.

"So what does Jake even need me for at this hour in time?", she asked for the one hundredth time since they left and Alex hasn't said a word since then, and all he'd reply was 'just shut up and wait, women and their dumbass questions'.

They finally arrived at the gang house, and made it to the front door where a man was standing, not in a bodyguard type of way but in a mister hotshot type of way.

He stood tall and proud, he saw Alex and Emma and a genuine smile played on his lips. He began walking towards them and pulled Alex in for a hug.

"Damon where the hell have you been man? the gang's dying without you!!!", a chuckle escaped Alex and in all fairness Emma had never seen Alex so laid back and so content.

"Alex, it's so good to see you again man, I've been here from the time you left, in fact I tried calling out to you but you didn't hear, after all these years I'd have pegged you'd work on your hearing rather than picking up girls", his eyes met hers and in that moment she knew what Damon was implying about her, upon seeing her with Alex.

"Oh hell no!"

"Her, never!"

They both had said it at the same time together, which caused Damon to quirk an eyebrow, a very devious smile playing on his lips.

"And you are?", Damon asked extending his hand.

"Oh how rude of me, Emma, Emma Ferrell", she extended her hand and connected it with his, but instead of shaking it as she had initially thought, he gentle raised it to his lips and kissed it.

"Pleasure to meet you Miss, the name's Damon, anyways the boss has been awaiting you actually". He smiled and looked at Alex. "Take her to Jake, Alex please", he motioned his hands towards the now open door and walked away.

They walked through the door and made their way upstairs to what she supposed was Jake's office. There wasn't much to it, in fact it looked like a small jail cell in comparison to the rest of the house, she'd have thought that his office would be the biggest out of all the other rooms.

"Emma it's good to see again, hope you didn't have much trouble in getting here?", his eyes held Alex's questionably.

"Not at all, Alex mentioned you needed my help tonight?", she pried.

"We got a lead on Wildfire, he may be at Club Golden tomorrow night, meeting with some cartel from the mafia in Italy. I need you to bait the second in command from the Italian mafia and get some Intel, I'm sure you can handle yourself well in this situation!".

"Isn't that a bit dangerous since she has no experience in the baiting field?", Alex questioned, he seemed worried for some reason.

"I can handle my guns Alex if that's what you worried about, besides, all women are dangerous, only difference is I can put my skills to use", she winked.

"So it's settled, get ready, we leave in an hour, feel free to choose any clothing of your choice in the next room, whatever you need is in there", he then began leading her towards the door.

She was nervous that tonight would be the first time she'd done something like this, but it's all she had, to finally see who Wildfire is, all she needed was information about him and viola they'd finally beable to complete their mission.

"Don't be nervous, radiate confidence and not fear, then the world will bow down at your feet", Jake said, she looked up and met his eyes and gave him a reassuring smile before he continued walking again. "Here we are, get ready, I'll see you in an hour okay", she nodded a yes and he walked away down the hallway.

she then began to open the room door and gasped at the site before her.