That Suited Buffoon

I don't chase, I attract


Walking into a room filled with the most exquisite weapons Emma had ever laid eyes on, she could swear she was in love, from knives to guns, anything a girl could possibly ask for was in this room, from the clothes especially to the makeup.

She knew tonight would be the night Jake would test her capabilities, and for that she had to somehow manage this test and by all means not only pass it but ace it. The more she thought about this matter, the more complex it got.

See life is all about trials and tribulations, but for her, life is WildFire, it was passion, obsession and revenge. She scanned through the racks of dresses she'd need for this mission, but given Emma's history, she was not one for the scene of dress hot and manipulate a guy. She had another idea in mind on how to extort information without having to put on a dumb dress and sit like a damsel in distress.

Having getting ready in a black, ripped skinny jean with a belt hanging on the right of her side, boots as red as blood, and an off shoulder top that she had tucked in her jean, a few accessories like a pair of hoop earrings and of course she already had her heart shaped locket around her neck.

Simplicity is beautiful on a woman and yet nothing is more dangerous than a simple woman with fire burning in her soul, her alluring eyes and her charming smile, it's the destruction for any man.

Emma made her way downstairs towards the parking lot where Alex and Jake were waiting for her. Each one of the boys cocked an eyebrow, as they gave her a questionable glance, she felt Alex's eyes scan her body scandalously, his gaze to say the least made her highly cocky, she smirked at his expression whereas Jake was baffled.

"Emma, what in tarnation are you wearing?", his mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water.

"Uh it's called clothing, would you have liked me to wear animal skin instead?", she merely walked pass him, opening the door to the car, getting in the backseat because, hey, what is so fun about being infront when she can have the back to herself?

"Well, are we going to leave anytime soon? "the irritation was bubbling inside of her, she just wanted to get this stupid thing over and done with, yet these two morons kept gawking at her like she had no idea what she's doing.

They hesitantly jumped in the car, Alex in the passenger seat and Jake, surprise, the driver for this mission.

Emma rolled her eyes and opened her purse, she had secretly put in some tech supplies that Derek innocently took from The Falcon House, these would definitely come in handy. She noticed Jake looking through the review mirror suspiciously at her but she merely grabbed a red shade lipstick and applied it to her lips, she looked up to pretend she needed the mirror, and continued to pretend to catch him staring at her by smirking at him, he cleared his throat and looked back towards the road. she smiled in relief.

The car ride was quite, not an awkward kind off quite, it was just a peaceful kind of quiet, she didn't have to listen to Alex or Jake constantly being vague about everything. It was a good thing. Those boys were too mysterious for their own kind, something wasn't right with them.

But she needed them, and, beggars can't be choosers. Emma merely shrugged her shoulders, as if she were really having a conversation with someone, not realising they were watching her which had both the boys wondering, and it very well had earned her a very puzzled look from the two boys, seeing their faces she couldn't help but burst out laughing, maybe it was the nerves or the realisation that she could die tonight but it definitely earned a good laugh and not those loud kind of laughs, it was that silent, knee smacking, asthmatic kind of laugh, where you just sound like a seal, trapped in an idiot, clapping hands. All Emma heard was banter between Alex and Jake.

"I think she's high", Jake mumbled

"Probably", Alex quirked an eyebrow

"Should we call a doctor?", Jake's puzzled look had Emma laughing even more.

"Nah, she's probably just naturally fucked up". Alex always knows his how to compliment a lady. Once her laughing died down, she still had a huge grin. Emma hadn't even realised they were already outside the club, tonight the second in command would be here, scoping the place, suddenly, her nerves were all over the place, she became a little uneasy, but seeing Jake look at her, made her realise that she had something to prove, in an instant Emma masked her emotions and smirked.

"You ready Emma?", Jake pried.

"As ready as I'll ever be I guess, don't worry I won't let it get out of hand", she assured them when in reality she knew this plan of hers had some flaws. Damn, she's be lucky if she made it out alive, otherwise it would ruin everything.

Emma checked for the hidden knife she stashed in the sole of her boots, in case she'd need it tonight, and luckily, it was still there.

"We've got your back if anything happens, I'll be watching over you, don't fret ayt!", Alex winked and gave her a smile, the first genuine smile he's ever given her in these three years, he held her hand out infront of him and steadily put a small square picture infront of her, she made eye contact with Alex and smiled. It wasn't forced like how they'd been doing, it was natural. Jake cleared his throat and Emma took it as her queue to leave.

She gradually walked over to the entrance of the club, glancing at the picture Alex had given her, so this was the guy, looks so young, she thought, she made her way towards the bar area and sat down.

"What can I get you?", a middle aged woman made her way towards her, wiping the table of all the alcohol the gentleman spilled next to her, his head was in his hands, clearly wasted.

"Just a club soda, thanks", she nodded her head and handed Emma her drink, she didn't want to have alcohol in her system or she'd probably mess it up.

Playing with the straw in her glass, she took the opportunity to scan the area, her eyes wander towards the dance floor, as expected, girls grinding up against the guys, some busting out moves she was sure would put Jagger to shame, some, not so much, guys trying to get lucky, girls making their way towards the bar area, a little behind the dance floor there's a lounge area, probably VIP, few people seated there having drinks, but she couldn't seem to find the lead she was supposed to gain information from. She glanced discreetly at his photo again and looked once more, but no such luck, putting the photo back in her pocket and kept her gaze firmly planted on the alcohol lined up behind the counter.

"Do you normally enter a club and have non-alcoholic in jeans and a T?", and there he was, a broad smile plastered of that Italian scum face, quite tall, not bouncer muscled but muscled none the less, he was just a brown haired, green eyed, suited buffoon, she faked the widest smile she could muster.

"Strictly business", they made eye contact for a brief second or two and that gave him the heads up to sit down next to her. He took the stool next to her and turned to the side, elbows on the table and fist on his cheek.

'How I wish it was the painful kind of fist, and my hand on that chiselled cheekbones' she thought.

"It could be pleasure too", he smirked and at that moment she never knew someone's face could literally broadcast 'Breakable', so being the civilised lady that she was, chose that moment to spill her club soda right on that suited dicks pants.

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry, wait I have a napkin in my purse, let me clean that right up for you!", she faked horror as she rummaged through her purse, not before grabbing the small, miniaturized recorder that Derek gratefully "borrowed" for her.

He grabbed her hand which caused Emma to stop and look at him, he had a look of pure bliss for some odd reason, he gradually let go of her wrist and she pulled her hand with the recorder, out from her purse.

"There are wipes right here darling'", pure amusement dripped from his voice, clearly thinking that she was just using a cheap trick to seduce him, he bent over the table and grabbed a box of wipes and began wiping his pants, but, she grabbed his wrists stopping him, he gave her a puzzled look before she spoke.

"I'll do it", she sighed before flashing him the best apologetically concocted smile she could plaster on her face, she just hoped it didn't come off as a grimace.

She took the wipes and began dabbing his pants, and if she had learnt anything about how to make a guy lose track of time and forget to rhyme, is to seduce him unknowingly, so she decided to go slow, plus it was a dang silk suite, so she was actually doing this suited buffoon a favour.

Time to get this plan on the go.