Bury Me Deep

The service was so lovely, Mary thought she should take pictures to show Ella later, though that seemed ridiculous. “Look, friend. See how lovely you were when you were dead?” She almost started laughing and had to cover her mouth. While she had no idea what the pastor was saying, it wouldn’t be appropriate to laugh in the middle of the service.

Bart was standing next to her, and he looked anything but amused. This was it--in a moment, they’d all go say their “final” goodbyes to Ella, and then everyone would leave. Jeff and his team would take the casket inside the mausoleum. She and Bart wouldn’t be going anywhere, though. They’d stay in the cemetery and wait for Ella to make her miraculous recovery.

After the last prayer was said, people took their time going up to view the princess in the coffin and say their last goodbyes. Mary wondered who all of these people were; Ella hardly knew anyone in LA. They must’ve been friends of her father.