
The sensation started in her toes. Pinpricks that turned into vibrations and then radiating warmth that spread up her calves, to her knees, and higher. Ella was suddenly aware that she was conscious. It wasn’t as if she were waking from sleep; it was as if she’d suddenly returned to her body after hours or days of being away from it.

The feeling was unsettling, and as it spread throughout her, she had to remind herself it was a good thing. She wasn’t dead, after all. That had been her fear when she drank the liquid from the vial however many days ago that might’ve been. She wasn’t certain where she was since she hadn’t opened her eyes or tried to move, but she was fairly sure she was alive.

An odor reached her nostrils, and she cringed at the offensive scent. It was mildew, mixed with decay and dirt. She found herself trying to turn her head away from it, but that wasn’t possible.