Don't Shoot the Messenger

The tinkling of rocks against his window reminded Rome of three things--when he was younger and Bart wanted his attention, when he’d done the same thing to return his phone not long ago, and when Rome had stood outside of Ella’s window, staring up at her beautiful face.

He’d been sleeping so he wasn’t sure how long the rocks had been hitting the glass. Whoever was trying to get his attention was impatient, that was for certain. He sat up and saw his mother dozing on a settee across the way. The rocks hadn’t woken her up, and he hoped he wouldn’t either.

Carefully, he slid out of bed and went over to the window, pulling it open. He was praying that it was Ella, but he quickly saw that it wasn’t. A man stood in the yard, staring up at him. He looked somewhat familiar, but in the dark, Rome wasn’t sure who it was.

“Rome! Thank God!” the man shout-whispered. “I have something I have to tell you!”