Flight to Freedom

By the time they reached LAX airport, Ella felt like herself again--at least on the outside. A nervousness buzzed around on her insides as she thought about what she was about to do. She had forged documents; she was allegedly dead. Yet, she was about to try to get on a plane. She was also extremely worried about Rome.

“It’ll be fine,” Bart assured her. “These documents are top of the line. This guy works with all kinds of people who aren’t supposed to be coming in and out of the country, but they do it all the time.”

“That’s comforting,” Mary joked. Bart turned to her and gave her a smirk, and Ella thought she might’ve seen something between the two of them, but she wasn’t sure.

“We’ll be on a plane to Rome soon,” Bart smiled.

“Rome and Rome,” Mary noted, smiling at Ella in the backseat.