The Search Begins

Ella’s sleep on the plane had been restless and full of unsettling dreams. About an hour before they arrived in Italy, her eyes flew open, and images of Rome’s face slid from her mind. It had taken her a few moments to remember everything that had happened, to recall where she was, just as it had in the crypt. But this was different. She could move right away. Her memories all rushed back to her, and suddenly she was fully energized and ready to go.

She needed to find Rome.

It had been too long since she’d seen her husband, since she’d wrapped her arms around him and kissed his lips. At least Mary had found her rings in her drawer at home and brought those to her. She wondered if Rome still had his or if it had been taken from him. It was hard to imagine his parents could be so cruel as to take away his one memento of her, but anyone who would force their son to leave the country so that he couldn’t be with his wife wasn’t exactly Parent of the Year material.